ITT: Comic book messages that did not go as planned

ITT: Comic book messages that did not go as planned

What comic is this and why did they make Hillary look 30 years younger?

Pretty much every comic with Red skull touting nazi superiority

D'aw they have same chins.

If they wanted us to hate him why did they make him so competent and charismatic, and set him against such hateable ideologies?

You realize that's the whole MO of the Nazi party, right?

At first, they seem charismatic and everything, and argue about grievances that plague everyone. Then you agree with them, and then they talk about how the solution is to kill everyone.

If they were an obviously evil, dog kicking organization a la Cobra, nobody on Sup Forums would fall for them.

Yeah but the comics are clearly trying to portray an appropriately evil comical strawman and failing.

it didn't help that they were so handsome too

And had such nice looking outfits.

Nazi fashion is fantastic. Fuck them for tainting everything cool from central Europe forever.

Sup Forums please

But they didn't make the trains run on time now did they?

It's Marvel's fault for making Red Skull the champion of every right of Noam Chomsky.

They didn't, but making her 30 pounds fatter smoothed out the wrinkles.

But they fuck that up. He starts off as a charismatic and likeable dude whose message people can relate to in a realistic sense, and then his plots turn out to be these cartoonishly evil schemes that just break suspension of disbelief. It's tough to describe, but it feels like they don't make enough of an effort with the "BUT HE'S ACTUALLY EVIL AND PEOPLE FELL FOR IT" bit. The second part just feels flat somehow. He doesn't come across as misguided; he comes across as bipolar.
Here's one for the OP.

Why Hilary is fat here?

Why do americans encourage people to vote when only electoral votes matter?

Aaaaand one more.

Here's MODOK Trump forcing an American into slave labor because he's brown.

Sounds like something Trump would do

>But they fuck that up. He starts off as a charismatic and likeable dude whose message people can relate to in a realistic sense, and then his plots turn out to be these cartoonishly evil schemes
Like the Holocaust?

Why does anyone encourage people to vote when most of them have no idea what they're voting for?

No the Holocaust was ethnic cleansing, not cartoony at all and a pretty big historical force.

Ya think they'll make one of these for this Inauguration Day?

Bluewater Comics had this one.

They could've had Cyclops high-fiving Trump if Marvel didn't hate what's right.

>Hillary would later smash the phone containing this selfie with a hammer.

Not really.

Hi ant

But what am I supposed to see here? Because after 9 investigations all of which reached the same conclusion everyone should just shut up about Benghazi.

Because electoral college members are voted in by their districts and are, by law, supposed to vote as their collective district decides.

it's a slow ineffective system that makes it very difficult for the dead and illegal to cast their votes!

Please don't taint Cyclops like that

I'll try to find a better-quality one for ya.

Dumb shit like this is the reason I'm glad he won.

The sweet salty tears just never stop. That level of smug confidence being absolutely obliterated is delicious.

>by law, supposed to vote as their collective district decides
Are they? Because I heard that the electoral don't have to vote for the same person that the people vote for

They wouldn't put him in a comic. He's the least popular president upon inauguration. It'd kill sales and clash with their policy of inclusiveness.

You can't have Kamala Khan and Trump in the same comic, unless it's her beating him up. Which I would pay for.

why did they put rand paul here? wtf

Took them like three seconds to go from histrionics back to smugness, though.

There we go. This one's pretty clean.

>supposed to vote as their collective district decides

But since 2000 it's only worked like this for Obama.

They face a thousand dollar fine and possible termination for changing their vote.

It's a slap on the wrist.

If they don't they never get to be electors again, and some states prevent even a one-off defiance.

Also it gives smaller populations disproportionate weight.

>He's the least popular president upon inauguration.
According to polls by the same organization showing Clinton would win by a landslide.

Don't forget political suicide unless they switch parties.

It depends on the state.

Europeans have a lot of trouble with the whole state concept since they don't have subdivisions of their countries the size of entire nations.

>We'll never be able to deport tumblrina retards like this
Fuck America.


Don't even need the polls, you can tell from a) most people voted against him and b) none of the old guard Republicans wanted him.

America's pretty great user.

Well, in a sense they do, yet they still don't get it.

I too want to see Kamala Khan killed by the secret service

That's on purpose.

Otherwise the only places that ever get a say in any election are the biggest of big cities in the entire nation, which have VASTLY different needs and culture than what is still almost 50% of the rest of the fucking country.

Before the truth of the Holocaust was shown to the American public, the average American thought of the Nazis as little more than buffoonish warmongers.

Groups like the Nazis want you to see them and their plans as cartoonish bullshit. They want you to think better of clowns than you do of them. Not taking them seriously makes them more of a threat - because no one ever expects them to gain power until they do.

>America's pretty great
You'd have to be mentally ill to actually believe this.
This country has been a shithole for a long, long time.

I'd pay for that one.

>from a) most people voted against him
Most actual citizens voted for him though.

>none of the old guard Republicans wanted him.
No one cares about this but the old guard republicans who everyone hates anyway.

Normally that would be unfair but you gotta ask some of these city-boys how many droughts and collapsed bridges we've had in the last 5 years.

>Because electoral college members are voted in by their districts and are, by law, supposed to vote as their collective district decides.
>it's a slow ineffective system that makes it very difficult for the dead and illegal to cast their votes!

Member when McCain was running for president and the Republicans tried to institute IDs for voting and the Democrats threw a MASSIVE shitfit because they found one illiterate nig who couldn't get an ID but was a US citizen? I member.

