Scientists just got closer to understanding the genetic roots of crime — and it’s making them nervous

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I'm mentally retarded and cannot string together a sentence. What is the tl;dr?

Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is wildly overrepresented in prisons. Blacks are overrepresented in prisons. ASPD is also strongly genetically derived. The article won't make the final conclusion but it implies that blacks are genetically more likely to be criminal.

This kind of blows up in the faces of all free will types. Are you really living in a word of free will if you are genetically predisposed to antisocial behavior?

It stems from generations of white oppression obviously

Except psychological "disorders" are as defined as how many points you get picking up a coin in Super Mario Bros.

Science? Really?

Why not just define ASPD as someone who is convicted of a crime?

Also, Asperges magically isn't a thing anymore. Aspire are now just "autistic". Proud aspirations BTFO. This is "science"?

Pol, you're smarter than this...

Some would argue that people still have a choice whether or not to behave a certain way. But where do we draw the line?

Fucking auto spell. Fucking fuck.

wow, we were right the whole time. What a surprise.

From an evolutionary perspective, what would make a prevalent personality disorder favorable in a population? How is sub-optimal societal cohesion tenable over thousands of years? I don't get it.

>Criminals are more likely to have anti-social personality traits

Korean bro has a point. Most of the symptoms of ASPD are actions that petty criminals would commit such as thievery, drug abuse, and lack of impulse control. It's circular logic to say that a criminal has antisocial personality disorder because he is a criminal. I don't think most psychologists are actually interested in understanding the cognitive patterns and psyche of individuals that fall in the dark triad personality type. It's a shame really, they're being very lazy with such important topics.

Constant war

Because they operate as individuals, wholly self-interested.
It's pretty easy to fuck a lot of women to make babies and pass on your genes and then lie, cheat, and subvert everybody else around you to ensure your child succeeds.

ASPD is not confined to mere criminals and serial killers. It's main evolutionary advantage is that a lack of empathy and social dependence can better allow an individual to survive in a warlike/dangerous environment.

The bad boy meme persists, perhaps being antisocial is the alpha pussy getting behavior

>From an evolutionary perspective, what would make a prevalent personality disorder favorable in a population?
Let's say you're in Africa circa 10,000 B.C.E. You don't experience winters so you don't need to plan very far ahead. Therefore you don't need to store food or routinely plant very much food because it is available throughout the whole year. But you're hungry and you and your ancestors have experienced many famines and droughts because of the location you're in. And now you're really hungry. Like really fucking hungry and you don't have any food. But look, Obongo over there has food, but you don't. If you're big and strong and violent enough and lack empathy and care not what the consequences are you can go over to Obongo, kick the fucking shit outta him or kill him, and take his food. Now you feel better.Now you're not hungry.

So blacks have ass fap, or what ever. I'm sure for ever man in the can there are ten with the same condition that put their autism to good use, like business men who achieve success legally albeit immorally.

no scientist believes in free will

That an insanely high % of black people are apes and can't control their actions?

>If you're big and strong and violent enough and lack empathy and care not what the consequences are you can go over to Obongo, kick the fucking shit outta him or kill him, and take his food. Now you feel better.Now you're not hungry.
"Kill the other guy and take his shit" is a universally applicable strategy, though. I don't see how experiencing winters makes it less viable, if anything that should make it *more* viable because winter is consistent and droughts and famine are "random".

Your story also doesn't make sense because first you say that food is abundant. There are occasional famines, you say, but famines can happen anywhere in the world. If the famines are consistent, this should in theory select behavior that accounts for famines in a methodical way, same as winter. But if the famines are random, I don't see why they would select for shitty behavior anymore than any other region of the world that might experience transient famines.

I feel like you're arguing that food is so abundant that planning ahead is completely unnecessary for survival -- which would seem to breed pacifism -- but also scarce enough that it breeds violent competition but not intelligence.

Kind of doesn't add up to me. There must be more to it than that.

ASPD are just psychopaths that are caught/criminals

It's a cluster of behavior that you can attribute to a percentage of the population

It's like any other personality in effect

The smoking gun was found long ago.

