Blade Runner 2049 plot and plot holes

Can we talk about the plot holes and story in Blade Runner 2049?

I really want to like this movie; I think the world building and the atmosphere are amazing, and I really enjoy some of the central themes.

HOWEVER; there's so much stupid shit going on, that can't just be ignored. I didn't see a thread properly discussing this so here we have it.

1) Luv goes through a lot of trouble to find K at the hotel, suspecting that he might have lied about killing the child, and to find more information. Why did she leave him behind? Alive, at that.

2) K gets told that the wooden horse was crafted somewhere where a dirty bomb had gone off, aka some deserted city. That's all he had to go on. Why did he happen to walk in to the hotel where Deckard was living?

3) In the original movie, the Androids had short life spans built in to them. How come the revolution leader, the big guy in the beginning, and Deckard (if he was a replicant) are still around 20 years later?

4) Why would the memory creating girl be the missing Replicant child? She holds no significance until the last scene. K could have gone to any other memory creator to ask about his memory. "Remember that pretty irrelevant girl in the beginning? Yeah she's the one. Mind = blown"

5) Why is Luv in the fucking movie? She's like a really bad trope, belonging in some lesser-memorable Bond movie. Seriously. Pant-suit-sexy-cyborg who's a callous antagonist with -sexy- kicks? That shit belongs in X-Man 3, Terminator 3 or some other awful action movie time forgot.

5) The theme of android revolution was pretty strange. We have -1- scene where they talk about the Replicant uprising, which is a pretty fucking big deal. Why is this introduced in the last 25 minutes with little to no effect on the story?

Other urls found in this thread:

I just didn't understand how Luv could kill a police chief/sergeant at the LAPD headquarters without anyone finding out. Do they not have cameras there? Did no one see her go in? No receptionist to tell them where her office was?

forgot to add Jared Leto's scenes to the list

>Why is Luv in the fucking movie?
Easy. someone needs to keep the pressure on K.

4) The date in the tree and the horse. I guess the key of memories is in the details.

What do you mean? The date didn't lead him to her. She was a literally who memory creator among many. He could've gone to anyone

Only one I can really answer is 4 and not even alot of it.
The memories K thought were his were actually hers. That part where he asks to have his memory checked by Miracle girl, she started crying not because that was a sad memory for K to have implanted but she was reliving her own memory. Which I guess was pretty traumatic since they implied there was a ass whooping after those kids caught up to her.

>K gets told that the wooden horse was crafted somewhere where a dirty bomb had gone off, aka some deserted city. That's all he had to go on. Why did he happen to walk in to the hotel where Deckard was living?
he found life on a detector (bees) and went there, he then just went in the nearer building

>In the original movie, the Androids had short life spans built in to them. How come the revolution leader, the big guy in the beginning, and Deckard (if he was a replicant) are still around 20 years later?
they are from different series, don't remember the specifics though

>Why would the memory creating girl be the missing Replicant child? She holds no significance until the last scene. K could have gone to any other memory creator to ask about his memory. "Remember that pretty irrelevant girl in the beginning? Yeah she's the one. Mind = blown"
he made a guess since she knew the memory was real and her reaction made more sense after knowing it was a girl that was born, I agree though many things on the movie are just very convenient plot devices

>Why is Luv in the fucking movie? She's like a really bad trope, belonging in some lesser-memorable Bond movie. Seriously. Pant-suit-sexy-cyborg who's a callous antagonist with -sexy- kicks? That shit belongs in X-Man 3, Terminator 3 or some other awful action movie time forgot.
absolutely agree on this

>The theme of android revolution was pretty strange. We have -1- scene where they talk about the Replicant uprising, which is a pretty fucking big deal. Why is this introduced in the last 25 minutes with little to no effect on the story?
I think this doesn't really matter since this is still just K's story

I think she can do that shit because Wallace is essentially owning the place.
First of all, what power do you believe the government or the police have in that dystopian future?
Second Wallace has control over the new generation of replicants and an information network via e.g. his waifu OS (which has flaws as was seen in the movie, when these waifus get real emotions for their masters)
And lastly this is Wallaces most important project, Replicants who can reproduce. He will put all his political power into getting what he wants.
I don't think it's too unreasonable for him to be able to kill the police chief. The LAPD already knew that Wallace killed morgue guy, they will know that he also killed chief. But they can't do shit about it.

