Heathcliff didn't wear his ham helmet

Heathcliff didn't wear his ham helmet.

Other urls found in this thread:


You mean his hamlet?







No ham touching ma'am

>old white man gets cornrows so he can be better at basketball

Is this what it's like when aliens try to be racist?


Looks like he gave heathcliff the stereotypical chinese buck teeth too


That's his tongue

Are these edits I honestly don't know

do you not notice the earthian feline humours when you are seeing them?

Post the one where user gets this one.

is this true modern art?

We really ought to have a scientific method to determine the edits by now, it gets harder to tell with every thread


No, it's so post-modern that it's actually anti-modern art.


He'd have a nice theme song as well


It's Heathcliff.


I don't get it.

>tfw to intelligent too understand Heathcliff

Whoever writes these, I hope they study his brain once he dies. Perhaps science will discover how someone can be so completely devoid of any concept of humor. And then develop a cure so it never happens again.

In the future we will understand transdimensional humour of Heatcliff.
It will reveal to us secrets of transdimensional engineering, interstellar and time travel