If weed is bad why does it feel so nice?

If weed is bad why does it feel so nice?

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Because it's good not bad

the people who use it all too often employ it to check out of their problems

so instead of hardening themselves to reality, they pause their emotional development until they stop using it & then you end up with a thirty year old body & a fifteen year old mental state

it does have a variety of pain relief abilities, but those are overlooked & cast to the side for the sake of a high

tl;dr, because stoners end up idiots. not because of the weed, but because of avoiding their problems.

Because the jews want to turn you into a retarded brainless pot addicted sodomyte


They're basically weak cucks and probably gay as well

Everything bad for you is nice up front.

If something felt bad and also had a bad effect, we wouldnt be debating it

Frog slow boiled

Long term use means you lose memory, which means you lose any continuous sense of identity, which means your life will pass you by because you're so immersed in the moment that you aren't aware of the passing of time

Not true: niggers are never nice up front

So all ppl who smoke weed are weak cucks

Smoke, goyim, smoke!

serial killers probably ask the same question about murder

Sounds good

Hmm, all of the corrupted control groups that I am suspicious of on a daily basis have fought for the criminalization of marijuana. I wonder what that could mean.

Also Ancient Europeans loved marijuana and used it often.

That's why I joined the military

wtf I love weed now

If Jamal needs it to not chimp out or worse or kick your beta as. Then it's good

livin' the dream

Satan loves to tempt us

But Good grew it, and it's a fellow Leaf of yours...nevermind every Leaf is fucked, BURN BITCH BURN

As long as you can administer whenever to avoid sudden panic and anxiety attacks

I don't know about the long term effects, or how discontinuation after long term use would affect a person. I've had other prescribed anti-anxiety medications and their negative effects felt far more severe and they continued after discontinuation of medication. It's still not ideal because of the depersonalization that comes with frequent pot use, but pragmatically speaking it is better than the SSRIs that I've tried. The anxiety around the social stigma is the greatest source of discomfort associated with it, at least in terms of negative effects that I'm conscious of.

That's right, don't smoke! Don't think for yourself! Good goyim!

Weed itself isn't bad when used in moderation, however, the (((culture))) surrounding it is absolutely degenerate.
Weed becomes bad when you allow it to become a part of your identity.

Why is killing wrong when I like the feeling it gives me afterwards?

Good shit

Smoking is stupid. You can justify it in some postmodern way by claiming that it's a conscious contradiction of the instinct for survival and that it's an act of pure will over bestial instinct. It's still habitually self-damaging.

> What if someone killed enemy combatants instead of citizens?


Weed is the gift of God. Its medicine

Who gives a fuck. I wont live past 30 so might as well go out with a bang

Just because it feels good doesn't make it good, sugar tastes good/makes you feel good & that's basically poison, alcohol too. No problem with weed, it's the best of the recreational drugs imo, just there's a time & a place & people do tend to abuse it.

My point is, imagine if you were a homicidal sociopath? Being an active duty soldier, and then becoming a PMC is pretty much the ideal career path. Good money, you get to live out your murder fantasies, everyone thinks you're tough shit, and it's legal unless you commit atrocities all the fucking time.

Yeah its a fair point, just memeing on the intent of that comic vs the realities of war.

Yeah, and Cho would have been a total bitch boy in the army anyway. Shooting unarmed civilians isn't comparable to fighting against even the extremely incompetent Iraqi forces.

If weed is medicine then I am always sick

You're allergic to it nitwit

When I was pregnant I got hypermesis, which is the regular type of pregnancy nausea to an extreme level, I couldn't eat or sip water without throwing up, many women end up in the hospital due to dehydration. I vaped weed and low and behold like a magic switch my nausea would absolutely disappear. I could eat a ton. It was insane, I've never experienced something so dramatic and obvious before, I've taken tons of medicines and of course they're all so slow and often feel like they do nothing, especially aspirin, but this was such an immediate switch it was mind boggling. They give pregnant women ZOLOFT for nausea, as far as I've read that isn't at all safe, hasn't been properly tested either. I think they need to use marijuana to create some sort of oral drug for pregnant women.