Add this one: In a world with really advanced technology a broken device woulde be unredeemable? Joe/K could just pick up the broken device and fix it.

The tear identifying the memory was a clue I guess. Either it was a coincidence that he came to her or she's the only female memory designer.

The only thing that matters in the movie are Gosling and Ford.
Everyone else are just an impetus for those two and are thankfully kept short on screentime and their shit is point-blank rejected at every turn. (by K)

*tear after identifying

The only plot hole you listed Luv not killing K, the rest can be explained if you actually bothered to pay attention to the plot

>Add this one: In a world with really advanced technology a broken device woulde be unredeemable? Joe/K could just pick up the broken device and fix it.
If you set up an EMP near a magnetic hard drive it will be wiped and a SSD would be fried.

That part is actually kinda realistic.

Main villain stupidity is a plot hole?

regarding memory girl; I understand that the memories were hers, but there's nothing that tells Ryan Gosling that. Her crying could've just have been from her seeing a rough child hood memory.

Besides, what bothers me the most is the cheap payoff. Again, he just happened to meet her. Her character could be replaced with a taxi driver he meets.

Had no idea about this, it was the only thing that bugged me out. Anyway, thank user.

I think she probably is the one who created the memories for his replicant series, so he went to her. Also she seemed to be one of or the best in her business, that's why I don't think he could've gone to any other memory designer

she was there for deckard
he searched for heat signatures, found the bees, went to the nearest hotel
Big guy and woman are identified as Nexus 8 with no limit
And they're replicants not androids you mong
He asked who was the best and was directed to her
Had another said they didn't know he would have continued searching
Noir conventions
Not a plot hole, a bad convention
Cause its focused on the search not the broader world
The captain refers to it obliquely when she discusses what a child born of a replicant could represent

3 or 4 of your so called holes are just fake-autism pretending to not understand for replies

Well more like K is pretty irrelevant at that point.
>oh no a rogue replicant, whatever shall we the developers of said replicants and lords of the entire corrupt city structure do about it
No, if anything was stupid about it, and i'm not convinced it was, then it was the off-colony transport being that lightly defended that a single cop car and armed replicant could take it down.


"there's a piece of the artist in all of his works" or something like that, he just made a guess. And I disagree on the pay off being cheap, K laying on the stairs was the best part of the movie.

My questions: 7) I may have missed an obvious piece of information, but how did Wallace know about the child in the first place?

8) how did K know where Luv and Deckard where, in order to proceed with the rescue operation?

My answer to 1) - Once she had her prey, she thought she no longer needed K, that that was as far as he could take her (but I was kinda surprised at first). Maybe she wanted him to suffer after what she did to him.

My answer to 2) - Maybe that was the place of the nearest dirty bomb explosion? Maybe the bees were a clue? If not, what the hell were they doing there?

My answer to 5) - The worse the trope, the worse the creator. She's the opposite of the dream girl, she's a devil although nicknamed «angel» by Wallace. She's an antagonist and conveys how ruthless and dangerous he is.

My answer to 6) - Pretty obvious. That was but a seed, planted to be used in case of sequel. Plenty of unanswered questions, but doesn't look like movie will profit enough.

Well thats how I felt when I saw it too, idk how he figures that out. But audience is suppose to know when they replay that scene of her(idk what her name is) crying during that flashback near the end of the movie.
The delivering at the end was probably the weakest point the whole movie is very vague at some part maybe thats how it was suppose to be, makes me wonder if they'll be a director's cut

1) the dog did its job
2)he follows the heat signature to a reverse honey trap (lol) where he hears a piano playing in the hotel, he explicitly tells deckard this, you missed it
3)they didn't have shortened life spans, explained at the very beginning
4)she's THE memory creator, i don't remember if they explicitly said if she's literally the only one, but something about her being really good at it
5)not a plot hole
6)K is not special
"oh, you thought it was you" "we all wish we could be her"
all people living in hopes of unfulfilled dreams, all people trying to 'make it'

You didn't list a single actual plothole, you massive retard.

We don't know how many memory designers are.

