Guys, what is Ahmed planning?

Guys, what is Ahmed planning?

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Maybe he's the "badselfeater".

The guy tricked everybody into thinking he had a bomb and then tricked them into apologizing and got famous and rich on their guilt. He's very jewish for a muslim.

Change isn't a one way street. There's such a thing as "bad" change

woah clock boy was a year ago? time is passing too quick

I can't get over that his twitter name is IStandWithAhmed. It's like he's created himself as a propaganda tool.

But with his family that doesn't seem too far off the truth

they're both semites

A new clock, that you can *wear on your wrist*
No idea what to call it, maybe a wristycuff?

Praise kek!

he's building an electronic abacus, project codework "calculator"

Thanks to his electronic abacus invention Mr. Mohammed will change the world, classical abacuses will not be needed anymore and calculations will be performed much faster and precisely, which will change everything!

I've obtained an exclusive photograph of his project being built

it is expected to come in a "this is totally not a bomb just a regular suitcase" pencil case

Holy digits



he stands with himself, so brave!




>"my next project I'll be showing"
>1 day after 9/11
I smell an investigation on him underway.

What a genius to put that together at such a young age!

maybe.. a radio in a bag?


I wish I could kill this little faggot.

just empty on his face until there is nothing left of his head.

He's going to put the ignition and charge into it.


>he tweeted this a day after 9/11

This time, he will invent attaching the insides of an electric clock to a propane tank with some duct tape. Who says that the days of the great inventions are over?

The Einstein/Mozart of 1980s electronics of our time, truly!

What a little fuckstick.

What a brilliant inventor.

Building a clock with only a penicl case and a clock.

Building a CPU with just some solder and a CPU.

Now he's building a calculator using just a deconstructed calculator.

What did we do to deserve this genius?


What a tremendous weinie

Obviously it would be call wristy-clock.

>her semen


This time he made a calendar.

He must be doing the maintenance on Hillary right now.

the wording couldn't be any more of a subliminal threat from an egotistical minor

I think "wrist-clock" is better.

>i built a clock

He buys into his own shit

Kek is here!!!

Notice how Judaism is at the center of everything?

A motorised carriage, or 'car' for short

i hope its a gun to his head

Time flies when you strap explosives to it

God damn it we can't have ahmed the clockmaker at large. The last thing you want is a smart one to take charge of all the ones dumb enough to follow him and lead them into jihad.

Lord Kek will do away with the lying roach soon enough.

Shame on Sup Forums for shaming and mocking this proud Muslim Intellectual!

He'll take apart an original gameboy, put it in a pencil case, and claim he invented the next generation of mobile gaming?

Now that the clock / detonator is finished, all he needs to do is make the explosive.

Probably a megaphone.

He's going to team up with that black kid from London who built a computer.

checked and keked

He's gonna put a 9/11 inside a 9/11.
It's like the inception of 9/11!

Wtf I am anti-sémite now

>it's a real bomb this time

Barnum said
>There's a sucker born every minute



Didn't that kid get a load of free shit and sued his school and police department afterwards?

Kek is a faggot.

I hate his self-importance despite doing nothing. What a little cocksucker.


underrated post


oh I think I got it, he's gonna play with some legos! What a genius! This is gonna change the world!

Can someone honour-kill this little shitstain already?

Yeah, Gavin McInnes has a pretty good video describing what went down and how much of a sham it all was

Clock Twerp.

Hey amhed, stop posting here.

OMG! He's going to fly a 777 into Big Ben! Someone please inform the esteemed Imam of London before it's too late!!!

It's a hint towards the movie "London has Fallen!" You brits are fucked.

He built a mostly accurate lego set going by just the picture on the box.

What real journalists would do is figure out who exactly put Clock Boy up to telling a monster lie.

Then they would figure out for what purpose and ask why the media was helping Clock Boy tell the lie.

After that, they would as what it means that America is so stupid as to fall for the lie and why they sent Clock Boy money for telling a lie.

That is if journalism was still journalism. These days, it is mostly opinion and deception for political purposes.

Another attention seeking stunt, propped up and perpetuated by the media, paid for my powerful muslims from abroad.

The change, is a fight is for your minds.
Don't let these sand niggers influence you.

Probably the innards of an analog clock in a suitcase.

That sounds pretty eerie desu

His dad is a pro sharia law advocate more than likely he put him up to the whole clock hoax in the first place. I was sure with how obvious the evidence for it was that he would be dishonored in the media.. but no.. the leftist media just pretended like the evidence wasn't there and keeps going as if he actually made an actual clock instead of just stripping out the innards of an old 80's model and putting it in a briefcase so it could be mistakened for a bomb.. and then went around and showed his teachers in the school till someone called the police (clearly his dad put him up to it) and then brewed a massive story about islamophobia in US school system.

For those who don't know he's a fraud and that this was set up by his dad on purpose, here's a couple of videos.
Side-by-side comparison of Ahmed's fabrication with clock-in-a-box

Is it time to deal with this fraud kid, seriously?

Why is he even around go see the side by side comparison video, the kid is a complete fraud he never built a damn thing.

IC wat u did there

It's like a serial killer who is planning a big finale
>going to build a lego robot, so excited
What a great inventor

>Time is passing too quick

Good thing he invented the clock.

Its absolutely disgusting for this kid's political dad to use his son, who is not old enough to understand anything, as a prop. The last couple years of this kids life have been a circus at the behest of his father, and the next few will be too.

he's planning on never setting foot back in the states once trump is president

Why do Americans always become attention whores after the slightest bit of media attention?
It's so childish.


what did obama meme by that?

Crusades now. Elect new Pope.

He would be the perfect terrorist.
No one would have him as suspect after all the clock thing.

What if he actually made a bomb in the last time, but (((they))) make everyone think it was a clock for a next mega terrorist attack?

Is there an actual picture of what he made?

that is the picture

Ahmed is BadSelfEater