Because it's not bad.

People say weed isn't addictive. Bullshit.
It is very addictive.

I stopped about six years ago and had withdrawal symptoms.
One of the things I noticed was that my dreams were much more vivid and colourful.

During the first few weeks after stopping, I had a mad thirst. I quelled it with loads of tea, fizzy water and fruit juice.
Weed is like any other drug. It is easy to become dependant.
It can, in some people cause or intensify any mental health problems.

I gave up because my wife became pregnant and have to be sharp. Being stoned wasn't an option.
My wife is a lawyer and I'm a plumber. I fix water pressure and install heating systems. She goes to court to get criminals put away.
Smoking weed is degenerate. When you have kids, then you mustn't use weed.

Having withdrawal symptoms =/= addictive

SSRIs aren't considered addictive


Habit Forming. Not Addictive.

You can literally die from real chemical dependence / addiction.

Sounds like you are just an over indulgent faggot. There's a difference between being stoned all day and taking a few hits off a joint once a week when the kids are in bed.

>If heroin is bad why does it feel so nice?
>If cocaine is bad why does it feel so nice?
>If crack is bad why does it feel so nice?
>If booze is bad why does it feel so nice?
>If lsd is bad why does it feel so nice?

Genesis 1:29 m8


weed isn't bad the jews panic banned it because it was causing people to question society aka the grand plan

If rape is bad why does it feel so nice?

So pregnancy is essentially like drinking a quarter gallon of whiskey every day for a few months, except it's 9 months of the shit feel with none of the buzz? Also if that is the case, yeah I wouldn't take Zoloft, rather something like Xanax, or better yet, weed.

Smoke weed everday and you will feel better in every way.

>let me tell you your reasoning for doing something. THIS is why people do this thing that I don't do.

lost argument from the start, try again

people smoke for a variety of reasons, only you can determine for yourself if it is good for you

i was a huge stoner for most of my life last 15 years. its just a distraction from reality not always a bad thing but it socially retards you and it is easy to abuse. i recently quit i feel fine, i actually dream now which is a trip, and im just tired of fucking up my lungs and putting chemicals into my body natural or not.

Carcinogens are bad.

Tinctures maybe?

I think THC prohibits motivation and increases apathy toward everything.

No, just for awhile during the middle. It's also different for every woman and every pregnancy, with my first I had almost no problems except for two mornings I was sick and one time near the end of the pregnancy I threw up in my purse while riding the bus. My second, the one in question, sickness started from the very beginning and lasted until about 16 weeks. I've never tried Zoloft or Xanax but I doubt either are better for the baby than the vaped weed. There aren't even any studies showing that it is harmful and one great study from Jamaica that showed some benefits to the children of smoking mother's. In the US all of the studies done on pot-smoking moms, the moms were also smoking cigarettes and things like that.


>over indulgent faggot.
Interesting character analysis based upon one post.
We all indulge in our vices, mate. It's part of human nature.

All I'm pointing out is that weedfags say it's not addictive.
But it is addictive.
Getting stoned and listening to music, eating nice food, giggling at some comment someone made and having that shared experience is a good thing. I want all drugs to be legal.
Another reason I stopped, other than making babies, was that I knew where my money was going. Straight into the hands of horrible criminals. I give some of my coin to charities - about 4% of my income. I don't wish for any money I make to go to fucking drug smugglers.
Every time that you take a toke, ask yourself where did the weed come from?
Well, I'll fucking tell you. If you are in USA it comes from Mexican cartels. And YOU are funding that shit.
If you are in UK, it comes from Albanian gangsters that also specialise in human trafficking.

