Rick and Morty's Intellectually Superior Fans


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burgerland deserves trump indeed

the absolute state of Sup Forums posters

the only confrontation they'll ever see in their entire lives

Americans are like children

>Guy selling chicken nuggets dipped in szechuan sauce for $10 a piece.


>that one autistic guy who gets $10 from his dad and eats like a slob

top kek

beardfat reddit and morty fans are literally all Democrat voters who listen to trapofaghouse

Americans are fucking disgusting

This fucking fanbase

What the fuck do you expect from a bunch of virgin leftypol neckbeards, seriously?

do you really believe there's a substantial political difference between "democrats" and "republicans" in your country?
y'all behave the same

i wan the scejuan sawce liek rick

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Man, even that dog seems to be heavier than me.

Looks like we need to sit down and have THAT talk, Sup Forums...

Rick and Morty is a truly avant garde adult-cartoon that respects the viewers intellect and does not resort to easy fart humor or 'poo poo randumbbb xd' jokes like Family Guy or The Simpsons have used as a crutch so many times. Every episode of every season is so consistently good and progressively more and more awesome it is scary to think about. I would think that Sup Forums, or at least the old Sup Forums, would be much more receptive to a truly quality and daring piece of artistic television but I suppose I can blame it on the numbskulls that just hopped off the Reddit boat and landed in our quaint little port.

So that begs the question: Are you doing it to be contrarian because it is popular? Because the joke bombed and was never funny, I'm sorry to say. At the very least try to be creative in your shitposting because we've read all the lines a thousand times.

If you come to our threads and try to start shit, just know we will not meme with you, we will not break our proverbial bread of bants with you; we will not engage you in any fashion. On the contrary, we will treat you as a foreign threat, an invader, and we will punish you for invading our space so just stick to your containment threads and let us discuss and enjoy the show in peace.
To all naysayers or mongoloids who got swept up in the memeing: I implore you to watch an episode of the show, just one (1!), and make your mind up then.
Not for you? No problem, that's fine, try again in a few weeks!
For you? Then welcome aboard, buckaroo!

I think the question I pose to anyone still reading this is this: After all this, why the hate?


>white people are bad, we can maintain our standard of living while whites become a minority and our country gets infested with niggers and spics

> white people built this country, its laws, institutions, norms and ethics, replacing whites with 3rd worlders will lead to a worse off country

yep these two ideologies sound exactly the same to me



you'll grow up eventually

The jews really did a number on your country

no surprises here, these wetbacks look like future welfare claimants/democrap voters to me

this is all you loser faggots on here


delusional Sup Forumstard spotted

>"Is it worth it?"


Can we just move reddit and morty to Sup Forums along with all capeshit, game of thrones, doctor who, e-celeb threads and star wars?

Let's be honest these shows and franchises all attract the exact same demographic and they don't belong on Sup Forums

See the post above you

I don't like to use the word nu-males if I can avoid it. But the fact that nobody simply walked up behind the guy selling the nuggets and snatching the sauce out of his while he is dipping the nuggets says something.

He's right though. Democrats/now-liberals are center-right. SJW/IDpol is also right wing. There is no left-wing party in United States.

Americans are fucking retarded regardless of political affiliation


>being THIS mad

you're right, jews own both democrats and republicans. two sides of the same shekel. You'd have to be deluded to think America actually has a two party system, or democracy

>thievery is ok

love these threads because they always bring out the spergy little leftymong virgins

you ALL have to go back

its crazy how easily they fall for the bait

The fact that people would allow themselves to be so blatantly ripped off isn't.


you're retarded, the overton window for the entirety of western civilisation has shifted over to the left further than it has in almost a century you dense fuck

>everyone is right wing, which is why the country is destined to become a shithole full of spics and niggers where whites are a minority in only 30 years

this is lefty wing identity politics at work here, socialist mongoloids are in favour of it all because ethnic minorities have less respect for private property than whites, libtards deep down are terrified of what is happening but have stockholm syndrome, so they pander to minorities in the hope they will be spared in years to come

America is truly fucked, and leftymongers are to blame

political analysis from a 15 year old: the post

fascinating stuff son, reddit and morty's fanbase delivers again!

They'll wake up one day. It's going to be too late, but at least you can rest smugly knowing that they'll know, before the end.

Sup Forums getting younger by the day I see

You realize most Republicans and Libertarians are for open boarders/amnesty right? Globalization is very right-wing.

BASED black man

their world is very black-or-white, of course muricans can't see

The libertarian movement has collapsed for the exact reason of immigration and racial identity you clown, libertarians don't have answers to the problem of dysgenics that open borders and growing non-white populations lead to. That's why even minarchists/ancaps like Hans Hermann Hoppe have formulated theories of closed borders compatible with libertarian ideas on property rights


But, what did Justin Roiland meant by this?

>That's why even minarchists/ancaps like Hans Hermann Hoppe have formulated theories of closed borders compatible with libertarian ideas on property rights
Why even call yourself a libertarian at that point?
