Shit that wouldn't fly today.

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>That's a cute outfit. Your husband make it for you, you fucking faggot magnet?

lol what

Slightly edited for the Sup Forums audience

It was a different time



anything fun.

What? Are you implying that people would go crazy if you made fun of slick willie today?

I'm pretty sure that if they made that same joke with Trump it would still fly.

You could make the same exact joke with bill clinton and it would fly. why are the fuck are you people pretending that you can't make fun of politicians anymore? the only people that are iffy are the founding fathers and Lincoln.

Well, the Simpsons wouldn't mock a former Democratic president anymore, at least. Other shows would.

So it's not "shit that wouldn't fly today", it's "things that the simpsons writing team probably maybe wouldn't do anymore".

Pretty much.

surely, this wont be a bitter thread

>They stick all the jerks in Tower One

>fucking faggot magnet

Cartoons are so preposterous, as if the leader of a first world country would stick his penis in a pig.



What the fuck, Raimi?

i see what you did thar

You cheeky fucker

Did you miss the story about the UK's last Prime Minister?


Makes sense. He did marry one, after all.

A better time


I think you can still laugh at Bill all you want, it's just that easily offended people would IMMEDIATELY accuse you of associating Hillary with a pig by the quoted text there. You could try to tell them that you're sincerely joking about Bill fucking real hogs, but then you'd just be accused of mansplaining.

What if Bonesaw said yes?

Well he did marry Hillary

>Probably maybe

That would be funny.

> "Yes, he did!"
> "Oh."

Mocking a former president period would go over the head of the writers. I don't feel that's necessarily a political-orientation thing.
(Also, Obama just isn't as funny as Clinton. Even Trump isn't really as funny as Clinton, partially because all the good jokes or insults became trite almost immediately thanks to the modern internet as compared to Clinton, where you could get away with things for longer because jokes took time to propagate.)

p.s. carter did nothing wrong.
more seriously: I did enjoy his MALAISE FOREVER speech as a "we warned you about this shit in the 1970s but you wouldn't listen" artefact particularly
>In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We've learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose.

On the other hand he actually introduced many deregulatory policies that I hold responsible for our current rut. (But let's not talk about that - some like airline deregulation were very successful, while others like banking are where the rub lies, and the end of Breton-Woods was Nixon.)


>doubting based Leonardo
Nero per favore.

didn't Black Mirror do an entire episode about that?

Because if you do it today, Fox will lose their shit and report about the horrible abuse for days and days. Alex Jones will invent some weird story about how the writers of the series are evil communist cultists and lone heroes will attempt to kill them for it.

That girl at the end wants the knot.


As if Chelsea's dad isn't Webb Hubbell.

"it wouldn't fly today" is the same as normie's daily "IT'S " prayer.

Now lemme tell you. Jimmy Carter was a guy who basically threw up his hands and said "Welp, we can't fix the broken economy. We should just learn to accept low quality of life like in communist Eastern Europe where they're lined up to buy the only pair of shoes in the store." Of course liberals thought that was just great. "We've enjoyed too a high a standard of living for too long in this capitalist pig nation of ours."

You really think there's something that "wouldn't fly" in the Trump Era? The president-elect likes to talk publicly about how he can grab women by the pussy and his followers are open racists. What's left to offend you knuckle-draggers? Cannibalism?


With Trump in office we can literally hang niggers and gas jews with impunity, no one's gonna bat an eye because of jokes

unless you're prosecuted for blasphemy or obscenity then there's no such thing as something not 'flying'

He said the opposite in the speech linked, pointing out that all of America's problems could be solved so long as they rejected short-term feelgood "I don't wanna change" solutions to the Energy crisis. (lol, they did.)
That it's remembered in the public memory as telling people they'd have to suffer forever is a remarkable insight into the American psyche.
Had he been re-elected he'd have been credited with "Fixing the economy" just like Thatcher in the UK. (Recovery actually caused from the OPEC embargo collapsing and the spread of capitalism to Asia. This isn't Soviet Russia: Politicians don't actually "run the economy" for the most part, private actors do.)
And now for us, a permanent 2% rate of growth maximum and:

in retrospect that one was a bit tasteless. it took 8 years of bush-bashing for me to feel bad about that

bet this would work on the moon titan

>He thinks people only bashed Bush for 8 years
>As if people weren't blaming Obama's failures on him well into his second term