At what point during 2049 did you come to terms with the fact that you were watching the purest of kino?

At what point during 2049 did you come to terms with the fact that you were watching the purest of kino?

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The hallway shot in the Wallace HQ.

The scene when K was flying over the solar farms

Whole movie was kino of course, but the ending, everything up from giant Joi to K’s Death, was pure unfettered kinographic bliss.

I saw it in the biggest IMAX in my state. It was beautiful.

watching in IMAX was unironically euphoric

when he opened the furnace and found the wooden horse. It took him forever to unravel the rag and the music was so loud and evil / ominous. I remember being amused at the scene but also enjoying it

the memory maker scene, but the replicant anti-fa scene kind of ruined the movie for me

when he had sex. shit was so well done

dat slow, menacing build up to him finding the horse

>the memory maker scene, but the replicant anti-fa scene kind of ruined the movie for me
You mean that scene where they told him their retarded plan then he proceeded to ignore them like the low tier trash they are

when the columbia logo came up and it had the glitchy computer effect over the top

The drowning scene

That threesome was one of the most kino sequences I've ever witnessed

When I seen poster in orange and teal then I knew movie would be in orange in teal and we all known orange + teal = kino

yeah. i cringed when they all started popping out from behind the pillars.

Breaking that dudes spine, followed by luv casually drone striking hobo's while getting her nails done

>but the replicant anti-fa scene kind of ruined the movie for me
how could it when they subverted that trope entirely

>comes out of the water like fucking Jason and murders her in the most beautiful way a person could ever be strangled and drowned on camera possible

he did too, why do you think he didnt do what they wanted

up until Harrison Ford showed up

When I decided to copy the opinions of people who wouldn't know a good script if it slapped them in the face and are easily distracted by inauthentic cinematography.

i havent seen harrison ford this good since he started to slow down.

(i noticed in the late 90's Harrison Ford started to slow down and i don't just mean physically even his speech patterns and mannerisms are slower now then they were in the 80's. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he had a stroke in the late 90's and kept that shit low key)

>uv casually drone striking hobo's while getting her nails done
that was when I realized that this was kino god damn

The waterfall bursting from the dam when Joi and K are flying to San Diego.

cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem and dreadfully distinct against the dark a tall white fountain played

Does it insist upon itself?

That scene was glorious. One of the few points where the music was well-done.

When you're in IMAX and 2:01 of this song kicks in and shakes the entire theater and opens up to the most beautiful landscape ever shown on film.

When Joifu was standing in the rain, K sure loved his waifu...
>Going to watch this movie again

> truly are the blade runner 2049

The K/Joi sex scene. A visual marvel on top of the thematic poetry of a human woman being used as a dispensable pleasure tool for two AIs. Legitimately one of the greatest sex scenes in all of film.

When I realized how low-key the climax was, visually

fucking hell i need to watch this movie again


I sound like a faggot but unironically THIS

most sex scenes are superfluous gratuity but this was actually meaningful and thematically relevant

when tears in the snow

>mfw when the hookers eyes are wide open and souless while Joi kisses K with passion

When K went to go to the orphanage and it wasn't the orange area from the trailers and it wasn't going to be a Looper scenerio where old grumpy Ford shows up half way through the movie.

Good catch. So many layers just in that one scene.

When this played

As soon as it was revealed that K is a replicant and that it took multiple bashings for K to be thrown through the wall in the opening scene

The dark green shade of the opening logos

>Sup Forums unironically likes this shit

I might buy another IMAX ticket while I still can and sneak in a shot of vodka or two

>K appreciates the feel of snow on his skin as he dies
>fake cg snow falls on memory girl
>even though she's "real" and he isn't, he can experience the real world in ways that she never can

stay edgy bro

This thread is seriously euphoric and enlightened. Did you all wear your fedoras to the screening, complete with trenchcoats and scorpion jackets.

Bet you were first in line to see TDK too. Truly kino, truly "kino" indeed.

Bad bait

When Dave Bautista was on screen and I actually enjoyed it.

Tears in rain
Blood in the snow

you would kill your own kind...

The scene when he first enters his apartment, puts on music, prepares his dinner, tells his digital waifu about his day, has a cigarette.

But this flick is a euphoric fedora's wet dream. The same ones who worship Inception, TDK, Tarantulino etc. love nu-Blade Runner.

It's not healthy to be in denial m8. If you're a euphoric fedora, then so be it.

Try harder

opening scene

this all freaking day! them goose bumps were real!