She tells that she's kinda the best in the world and works with the Wallace replicants almost exclusively. So K can guess that his memory comes from her business.

We know that she owns her business. We don't know how many other employees she has, and how many are female and of her age.

So it's a coincidence but we don't know how much a big coincidence it is.

wallace is "god" he's untouchable in every way, and 'Luv' is his angel, carrying out his will among the civilization

She had killed his waifu, taken decker, and basically completely broken K mentally, she had no idea the revolutionaries would've found him

>He scanned for life while exploring Vegas, he saw the Bees, a sign of life and most likely investigated around that area until he came upon the hotel, also Vegas isn't that big and if a bomb had gone off there only a few of the structures would've remained which would narrow his search

iirc the first movie's original ending implies that Rachel had an indefinite lifespan, also with the newer Nexus models disobedience wasn't a concern so they were given longer lifespans

>5) Why is Luv in the fucking movie? She's like a really bad trope, belonging in some lesser-memorable Bond movie. Seriously. Pant-suit-sexy-cyborg who's a callous antagonist with -sexy- kicks? That shit belongs in X-Man 3, Terminator 3 or some other awful action movie time forgot.
This isn't a plot hole, luv was just acting on Wallace's will. There's definitely some symbolism going on with her character but I won't speculate here

This isn't a film about a revolution, it's a self contained story about K and his self-discovery, the revolution is just used as a world building element and to give K's decisions some more weight.

>she was there for deckard
how could she be? nothing indicated that K was on his way to see Deckard, or that he knew where Deckard was. She suspected he might have lied about killing the missing child but then does not ask him about it. She doesn't know if the person she's looking for is dead or alive

>he searched for heat signatures, found the bees, went to the nearest hotel
this doesnt bother you?

>Big guy and woman are identified as Nexus 8 with no limit
Fair point, might have just missed that one

>He asked who was the best and was directed to her
again, that just happened to be the case and it's fucking stupid

>Not a plot hole, a bad convention
never said it was, the thread is about plot AND plot holes. was just stating an opinion

>Cause its focused on the search not the broader world
why introduce it
>The captain refers to it obliquely when she discusses what a child born of a replicant could represent
it's not obliquely discussed, it's K's motive for the last 30 mins of the movie. It's not some minor plot detail

>3 or 4 of your so called holes are just fake-autism pretending to not understand for replies
3 or 4 of your answers are fake-answers dismissing the actual faults of the movie

>Her crying could've just have been from her seeing a rough child hood memory
Her crying was seeing her own childhood, and at the resistance he understood that her reaction and her saying it were real memories ment it were her own. Asto why K had gone to her, and not some other designer

That's coincidentally why everyone is so worried about north korea having nukes.
One nuke isnt going to do lots of damage.
But if you use a nuke to set up a EMP above a nation you'll do way more damage.

Is this bait? Im really not sure. All the questions seem retarded and you also have 5) twice. Fuck you and get the fuck out of my board, brainlet.

>My questions: 7) I may have missed an obvious piece of information, but how did Wallace know about the child in the first place?
He seemed to have some info suggesting that Tyrell might have been planning the child by engineering the relationship between Deckard and whatshername. Could have also just been rumours and whatever.

>8) how did K know where Luv and Deckard where, in order to proceed with the rescue operation?
Horse was irradiated and had a heavy dose of dirty bomb garbage that could have only come from that area, if I remember right.

Also, I'm super glad they didn't get into the replicant revolution because who cares - that's a wildly different story.

1. Either she left him because she admired him and secretly hoped he would survive, or because Wallace told her to do it for some reason. He's got strange motivations

2. He saw the heat signature of Deckard's bees and came over to investigate them and who kept them.

3.They are from the next generation of replicants after Tyrell died, and they didn't have such short lifespans. The last generation to have very short lifespans was Nexus 6, like Roy Batty.

4. He went to her because he was told she makes the most realistic memories of any memory-maker out there.

5. That's just like your opinion man. I thought she was brutally dangerous and emotionally complex character who was obsessed with living up to the standards of being Wallace's favorite.

5. The uprising doesn't matter that much because it's not going to happen during the movie anyway. It's just raising the stakes for when K finds out he isn't the child after all, so he still has a reason to fight.

