ITT: Subtle, minimalistic movie posters

ITT: Subtle, minimalistic movie posters

that's just fucking retarded

Post the 2049 version


That's the joke

The movie had beautiful cinematography but the poster is trash. Another celebrities posing with blue and orange.

if a marketing person pitched these they'd be fired instantly

>Not white "E" floating over black brickwall

I can't help but to feel that this movie poster was designed with "we need the cape-shit audience" in mind.

capeshit? more like the Marvel fanbabby audience

>typical orange and teal marketing used since fucking forever
Stick to playing with blocks, Corky

t. Snyder




capeshit is and always will be shit





Has anyone made a Criterion edit of this poster yet.

i love this

Can someone pls do this?

>I love generic 'artsy' garbage

>its comic book style



This doesn't even make any sense. At no point does anyone run on a blade. God I hate this so much


Show me a comic book that looks like that,

Why is there no middle ground, normal but pleasing to look at posters anymore. Everything is either the mainstream photoshop collage of actors faces or the hyper "minimalist" stuff that tries to be too clever.

what about subtle clothing?

I don't like that poster but it looks like it's trying to do a Moebius type style.


woah.... really makes my almonds think....

Looks like a TRON poster.


Ahhh a film and poster for true film buffs such as myself.



That's actually really clever.

neck yourself

Someone should make a 2049 Version, but just be the same poster but ORANGE AND BLUE like 2049.

I like 2049, but I couldn't help but notice that.

because he says tears in rain...and its tears.........among a bunch of rain drops...woah


commie posters time

It's metaphor for the character who "walks on the edge"

Anyone know the artist?

Then why is it called Blade Runner, retard?
Christ, just leave already.

It's barely recognizable.

I agree, for instance A New Hope could be every other movie with Darth Vader, the Death Star and the X-wing

that's pretty cool

it's almost like all star wars movies are essentially all the same basic plot

The hungarian and polish artists often had to make the posters without seeing the movies, all they had were a bunch of photos, so they imagined other stuff.

Ridley Scott – genius. End of.

For this design I kind of took a literal take on it. A blade with a runner on it, not rocked science I know, but I thought the addition of the the falling man and Terrell building in the background redeems my lack of grey matter.
That’s you lot for now, I want to do more, when I get time, thinking Django unchained would make a really cool alternative movie poster.

Let me know your thoughts and please feel free to leave comments.

That is all.

If you're fucking blind.

it sucks.

are u in advertising? this seems like something an BTL art director would make.

Clever, I like it.

Updated 2049 version

I like that they hired Drew Russell for 2049.


i just hung it on my wall

so is your life




Blade Runner
Die Hard
Blade Runner 2049
Mad Max
Blade Runner
Die Hard
Star Wars
No Country for Old Men

These aren't even hard

>"These aren't even hard"
>Name is in the poster on most of them

This isn't a fucking challenge you dinkhead.

Damn, I couldn't even find half. There again I don't watch much tv

never change user

Puro arto


>being this stupid

wew lads. weeeeeeewwwww lads. Lemme tell ya, kids, trolling is far too easy these days. You took the bait; hook, line, and sinker. Way too easy. In the early days, I wouldn't have even gotten a (You) (of course, back then they didn't exist). But of course, that was back when trolling was an art :^)

>"g-guys i was t-trolling haha!"
>this amount of damage control

Quit it lad.


Lubba wubba dub dub



Can't stop, won't stop
By the way, thanks for the (You), kid


Lol nice try try, retard
Can you not see them you fucking autismo? Just look at the pictures.

>minimalistic posters that require having seen the movie to understand
How retarded can you be


Are you retarded?
That's literally a carbon copy of a famous Akira poster.

he doesnt even get that mad desu

I haven't even seen the movie, yet this one pisses me off to no end. It's anything but subtle.

So it can't look like both? Plus the only poster I have seen of Akira is the top down one with the bike and chink.

how many layers of irony is on this thread?

if i had a smug anime girl reaction image, i would post it now

No, it can't.

im on to you motherfuckers, this is coordinated posting. what is your goal?

here's one of mine you can use for next time
thanks for the (You)

Whew, what a great point.

>not printing them so you can invite people at your house and make them ask
>wtf is this shit man?
and then you smile, proud of your intellectual superiority, reaching for your criterion bluray collection. but of course, your friend already left

good taste, I have this framed on my wall.

if that box, the second picture, is a poster for Seven, i sincerely hope the author kills themselves

so gay

This has to be the same artist. This person is so creatively drained.

pretty neat druillet rip-offs