"Why child porn should be legal"

Really makes ya think m.youtube.com/watch?v=LGAU1ap1scc

What the fuck man. What the fucking fuck.

I'm open minded to hearing as to why there might be a reason for cgi stuff to be produced for pedo's, but only if it was proven that it could stop child molestors which I'm pretty sure it cannot (and would probably only serve to exacerbate the problem).

I'm certainly not going to listen to some cunt who bizarrely opens their video saying they won't watch it, 'unless they become interested in it at a later date'. That is undoubtedly the response of a pedo.

We need to elect Trump so that pedophiles get murdered.

dumb fucking chink

I agree with him on it about half. He is taking it to a level that is just fucking sick. Saying that fucking babies should be legal and legal to film it and that babies can consent?

Ugh... 12 years olds... maybe you can make an argument.. but babies.. wtf.

Generally though I think its bad that the government controls sex and sex norms.

He's trolling

Can't you idiots see that this is genius satire?

This guy is a 19yr old self-proclaimed virgin and all around attention whore. Nothing to see here. Move along.

what, the fuck, dude

>(would probably only serve to exacerbate the problem)
Yeah, because what's better than a bunch of paedos? A bunch of horny paedos with no option but the real deal, apparently. God forbid a 2D child gets hurt.

This guys a troll.

Why cant 11 year olds see the difference between satire and trolling? Should America be nuked?

>"Let me just make this clear, I'm not a pedophile"
>Advocates for child pornography
Yeah, this guy needs to be sent to ISIS so they can execute him on video

Literally everybody in this thread should neck themselves, you're an idiot, end your life. Start watching at 9:25 if you really couldn't read between the lines. He says himself it's satire, he's mocking islam.

>"What slippery slope, user?"

kek no, he's an idiot.

he's 100% serious in all his retarded videos.

I don't know which fate is worse, being attracted to young girls or being attracted to women.

Either way, you're here to be disappointed.

>Should America be nuked?
At least twice.

He could just convert to Islam and get himself five child brides, you know. If he had the income. Most regular guys can probably only afford one or max two child brides though. They have to support them, and all the kids they'll be making as they bareback them from 9 years old and up, just like the prophet. Thankfully Germany or Sweden will pay!

>Guy starts rambling like a fucking retard for nine and a half minutes.
>Everybody gets the gist of it after 30 seconds and closes the video to call the guy retarded.

If you want people to check out your brilliant satire, maybe don't shoehorn ten minutes of garbage in front of it.

Old comedy trick.

>Literally everybody in this thread should neck themselves, you're an idiot, end your life. Start watching at 9:25 if you really couldn't read between the lines. He says himself it's satire, he's mocking islam.
When you rant on (in extensive and sophomoric detail) for 10 minutes about having sexual intercourse with an infant and don't even clearly state you were being satirical, you lose all comedic value.

In fact, not one video, not ONE is even remotely comedic. He has absolutely no idea how to deliver jokes correctly. His appearance that makes him come off as an actual pedophile, his minor speech impairment, and the his overuse of curse words (and not knowing when to correctly use them for maximum effect) REEK autism. Like seriously, the fact that people like him exist makes me want to unironically support the eugenics movement.


Please take a comedy class and correctly learn how to tell jokes, because that was an absolutely pathetic attempt at being funny. You too come off as having autism.

How obvious is it to you guys that this guy is from r9k?