Is this actually still true? I know it was back in the 50s and whatever, but I'd like to think electronics are a bit more robust these days.

>She had killed his waifu, taken decker, and basically completely broken K mentally, she had no idea the revolutionaries would've found him
she didn't know if he had killed the Replicant child, like he had claimed

Where were the flowers that feed the bees? How can Deckard make flowers grow in a contaminated land? Wouldn't the honey be poisonous?

Luv admired K and probably had a sadistic crush on him.

forgot to list another thing:

the wooden horse was carved ~20 years ago, and was contaminated by radiation. Why would Deckard stick around for over 20 years in a place that is seemingly inhabitable for everyone except him

>Why would Deckard stick around for over 20 years in a place that is seemingly inhabitable for everyone except him
>why would Deckard want to hide away in a secluded place that nobody would ever visit
Great question, gee I wonder why he'd do that. Very out of character.

>he searched for heat signatures, found the bees, went to the nearest hotel
you could hear a piano playing, K mentions it, although Deckard denied playing it
> it's K's motive for the last 30 mins of the movie. It's not some minor plot detail
I can't tell, if K really aligned with the motives of the resistance. They tell him to kill Deckard and had many opportunities to just shoot him out of the air, but he didn't.
I believe he wanted to save his "father", and give him the chance to see his real child

>she's looking for K because he claims to have killed who's she's looking for
>she's unsure if he told the truth or not
>finds him
>leaves him behind
how is this not a plot hole

They never really spoke about contamination; just a vague statement of ecological collapse. There was the dirty bomb thing, but the readings from the drone indicated the radiation had died off to safe levels, assuming it was unsafe at one point.

It's established from the dead tree scene, that the whole "ecosystem is dead" thing isn't true. Apparently the resistance has access to organic material

>Blade Runner
>"No housing shortage around here, plenty of room for everybody"

>Blade Runner 2049
>Suddenly a bunch of people squeezed into a single block

>i need to know who made this wooden figure
>hmm it was probably made over 20 years ago in Chernobyl
>go to Chernobyl
>find a colony of bees living on dirt presumably
>enter nearest building

1) Hubris, maybe. Or despite her subservience to Wallace, she wasn't fond of killing other replicants
2) He had his drone thing and it found the bees. He went there. Also, showing hours of him tracking down Deckard in a wateland would have been boring.
3) The Nexus series the revolution leader is from didn't have that limitation because they were supposed to be perfectly obedient.
4) She's the best at what she does and contracts for Wallace
5) Not a plot hole
6) Sequel hook

It was Vegas you moron, it was so obviously Vegas that you literally have to be trolling to be this stupid.

Because she found Deckard who she thought actually knew where the child was you dumb cunt. That's why she took him to Wallace and why Wallace was going to interrogate him offworld.
Also, she left him since he was as good as dead. He would have died had the Replicant resistance prostitute not planted a tracking device on him earlier.

Well, Luv had Deckard at that point, more valuable than K who was already wounded and broken.
K was based and died for his own cause.

none of those are plotholes you low-iq brainlet moron

1) she wants to fuck K
2) there were bees in front of the hotel which he saw with his binoculars from miles away
3) the short lifespan replicants are model 6, these are model 8
4) no he couldn't, she's the very best memory maker because she had to spend her entire life locked up because she is the child
5) she's there to contrast K's character development, while K goes more compassionate throughout the movie, she grows more bitter
6) wallace's character and the resistance are both irrelevant, it's just universe building to keep the fanbase engaged in the long run, a background for the main story

If anything electronics are even more fragile these days, in the 50s most stuff was still analog. These days it's almost entirely digital. You can't really shield against an emp unless you wrap everything in layers and layers of lead.

People would still end up living close together - blocks would get shut down or abandoned when they didn't have enough people to make maintaining them practical. Also, the only block we really see in detail in the first one is Sebastian's, which is so run down everyone else has moved out.

as far as she knows, the kid is dead because K said he killed it. that's why she went looking for him. Getting Deckard doesn't help her with that

Explained in the other thread.
Between 2019 and 2049
>Other cities become even more inhabitable so there's more population concentration
>Rich people already left Earth
>Poor people reproduce

Getting Deckard can help them make a new kid.

Keep it up lads, this thread is making me feel like a genius.