Who cares?

Exactly this. They never outright said it. Race was only explicitly mentioned once, but this conclusion was strongly alluded to.

The beginning of my "red pilling" was understanding the truth about race.

>I don't see how experiencing winters makes it less viable, if anything that should make it *more* viable because winter is consistent and droughts and famine are "random".
because that kind of environment that you can't naturally survive in becomes much more survivable when you can operate smoothly in a group.
In harsh conditions, the more cooperative people thrive the most. In conditions of plenty, the biggest assholes thrive the most.

Winters required cooperation to survive.

Of course there is no free will.

so what, everyone's known this forever.

you're wrong. There is complete freedom of will, but never freedom of thought.

>he doesn't know that sociopathy is the final repill

I know how to fix this:

Just make it so laws don't apply to black people and they won't be over-represented in crime statistics!

A few years back, there was an article in a Norwegian popular science magazine that addressed race and intelligence. The article might have been copied from an American magazine, as they had a tendency to do that, but I honestly don't know if that was the case.

The funny thing is how they approached the subject. Because talking about the difference between blacks and whited would have been suicide, they instead compared whites and Asians. Not racist to say Asians are smarter than whites. They concluded the article by questioning whether or not research like this should be left unexplored, which in itself is a massive betrayal of the very foundations of science, which is the search for the objective truth.

>food is abundant.
It isn't abundant. It's just available all year long. There isn't a classic winter.
>"Kill the other guy and take his shit" is a universally applicable strategy, though.
Of course, but it is more viable to cooperate with your neighbor in a colder climate due to crop rotation and dependency upon sociability throughout the winters.>I don't see why they would select for shitty behavior anymore than any other region of the world that might experience transient famines.
Routine and interval seasons pressure for planning and foresight. A chaotic a per chance occurrence of food and resource scarcity only reinforces the same behavior.>There must be more to it than that.
I completely agree. I think this theory is only part of the picture.

they only tested finnish prisons. how many blacks are in finnish prisons?

I agree. These diagnoses are bullshit most of the time.

I was diagnosed with Adolescent Opposition Defiance Disorder at 13 after seeing a court-ordered psychiatrist (parents had a messy divorce, judge throughout the process was a dick).

I was a straight A student, had lots of friends in school, and had after school activities. Yet somehow some 300 lb sweaty jackass managed to diagnose me with a fucking disorder after an hour of chitchat? If my teachers read the diagnosis they would have laughed right in that fat fuck's face.

Diagnosing things like paranoid schizophrenia is one thing, but any sort of "defiant" disorder is pretty much a bullshit diagnosis that is seeking to find an easy solution to a difficult problem.

We've been aware of this since the 15th century. In fact, it was public knowledge that you could openly discuss until about 1960.

Our fathers were wiser than we knew. We've stupidly allowed (((them))) to erase the foundational facts of civilization that our ancestors had left for us.

Probably very little. However they only tested genetic material from Finnish prisoners and they utilized international psychological profiles. The genetic materials researched were used to correlate the antisocial behavior with genes. It wasn't to show a high or low frequency of it in a particular ethnic group. But if someone did happen to notice that a certain gene pool possessed a disproportionately high frequency of these genes............. That's what these scientists are "scared of."

We have about 3000 prisoners and 16% of them are foreigners

Forgot to say that is about 470 prisoners from 61 diffrent nationalities

I couldn't agree more. However, (((they))) are simply a symptom of the problem we have allowed to perpetuate.

We've known for a long time that the MAOA-2R allele gene correlates with a higher risk of violent behaviors, and that it's found predominantly in black males. Something like 1% of white males and around 80% of black males in America possess this gene.

I'm irritable and a dickhead and can sometimes be aggressive and I sure as fuck don't care about rules most of the time but I've never been even close to jail. Guess you have to be a dumbass as well.

don't really think anyone of intellect sees free will as a truth

you can significantly alter someone's personality, sometimes temporarily and sometimes permanently, with drugs, physical damage to the brain or certain body parts, etc

like Europe/ Asia?

