Sci fi movie

>sci fi movie
>cell phones

Wow, what a daring vision of future!

>women with weird manly haircuts

So brave.

>thinking the future is going to be that much different than the present outside of a few gadgets and dodads

a futures which faced two global crises

Is there a name for the trope where an old movie depicts a highly advanced future that still has stuff considered obsolete in the present?

Like Blade Runner having offworld colonies and replicants and also physical newspapers.

>Blade Runner 1
>no cell phones
>no drones
>no holograms

What did they mean by this?


Major technology stopped progressing in the 1970's, since then we've only had faster computers and better software, nothing revolutionary like the combustion engine, nuclear power, flight, and petrochemicals. The singularity has turned out to be the biggest meme in human history.

And yet no sci fi predicted social networks, omnipresence of cell phones and the way mass surveillance played out. Most of all they did not predict that space travel is going to be a hoax.

>forgetting the internet while being on the internet


>no sci fi predicted omnipresence of cell phones
Say what now?

I wonder why this is. Was it that the potential idea space from the industrial and computer revolutions have been totally mined, or that humanity it a intellectual wall where the next big steps are beyond the current average IQ level?

All the low hanging fruit has been discovered, now everything is hyper-specialized and suffers from diminishing returns

Star Wars is the kind of sci-fi you want. Pleb.

but we still have physical newspapers

pay phones, on the other hand

>military officers on an elite starship have walkie talkies

I agree total recall was fucking derivitive trite

we had the internet prior to the 1970s. he already said faster computers and better software

>sci-fi comedy set in the distant future
>majority of the jokes are just shit pop culture references about stuff no one in the future will know
>"ehhhh, you know what? nevermind."

Literally everyone is on the verge of being wireless connected to both one another and limitless data within the next decade at most. Even Africa.

The next major technical revolution will likely be 3d printing, driverless cars and automation. Driverless cars will mean no more requirement for insurance, for roadside stops, while in cars, you will be free to do things, sleep, etc.

The walls of being physically limited to reaching someone will gradually break down and the walls to be digitally connected to others and all human information is already starting to break down.

Automation will gradually remove the need for manual labour.

This next revolution will be slower until society understands how to make money off of it, and until the current bastions of power (oil and gas companies, automakers, manufacturing, etc.) have to relinquish their hold on progress.

The last technolgical breakthroughs didn't require the ideological and economic shift that the ones of today required, so they happened more quickly.

>sci fi movie set in the future

>everything is the same, but dustier and more depressing

Now that's just lazy.

kstew is cute

She's actually perfect

>everyone in the future will use transparent hand devices

fuck that, everyone can see what you're looking at

>Driverless cars will mean no more requirement for insurance
>Automation will gradually remove the need for manual labour.
Which will kill off multiple millions of jobs, many rely on these kind of jobs to exist, unless we also progress to universal basic income, that will create a big problem if it happens faster than society can adapt to by retraining or providing alternative income.

>in the future, there will be robots

Well, to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Blade Runner. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also K.'s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.