The opening scene was good
when you had joi in the rain (which is great) and it just a minor scene, I knew it was going to be Keno.
It was so confirmed in the understated final

When that replicant bitch of jared leto (saw movie twise and not remember her name) was shoting hobos from the sky and her eye was juxtaposed with that "action" and that music swelling

To put a fine point on it, if you like this flick, you have the taste of a manchild/teen/middle aged housewife. You're a raging pseud. Study "philosophy" etc.

Wouldn't know real art if it hit you in the face,

Y-you too...

you look closely at his lips. I almost wonder if he was trying to say something or if it was just a reaction to his final breath.

like to think he was saying his own goodbyes in peace.

did she really feel the rain? did she program herself to get wet by the rain? was it what K wanted or Joi?

It's like augmented reality, it's more realistic for her to get wet when it's raining

Every 10 years or so there is a film that just blows me away.

Prior to this film it was a 2007 movie (Assassination of Jesse James)

This. I was sold immediately to space traders.

It was cinéma until the K and Deckard fight. It became kino after that

That bit where K is looking at the DNA sample and Ana De Armas as a hologram passes right through Gosling was what began to sell me that this was something to take seriously, then we got the birthday cake scene which was just amazing to watch for all the lighting they had to pull off for it

great retort

The opening two shots. The way it mirrored the original, but was also drastically different just immediately told me everything I needed to know.

Also this scene. The new Voight-Kampff test was pretty cool. Way more brutal and intense than the original.

original voight-kampff was to look for an emotional response, the new test was to make sure there isn't one.

Well, yeah, they're both looking for an emotional response. Regardless of whether you want the result to be positive or negative, the test is still doing the same thing.


The synchronized holographic sex scene and when the massive holographic girlfriend advertisement called him Joe

It kind of sunk in, not sure exactly when. Had to adjust to its pace. But man I was fully convinced it's a straight up masterpiece somewhere halfway in.

That movie had the same cinematographer as this, btw.

Yes, and in both he did a amazing job.

Also both are great stories that have a more tempered pace then some like.

>K lies on stairs, symbolizing his earthbound soul unable to go to heaven or hell, the snow falling on him and him enjoying it to signify his masochistic conflict of interest
>"I guess... in the end.. when you really think about it, all along... I always was a Blade Runner 2049."

What the FUCK? I walked out of the theater.

Did you get a chance to see Good Time in theaters? Fast, frantic pace, but also incredibly good with brilliant cinematography.

Looks like Lexi Belle

Its a good 8/10 movie.

>Deckard puts his hand up to the glass
>credits start rolling
Stopped watching there. Fuck this movie.

When all the trash bandits started getting blown to bits

>K finds the bee hives
>K puts his hand inside the bee hive
>K puts his other hand inside the bee hive
>K rubs both his hands full of bees on his face which is now also full of bees
>K looks directly into the camera and tell us to go watch The Bee Movie
what did he mean by this

>theater lights come on
>ushers start sweeping popcorn off the floor

What the FUCK!? I literally walked out right then

That was more like a 2.5 some

>K puts his hand up and feels the snowflakes and realizes what it is to be human
>Deckard's daughter puts her hand up and can't feel the artificial snow despite being a real human

Do you mean how he DIDN't walk into Wallace HQ killing tons of guards and breaking Jared Leto's back like a normal movie would have?

The Vegas lounge fight with the glitching holograms

>K dying in the snow
>wide shot of him lying on the stairs with his eyes closed
>suddenly opens his eyes and looks into the camera
>"buy The Emoji Movie on Bluray October 24th"
I know Blade Runner has product placement and all, but that was a bit much IMO.

lold my ass off and i dont care who knows

Well joke's on you, I'm enjoying this new video console machine that I only know about because of the movie.

daily reminder
>Love kills Joy for the average Joe

Actually now that I think of it, the part where K puts his hand inside the bee hive is relevant to this thread. It's masterfully done. We all know that putting your hand in a beehive is a dumbshit idea, but at the same time we all know why he did it. K had been silently walking amidst ruins, dust and decay. It's a profoundly depressing and lonely experience. It makes you want to to touch something alive, to feel it with your hands no matter what.

Because that roastie hooker is only half a person?

the sex scene was really creative

it was trippy how their faces kept blending in and out

real human bean
and a real hero

I couldn't tell who was who most of the time. I loved it.

I've never seen the original blade runner, should I see that first or just go ahead and watch this?