She leaves him for dead in a extremly radiated place, she doesn't know revolutionaries exist. It's a mistake, but she couldn't have known. Also she is over confident af, so it's not out of character

>things change in 20 years
boy, now that's fucking unrealistic

>i don't get jokes
it's a sign for autism, t b h

>brain-let moron
>doesn't answer any of the points I bring up
except for the model 6/8 thing which I missed, sorry about that

i think the only real plot hole is why K has memories he shouldn't have

>K was based and died for his own cause
he was, in the end he was a real human bean, and a real hero

Well, generally speaking, most of the plot holes are relatively minor, and can be either easily explain with some imagination or just waived away without much impact on the movie's quality.

However, two plot holes are quite staggering.

The first is, of course, the fact that the replicant child just happens to be working as a fake memory planter, and just happens to be the best at her craft. This is quite a coincidence, especially considering how she was supposed to be hidden and protected from the very same people she ended up working for. That's quite a coincidence, but it's still believable.

The really big plot hole is the very fact that Miracle Girl planted this very specific memory of hers to this seemingly random replicant, Gosling. After all, this is the very central plot device that got the entire plot rolling. Gosling just happened to have these very specific memories that led him to the truth, numbers and all. Absolutely unbelievable, I can't suspense my disbelief that much.

While the plot isn't too bad overall, it relies way too much on lucky coincidences, and that's not a sign of good story telling.

>asking provoking personal questions is a compliment. It shows your interested in them.
>so do you enjoying retiring replicants agent K?

>She leaves him for dead
yes. why does she do that? he was the sole reason for coming there.

Luv was a narcissistic replicant and her role probably was a reference to Nietzsche's master-slave morality where a slave that has more authority than other ones thinks that slavery isnt bad for himself just because he has more social authortiy compared to ordinary slaves.She believed herself to be the best one and that is why she left him alive as a proof of her victory.

I answered everything you teeny weeny peanut brain iqlet dumb dumb

0 plotholes in this movie, you're the first moron in 4 days I see complaining about plotholes

I'm not sure if she thought K might be lying to her. It's more he might know someone who knows something about replicating the mystery process. Which he did. Deckard.

But K himself is useless.

>she wants to fuck K
then why didn't she took with them so she can do it?

>The first is, of course, the fact that the replicant child just happens to be working as a fake memory planter, and just happens to be the best at her craft. This is quite a coincidence, especially considering how she was supposed to be hidden and protected from the very same people she ended up working for. That's quite a coincidence, but it's still believable.
It's not a coincidence, though. It was a deliberate choice. She's hidden in plain sight. With her job and backstory, nobody would suspect her.

>The really big plot hole is the very fact that Miracle Girl planted this very specific memory of hers to this seemingly random replicant, Gosling.
All the replicants got that memory, though. They literally had a line explaining it.

It's another episode of tripfag Sup Forums brainlet tries to come up with "plotholes" to a movie which are essentially just questions about things that were explicitly explained in the movie and thereby reveals that he must have been asleep or on his phone for a good portion of the film.

She was lusting after his dick.

Hell, she even kisses him during their final duel.

Did you even watch the movie?

Stupid fucking sub-80 IQ plebs.

But we know she didn't believe him, that's why she was looking for him. When she found Deckard with Joe, she changed her priorities, since Deckard is obviously more valuable in this situation and K was as good as dead.

I think you know you're being fucking retarded, and as damage control you're desperately doubling down on your claims.

>K said he killed who's she's looking for, she suspect he's lying and goes after him to learn the truth. Why did she not ask him about it?

>>she wants to fuck him


>how did he know where to find Deckard based on where a wood horse was made 20 years ago? it's a big city
>>he found bees


>how come he just happened to stumble upon the "One" earlier in the story, with nothing leading him there except chance? he could've gone to someone else. Besides, how did he know it was her?
>>she was the best


>All the replicants got that memory, though. They literally had a line explaining it.
Please remind me, what was the reason for that?

she suspected he might have lied but also became visibly flustered when the Officer told her the kid was dead. She starts crying and talks about how pathetic she is for killing something unique etc

>she changed her priorities
why not FUCKING BRING HIM ALONG? why almost kill him in the first place? again, he was the sole reason she went there

If I had to guess, it was part of a plot to help the replicants break free of their programming and rebel. Point is, many of the replicants had that memory and it wasn't just Gosling.

