Happy Birthday Stan Lee

Happy Birthday Stan Lee

It's easy for you to be healthy.

His power grows, as does his hunger
Could someone please draw Stan consuming souls?


So is Stan Lee basically Shang Tsung to all of Sup Forums?

He must be stopped

We need to form a coalition to stop Stan Lee once and for all,who are your picks?

Jack Kirby's ghost

I don't think he can be stopped anymore. He was able to take Carrie, even though her body and soul must consist mostly of pure cocaine at this point.

We all know he's been dead for months. When was the last time he's been seen?

What would happen if someone tried to kill Stan Lee? Would they be consumed by an interdimensional beast?

Is he a hack?

Doctor Strange?

He can't keep getting away with it

Harry Potter

Ditko is still alive. He needs to return in Steve Ditko Returns style to save his city.

Alan Moore and Grant Morrison.

This one took a while.

I saw we just put Stan Lee and Araki in a room together and see who absorbs who.

Can they work together long enough to stop the greatest threat the multiverse has ever seen?

I genuinely like Stan Lee and I'll be sad when he eventually dies.

This is actually just a reworked old sketch about that guy on the Pringles can. I hate that guy.

Steve Ditko

Good on you user, but let us enjoy our meme

And what do we do about the one remaining genius?
You just doomed us all.

Well we all know who would come out on top. It's clear by their looks alone who the master is. Stan couldn't prevent aging, merely hold off death. Araki has been around since at least the 1850's, if that one pic with all those photos of him is to be believed. I'd rather him be contently sequestered in Japan with his「Mine All Night」than Stan be here reaping our celebrities.

What do you think are Stan's Horcruxes?

Ditko is the only one who could possibly stand a chance.

I think this is the ending of Part 8.

Kevin Fiege.

Perlmutter's soul.

Ditko's sanity.

They just fuse back into the original being.


Shit we're fucked.


kill more people

I wonder who gets the other one's soul, Stan Lee or Queen Elizabeth