

Snoke is palpatine. Palpatine was blown up in that shaft thing but survived. Look at the face


supreme leader sneed

He can blow my shaft thing if you can catch my drift


Its Tarkin.

He survived the Death Star exploding.

they'vs already said Snoke is a whole new character
feel free to stop making these dumb pointless threads any time

Well, considering the EU already has a cloned palpatine story, it wouldn't surprise me.

Feel free to suck my nuts

>Its Tarkin.
not force sensitive you twat

Get cancer namefag

I mean, I guess they just don't want to reveal the identity of him before the movies do so.

i choked on my drink laughing at this

just like how Khan isn't going to be in ST Into Darkness?

Maybe this creppy fuck?

Spoiler. Snoke is bigger Luke.

Luke killed Bigger Luke on Dagobah, Bigger Luke was in the Vader suit

OP explain Snoke having blue eyes tho

Snoke more likely to be Vader

Snoke has blue eyes and eyebrows. Palps does not

That's what he wanted you to think.

Smoke is probably boba fett?

Snoke is luuke

Who cares?

Star Wars is dead.