I imagine in the epigenetic revolution we'll realize the impact of environment (and the emotions that result from one's circumstances) and the impact this has on our genes, and yes, they will blame the genetic markers on the Black population on White privilege.

What they will ignore is how intelligence is ALSO genetic. While it's also effected by the environment, race plays a large factor, and in a society that places a value on intelligence, Blacks are automatically relegated to the lowest classes by birth. This means they end up with the shittiest genes that a squalor living has to offer.

Not that they would be much better off in a non-White society ran by their own race. The greatest of their race can only come to fruition in an environment created by Whites.

Sometimes it's just about mixing the right cocktail of circumstances. I'm a hothead too but managed to avoid jail. Doesn't mean that I couldn't one day fall for the bait. I'm reasonably sure someone out there could trigger me with enough effort and the right circumstances.

The point is that they ask a lot of questions to determine if someone has a fucked up outlook on life or skewed way of thinking that any "normal" person would realize is fucked up. More criminals have this fucked up way of thinking than the average person in society who is not a criminal.

"I see something I want and I take it, NIGGA!"

Most people don't think like that. Not people who live in a functioning, first-world civilization anyway.

Africa where the climate means no need to plan ahead or provision.

my father told me about a TV show in Poland aired decades ago where couples adopted kids from orphanages, and around 15 years later they made a documentary about how adult life of those kids looked like, and it turned out lots of them had serious problems, psychological problems, drug abuse, problems in school etc, my father said even though they had perfect loving parents they still turned out to be criminals because it was in their genes, since most of the kids in orphanages are kids of drunkards, I was like 12 years old when he told me about it, made big impact on me

So was Psycho Pass right?

>not black
Sureeee user

Race has literally nothing to do with crime. 97% of all scientist have come to that conclusion.

3,000 prisoners in the whole country?

Jesus, to live in a country not infested by niggers

>While it's also effected by the environment, race plays a large factor,
Absolutely true. I would also add that environment is also largely affected by IQ which is largely affected by genes. Detroit, New Orleans, and nearly the entire continent of Africa are fucking shitholes for a reason. You don't inherit a 1st world country like South Africa and turn it into the anus of the world in 20 years because you're a smart group of people.

We know what makes crime, dumb niggers and that is genetic

>still turned out to be criminals because it was in their genes, since most of the kids in orphanages are kids of drunkards,
Growing up we took the bus to school. Along our route was the Christian Orphanage home that we would pick up students from. Our school gave these kids even more attention and care than the rest of the students because they knew about their background. There were 6 kids altogether that we went to school with from age 5 to age 18. Every fucking one of them ended up in prison before the age of 21, even the damn girls. It blew my mind back then but now it makes a lot of sense. All of their parents were either in prison, dead from drugs, or they simply abandoned them.

Finnish is about 75% black population right now.

If you were a genetics professor at a university, having spent 20 years busting your ass to get where you are, and you noticed that you could potentially draw the conclusion that race / genetics has a bearing on crime, what would you do?

Would you be the brave soul who tries to publish that paper, probably has the race connection edited out during peer review, lose all the social capital you've spent decades building amongst your (liberal) academic coworkers, and destroy your chances of advancing in your field?

Or do you "overlook" the race connection and draw a different conclusion?

Now replace "genetics professor" with sociology professor, psychology professor, history professor, etc. etc. and repeat the exercise.

>3000 prisoners
Holy shitit! I never realized it was that low there. Sounds like a fucking paradise. There are 1500 inmates in my wimpy ass county jail alone in a city of 900,000. Then again, I live in a state where over half the population isn't white.

it's niggers, isn't it


> No scientist believes in free will

What is Bells theorum?

I think what you meant to say is Internet dipshits infected by scientism like to sound edgy by claiming free will can't exist. Whereas physics kinda says "tough luck bro, you make your own choices".

but this already common knowledge senpai

Yeah, I know, Mexico. I was summing it for that guy.

Look at extreme dance hall videos on YouTube. When food is abundant blacks can just fuck like crazy the one that kills people to get to that pussy first wins.