Those are the cunts who prosper on your coin, because "it's just weed duuuuude. Chill"

There's this thing called "addictive personality". It means you get easily addicted to things that bring you joy, whether they are addictive or not in the usual sense(ie. whether they cause you to develop a chemical dependency). It can be almost anything - gambling, weed, exercise ... Sup Forums, as well. You grow so accustomed to these little dances that you play out every day that you no longer even question them. Stoners' denial of their addiction is one of these - they smoke weed every day, but even though weed isn't exactly addictive, they justify their habit with "WEED ISN'T ADDICTIVE SO I'M NOT AN ADDICT" even though they're clearly mentally addicted to it. Weed addiction is more of a personality flaw than anything related to the intrinsic properties of cannabis itself.

Weed drops my blood pressure and makes me feel bad. Like, paranoid and dizzy and everything weights a ton and I feel like I'm gonna die and I just want it to stop

What is wrong with me?

You sound like a pussy bitch. Don't smoke dirt weed and use a bong.

smoke sativa not indica and go easy, weed is potente brotendo.

I wouldn't trust studies on weed conducted in Jamaica, to be honest. And yeah, pregnant women shouldn't do Xanax, that's just what I used to take for my shittiest hangovers. Zoloft does nothing at all except make you feel like a zombie, and I will never take an SSRI drug in my life.

I don't think weed will actually harm a child in the womb though, especially if you vape. Cannabinoids are probably the most innocuous psychoactive molecules in any drug ever conceived by mankind.

Weed isn't bad. It has many benefits and for someone who has insomnia it works great as a sleeping med.

Uhh I see my man grow and cultivate his own shit. And the profits go to him and local garden supply stores.

you just described alcohol, moran.

How? I used far more dangerous drugs before and felt nice.

I thought I was being a pussy before too, but my body shuts down weeds faster than hillary clinton cover her seizures. Its insane. I want to feel that nice shared stoned experience but I always go full mr robot on weed

How can I tell if it is sativa or indica? Maybe I've been using the wrong one.

It's honestly very refutable and professional.


Any self respecting man would not smoke weed more than once a month.
Marijuana inhibits testosterone production in the adrenal gland in the brain leading to excess estrogen which is toxic to men.

I will pay you 100 bucks to fuck off lahey

Same rules apply to cannabis as to other psychoactive substances, including legal ones, though. That is
>don't use too much
>don't use too often
>avoid using them at all while underage
>never let them affect your performance in other areas of life
>never go into debt over them

I mean, even though weed is fairly harmless, you often see these retards who go full "420 LMAO" all the time, everywhere, and then they wonder why they're poor and uneducated. Don't be "that guy" - because "that guy" ends up with no friends except his fellow stoners.

This leaf knows his stuff. Most people can't handle the constant removal of the self and end up with a panic disorder, an inidentity (depersonalization/derealization), or minor visual discrepancies.
All in all, if you understand these ailments, none of them will actually hurt you in a real way, but again, you are destroying your original mind and psyche when you smoke weed, although destroying is a rather harsh word.

Drugs are degenerate.

yeah grow your own faggoi
>70% of americas illegal marijuana comes from California's Emerald Triangle
Its basically legal tender in places like Trinity County and mostly old white hippies and their offspring who cultivate. illegal californian weed travels as far as Chicago directly from what ive heard sooo. BTFO with that Mexican Cartel nonsense.

>How can I tell if it is sativa or indica? Maybe I've been using the wrong one.

I dunno m8 just buy a sativa strand from the pot store lol

Rickardo you just opened pandoras shit-box

lol k

>Marijuana is a neruotoxin

>Casual use alters the nucleus accumbans, associated with reward and pleasure

>The brains of chronic users produce less dopamine

>Marijuana lowers IQ

>cannabis-impaired approximately doubles car crash risk and that around one in 10 regular cannabis users develop dependence. Regular cannabis use in adolescence approximately doubles the risks of early school-leaving and of cognitive impairment and psychoses in adulthood. Regular cannabis use in adolescence is also associated strongly with the use of other illicit drugs. These associations persist after controlling for plausible confounding variables in longitudinal studies.