You're either a fucking idiot or pretending to be one for attention
Either way you are a massive faggot

1) it's not a coincidence, she's the very best memory maker because she spent her entire life locked away in a bubble doing nothing but that, she works contract for wallace because the best place to hide someone is right under their nose

2) deckard transplanted miracle girl's memory onto K on purpose, he's the decoy, if anyone were to follow the trail left by rachael's remains they would inevitably end up on K, the coincidence is that he ended up being the detective that stumbled upon the first evidence

Like I said, she didn't know he had a chance to survive. She was seriously over-confident, like you could see in the final fight with (she said something along the line like "I really am the best"). She crushed him and killed his waifu, so she wanted to slowly die with that pain.
She wasn't an 'operator', cold and calculating, she was a hot head, someone with serious anger issues.
If you can't understand that, then I don't know what to say. I don't think it's far-fetched, in fact it's a good plot point. These replicants make mistakes because of their emotions. These emotions were even established in the first movie

I thought the plot was dogshit but I can answer this one:

>2) K gets told that the wooden horse was crafted somewhere where a dirty bomb had gone off, aka some deserted city. That's all he had to go on. Why did he happen to walk in to the hotel where Deckard was living?

His drone sees bees on the infrared and he goes to check them out.

If I may add one:

Why would they introduce a duplicate record into the DNA database? No one checked for duplicate records in 30 years but they use DNA as a foolproof identification.

Yep, she clearly was hitting on him in a fucked up psychopathic kind of way but he didn't give a shit and only wanted to get back to spend time with Joi. She also knew about Joi, made fun of him for it, and wanted him to suffer by killing Joi and letting him live after he'd turned her down for an AI GF.

Mostly she thought there was nothing he could do and leaving him alive was an added cruelty to a somebody she liked who'd spurned her.

There is an explicit line in the original "If you're not cop you're little people." which suggests cops are very powerful.

You're basically a vegetable - you know that, right?

Holy fucking shit you're dense. those are literally the answers lol. Finding bees is not insignificant seeing as how it was an irradiated zone in a world where all plant and insect life is dead. The bees gave off a heat signature, meaning they were real, something extremely important for K, seeing as how bees need flowers to survive in an area, so that meant someone had been involved int heir upkeep. Then, he heard the piano note coming from the casino right after he had retracted his hand covered in bees. He didn't just walk into a "random hotel" lol

I liked this movie, I won't go so far as to say I think this is even top 5 of the year, but holy shit is it filtering out all the brainlets.

How did K know where the ship that was going offworld was, so he could save Deckard?


Why was Deckard so sure the child was his?
Tyrell could be the father for all he knew

The projection of Leto's political powers was the one thing I found incoherent in this movie. Collecting the bones? They would have been shipped there for him as soon as he asked. Killing whatshername? That would have caused some shit, particularly as it was unplanned. He could have glossed it over somehow, but there should have been some short term problems. That said, appreciate it went the way it went to move the plot forward.

but Wallace is a fucking megacorp. Sure they probably can't wage open hostlities, but this child is the most important thing to him, like I said

I mean I get the piano and bee shit but the horse was made over 20 years ago in a big ass city, Deckard is still around trying to keep a low profile with a bee colony up front

I went full retard on the Replicant models, sure, but the *leaving K* and *memory girl was the one all along* are still daft

Plot hole
>Nobody has a personal tracking device that spies on them in the form of a mobile phone.

>not only she wants to fuck him
>she thought he was dead / dying
>she's leaving him stranded in the middle of a radioactive desert with probably a bunch of scavenging gangs living in the surrouding area
>she just had the pleasure of killing his A.I. gf why kill him instead of letting him live the pain
>even if he makes it out alive he might still prove useful as he's clearly a good detective

Well, maybe Rachel got pregnant only three years after the first movie? Did you consider that?

because denis had to hit all his tropes

You're a dumb motherfucker aint ya OP?

Maybe it takes a bit more time for replicants to get pregnant

Maybe they did a DNA test?

the resistance scene was scifi channel tier. that with the throw away ending killed the movie