There are actually people out there who spent actual good whiskey money on beer. lol, who does that...

there are actually people out there who spent actual good whiskey money on beer. lol, who does that? why not just piss on your money and burn it instead?

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this is NOT /ck/, I just realized.

user. should drinking 4 beers give me a massive ass hangover the next day? because they do
i think a few shots of that shit would cripple me for a week

old crow is a much better low end whiskey

you shut your fucking whore mouth.

Evan Williams is really quite repulsive.

That aint japanese
Neck yourself

i drink girly cocktails as a starter sometimes because who gives a fuck what other people think

There are actually people out there that put ice on whisky or mix it with other drinks

People like that deserve an holocaust

I take a shot before bed and right when I wake up

you must be dirt poor or jew stingy to care about people spending money on things they enjoy

theres nothing wrong with whisky on the rocks a bit of water brings out the taste better

There are people on this board right now who are so bereft of any good qualities that they attempt to out other people for drinking a particular type of alcoholic beverage because it allows them to feel better about themselves for a couple of minutes.

Evan Williams is piss though

Evan Williams actually tastes better on ice because it's garbage whiskey

imagine people buying things with money they earned. this is the sort of atrocity you get in a society without 70% taxation.

>brings out the taste better
While I'll drink whiskey on the rocks when I'm trying to get hammered, this is patently untrue.

You lose flavor the colder something gets, hence why shit beer wants you to drink it as cold as possible.

How can I set fire to my money after pissing on it you drunken idiot?

imagine people doing things that I don't do

You're supposed to put in room temp water.

It's pretty hard to justify premium bourbon. The fact that you use new oak casks means the wood really colours the spirit. There's not much room for individuality. I'll take Wild Turkey 101 up there with Buffalo Trace or Evan Williams, and it's cheaper.

If you're gonna blow money, it better be something like Pappy or single malt scotch.

don't worry, by Sup Forums standards this may as well be on-topic

>on the rocks
>room temp
yeah nice try kiddo

so..mix in hot water?

If you are a cute skinny girl then yes. If you are a guy then you should be able to still be good to drive let alone be drunk you lightweight faggot.

>that's not how you drink, THIS is how you drink
and that's why /ck/ sucks

whisky, you want room temp

beer, people get autistic about certain temperatures for certain beers, but the general consensus is "cellar temperature" which is around 10-12 degrees celsius (50-55F).

i'm 6'2" and weigh 215

who gives a fuck im just trying to get drunk

isn't that the point you absolute autist?

Then yes something is extremely wrong, especially if you are bulking and eating a shitload all day. All that food should be absorbing the alcohol. Four beers should get you slightly tipsy at best. I have no idea how you are getting hungover.

I always get worse hangovers from drinking beer than I do with liquor.

thats a fucking huge glass of whiskey, good lord

I'm not that user, just saying.

condolenses, hopefully you've come up with an excuse to tell people
i'd go with the pancreas. real drunks blow out something else before the liver can even catch up

what actually happens is it makes your tongue somewhat numb so you can't taste proper

How old are you? I'm 30, and while four beers doesn't get me very drunk (6'1 240), it will make me hungover the next day. Not a terrible one, but I'll have a headache, low energy, a bit nauseous. Used to be able to drink way more with no effects, but it changed as I got older.

>All that food should be absorbing the alcohol.

This is stupid. The alcohol still goes into your bloodstream, and has to pass through the liver, where the toxi byproducts that create hangovers are created. How much you eat only affects how fast it gets there.