Is this even worth watching if i'm not big on jacking off to tortured women

is this even worth watching if i'm not big on jacking off to tortured women

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its premise is quite good. the violence and torture has a reason and is not just torture porn.

and to be honest the movie made me feel quite shitty for a while in a good way. it has a quite unique impact on some people.

its the only movie i like that i dont recommend watching.

Honestly, it made me feel bad.

Torture is sointense it just makes you feel like shit and depressed.

Torture movies are cancer as it is, this is just wrong on so many levels.

If you're older than 16, skip it

I didnt get the ending honestly.

There is no after life, and no point to go on living.


Are you memeing?

She saw the afterlife

>i'm not big on jacking off to tortured women
you need to go back

No. It hesitates between shock effect and drama, and you realise it's rather morally disgusting than typically scary. I think he should have toned it down a bit on the gore torture and make it more of a psychological thriller.

No, that was a director's trick to make you think she saw that. In reality, she probably realised telling her the truth would kill all her hopes.

the impact wouldnt have been so big it has on you. the moment they reveal what they did to her just punches you in the gut.

I liked watching Xavier Dolan get his head blown off.

It is movie that tries to have a "deep" message at the end to make you think that what you just watched wasn't just pure misanthropy.

It is a very disturbing movie though, so if you like that shit, give it a watch.

If you faggots want some profound messages, just watch Kubrick godamnit!

There is nothing good if torture porn.

>ending just comes right out of the blue
>the entire film including the opening shot of a bald girl running while bleeding, isn't designed to give the viewer a "what the hell is going on?" vibe while the film slowly unravels its secret

Nigger, did you even WATCH Martyrs?

No man, it turns into the worst torture porn imaginable.
Do yourself a favour and don't.

You faggots better have fucking watched Inside (2007) too.

Not as near as brutal in any fucking way.

and I'm not just talking about flesh torture.

Inside is a gorefest popcorn movie.

Martyrs is demented leaving you with a light case of ptsd.


Inside is pretty fucking hilarious. Everyone just comes into that poor bitch's house like they own the place.

>its the only movie i like that i dont recommend watching

i hate feeling so abstract. i didn't like the torture/flailing sequences but i loved the obsession with having assurances of an afterlife and the idea that people who've suffered incredible pain receive some sort of a sympathy vengeance in terms of "bearing witness." that sequence with the zoom-in to her eye and the sight/sound design on that ball of light was cool.

and the end-credits music video made me feel something indescribable too

Do you even know about niggers rioting in Paris back in 2007.?

If no, shut the fuck up

She saw that there was an afterlife, but that nothing we do during our lives affects the outcome. This is why Mademoiselle kys'd herself.


It's a very good movie

you're making me think about it again. and it makes sense to me now, to think that the one thing holding the oldhag to her wits is the belief that all the torture was worth it if it led to them bringing enlightenment to the living world. so it doesn't really matter if there is an afterlife or nothingness, because both possibilities still confirm the truth that all the suffering she ordered was completely unnecessary. she loses her right to life and can't bear to drag the others down with her.

anyway to answer op's question directly i only suggest watching it if you think you feel as miserable as you've ever felt. i watched it in a state of depression and i found it pretty captivating above all else. i was gonna feel shitty regardless of the film's contents so i don't regret watching it. it's the torture porn to make you lose all interest in torture porn. that counts for something

It's a really good movie.

The scenes of graphic violence are only parts of the whole sums which is what this movie does best; Atmosphere.

The violence in itself isn't in your face or dragged out in long details. It punctuates the unsettling and hopelessness atmosphere.

This movie is terrifying in the way hope is slowly whisked away and things only get worse and worse with a sad realism to it rather than raw and at least for me, atmosphere always beat gore.

Couldn't really empathize with Anna, she was a complete retard
>go to to house
>kill entire family
>keep living there
>find pizzagate style dungeon and still stay in the house
>then wonder why you got captured

I'm a pussy when it came to torturing young women so could someone sum up the plot for me?

kek I have a friend who had to work with him and he watched Martyrs for the same reason

Yes, and it's not torture porn. It's anti-torture porn. Kermode says it best:

young women get tortured

oh wait, Xavier Dolan played in that? Can't remember

religious fanatics try to bring victims with intense pain over a long period of time to border of death and life - hoping to get a glimpse of the afterlife.

>i watched it in a state of depression and i found it pretty captivating above all else.
Same here.

>it's the torture porn to make you lose all interest in torture porn. that counts for something
So true.

Yeah that's the problem i have with it...if the director had done it in some Hostel torture throwaway fiesta style, it would be just an other generic shit.
If he had toned down the gore and kept it disturbing psychologically, and maybe revealed who was behind it all sooner, with their motives etc, the ending scene would have meant much more.
But he did a mix of both genres and so you think it's gonna go full revenge style or something, but instead you've got this weird "there's a deep message, wait for it" moment but you just want to get out at this point, no one cares anymore about these people.

What are some other female torture porn kinos?

hostel 1 and 2 rest is trash.

>french movies

>Reminder that since Martyrs, he has done only one movie which was shit.
French horror is not coming back anytime soon

whats wrong with him

I think this is one of the only movies actually depicting flailing alive, aside from that one horror movie with the mentally retarded killer i forgot the name of

some people think he comes off as a brat. I posted and the friend I mentioned who worked with him said he wasn't a bad person, just really fucking whiny/annoying.