Then Obama promised he'd fix that loophole after he got elected...

This cover is fucking hilarious, by the way.

That's the point.

Only if it's the X-Men and Trump's giving a speech on registering all mutants.

>most people voted against him
most people did not vote at all dumbass

>Most actual citizens voted for him though.
No, they didn't. Stop lying.

Hitler didn't take power by pretending to be stupid. Jesus Christ. He did it by having a message that appealed strongly to a large minority of his people and didn't put off most of the rest of them enough to do anything about it.

What has modern education done to you people?

Most people DID vote for him because a lot of the democrat votes turn out to be from people who don't exist.

Fuck off, famicom.
If we ignore Commiefornia (illegals) they absolutely did.

>couldn't get an ID but was a US citizen
I don't understand this, you need ID to get welfare and to see a doctor.

No, they didn't you delusional twat

500% turnout in Detroit is perfectly normal.

You realize the electoral college is based on population and that an electoral blow out along with a popular vote loss is totally unprecedented, right? Bush/Gore was a razor thin margin. This was not, in either electoral or popular vote terms. And that Clinton's vote lead came primarily from California, which has the laxest requirements to verify citizenship to vote of any state?

That doesn't seem the slightest bit odd to you?

Learn to accept the truth and stop denying things just because they hurt your feelings, you pathetic loser.

>Hitler didn't take power by pretending to be stupid.

He took power by being less of a threat than those in power thought he was, which allowed his message to spread faster.

In much the same way as Cheeto Benito won the election.

As long as California doesn't require an ID to vote people will believe this.

There's this thing politicians do sometimes called lying

How is this not a Doom Paul meme yet?

>it also gives rural, poor populations disproportionate weight

As expected from the shittiest sjw comic of all time.

Same. I voted against him, but damn if I'm not enjoying seeing my side come face to face with the fact that wanting something really hard doesn't make it happen.

Trump would be pro-mutant because nothing says American exceptionalism like Homo superior, and also he's pro 2nd amendment rights so it would be hypocritical to try to control laser eyes.

Pfft. You must be reading fake news. Hopefully Obama's new law silences your white male hate speech.

This shit is exactly why Hillary never made good on her threats to go to court if she lost the campaign. Loses to trump and where is her sue to recount?

It never fucking came, at least not from her own people, because they knew what they did. If ANY judge looked at the votes, the jig is up. The entire democratic party guilty of rigging votes.

Christ, what even is the punishment SUPPOSED to be for this kind of thing? We all know that it'll quietly vanish, but I'm curious.

Still blaming everyone but yourselves I see.

It was literally some old bumfuck nigger born in the swamps of Louisiana who couldn't read to sign his name and be able to fill out the paperwork or something.

It's been almost 9 years doubt it matters much anymore.

ameriburger propaganda

>Mutants are going to build a dam to power my robot making robot man... And the mutants are going to do it for us!

Gotta admit it worked.

>If we ignore an eighth of the population and the biggest economic powerhouse in the States we can reach any conclusion we want!
Why do righties love denying reality so much

>Europeans have a lot of trouble with the whole state concept

No, not really. It's mostly the idea that state population votes unanimously and the whole tribal state vs state mentality that we don't get.

I hate your side but they need to listen to you. What they're doing right now, even in this thread, ensures further losses.

>peddle conspiracy theories

Gee, it's almost as if the Electoral College rewards low population states when the number of Representatives in the House is capped at 435.

He's been a gun grabber for decades. Watch and see if there isn't action to protect America from "domestic Islamic terrorists" or "Illegals" buying guns in the next few years.

the purpose of the electoral college nowadays is to prevent LA, Boston, NYC, Miami, Seattle, Chicago, and Detroit from controlling the entire fucking country.


>the whole tribal state vs state mentality that we don't get.
>European giving lectures on tribal nationalism

just 3 more days and the nightmare of 2016 will be over

>and the biggest economic powerhouse in the States

>It's mostly the idea that state population votes unanimously and the whole tribal state vs state mentality that we don't get.
See? You're still not getting the idea at all.

>Having to choose from a corporate shill and a Zionist shill

Gee, nice system you got going on there America. But seriously, I hope we get better candidates next election. If we get Hillary and Trump again I'm going to fucking scream.

Trump fought against racist real estate boards in florida that restricted jews and black people from being members back in the 90's. He even trolled them by sending them copies of "Guess who's coming to Dinner".

He's been consistent in that he wants to sell luxury shit to super rich people, regardless of race, and give them what they want, regardless of fair housing and employment laws.

If some mega rich shiek wants to be waited on by a staff made up only of hot blondes, he'll make that happen.

>which has the laxest requirements to verify citizenship to vote of any state

Man, that's pretty damn lax. My state doesn't technically even require a SSN.

>I am calling for a complete shutdown on mutant activities until we know what the hell is going on.

Nazis were clearly evil before that because they are corporativist authoritarians that got praised by the progressives and were collectivist morons with a love for identity politics that recruited from the same demographic ad bolshevists.
Granpa was a nazi and let me tell you, they were clearly not right in the head and the only delusion of "they are nice!' came from the same types ot morons that cried for Fidel's death.

>illegals being urged to vote voting in states where there is no reasonable way to prevent it and no repercussions for doing so
>a conspiracy theory
>not a conspiracy theory

masters of double think

yeah let's just get rid of the people in our own country who don't vote like we do while allowing people in foreign countries to rig our elections the way they want

Yeah, cause we have a history. What do you have to argue about, burger flavors?

Pot. Kettle. Black.