>Marijuana induces schizophrenia-like brain changes, which may result in psychosis

>Marijuana can cause pulmonary disease

>The anxiety around the social stigma is the greatest source of discomfort associated with it


Maybe if we didn't have so many "hardened" psychopaths in society, we'd solve our problems instead of simply shielding ourselves from them, while the next man suffers.

>10/12 links not .gov

lmao pay denbts

How about gunshot wounds faggot

"drugs r bayyd" argument

Everything is dangerous in excess, even water. Moderation, user.


Long term marijuana use erodes gray matter in parts of the brain associated with memory

It also permanently changes your sperm

So it fucks up your memory and dies god knows what to your future kids

Source: google it I'm on phone and am taking a shit

Skimming through it, and googling a bit, it doesn't strike me as very convincing - it's 10 pages, by a self-proclaimed "cannabis researcher", doesn't seem to contain any hard data about cannabis-smoking mothers' children vs. a control group's children, employs anecdotal evidence up the ass, and overall reads more like an article about Jamaican cannabis culture than a scientific paper. And there seems to be no repeat studies, if you can call this a "study". I'd argue the references she used are more enlightening than that study itself - particularly "Effects of maternal drinking and marijuana use on fetal growth and development" by Hingson et al seems far more interesting than this drivel. From what I read, the only interesting thing is what you have already told me - cannabis eases nausea during pregnancy.

my family consists of five generations of hardcore alcoholics, my parents were the first to break the cycle

that's the absolute least fucking intelligent thing i've heard in years.

the ability to handle negative experiences without panic, fear, or excessive emotion of any kind will greatly help you in life. nobody gets anything done by sitting around describing their agony. there is almost no drawback to getting your emotions under control. you gain the ability to put your head down & burn through problems without standing there shuddering like a simpering idiot- including the problems of others.

i'm curious why equate that to being a psychopath. i've been in a variety of emergency situations where i could help others & did, because i could keep my head. (protip: get CPR certified & as much emergency medical training as you can)

why the FUCK would getting a handle on your own mind make your a psychopath? you sound like a girl. you sound exactly like a teenaged girl.

I love weed. I don't care about what anyone has to say about it. I like it and I will continue to do it as I please.

Guess I'm a degenerate, huh? What are you gonna do about it?

krokodil also feels good, then you lose limbs

ask you about it because i'm too embarrassed to do so in real life

1. how do people do dabs? just smoke them, right?
2. does the effect vary with different methods, or just how much you consume? (consumables vs. wax vs. joints)
3. has legality taken the fun out of it for kids just trying to rebel?
4. best hybrid/variety to chill? for energy?

Those are some shitty sources you got there.

Heroin feels good too.

Cocaine feels good too.

Sex with an AIDS riddled prostitute feels good too.

Are you fucking retarded?

>is given sources

>lel those sources are bad xddd

My southern baptist origins tell me that all pleasure is sin.

>hardening themselves to reality
KYS escapistfag, you are surfing a Japanese image board

Im gonna find you and beat your ass you FUCKING DEGENERATE

Just get some fucking weed and smoke it. There is no difference between the varieties, its just made up bullshit. Don't overthink it.

>long-term effects
most studies come from private institutions, the kind that are influenced by corporate capitalist money.

1. You can use special vapes/pens to hit dabs/wax/oils etc. Dabs require a special bong though.

2. Different effect with method as well as quantity.

3. In Canada I can order weed online and have it delivered to my door in 2 days. Never smoked to rebel anyways so pseudo-legality of weed just makes it more convenient.

4. Indica = chill, Sativa = energy as a rule of thumb, but each strain of high quality weed gives a unique high.

> t. degenerate

Because it's the fucking reward chemical. The problem is, you feel rewarded for smoking a fucking plant instead of being a decent person, contributing to society, and making the world a better place, you goddamn degenerate.

But the jewish ran government made smoking it quite illegal?

>making the world a better place
self-righteous user is self-righeous

>he smokes the herbal jew

Kill yourself

Pretty accurate tee bee aech.

I've been so much better off since I stopped using it frequently. In moderation, it's great. Way better than a beer after work.