New study has come out saying American youth cant afford food

>Millions of American teenagers are at risk of running out of food or don't have access to affordable, healthy food.
Some of them are so desperate, they're selling their bodies and committing crimes to go to jail to ensure regular meals, according to an Urban Institute study.

Is this actually true or are they blowing smoke up our asses?

Other urls found in this thread:

I personally got hip to dumpster diving to snag some free meals.
You can always shoplift but that carries risks.

For what it's worth I've been training my body to eat one meal per day.

they blowing smoke up our asses, for real

They probably polled 1000 niggers. If I spent all my money on crack I wouldn't have money for food either.

Are you using a proxy kim?

>Urban Institute

sounds like a branch of the same tree that the Southern Poverty group spawned from which is basically


I thought EBT existed?

No american kids are starving. even the poor ones are fat as fuck and the milk is full of hormones giving little boys mega milk moobs.

there are programs in place to stop this from happening. the only people ever really at risk of starving are young men and luckily were generally smart enough to prevent that from happening, except niggers.

I'm going to be honest, I no longer trust any news reports or studies at this point. I neither trust the media, nor higher education to act as trusted arbiters of the truth.

The world has literally become somewhere where somebody always gets the result they want, no matter what. There's no longer even the pretense of lack of bias, it's a joke.

They must not know about Aldi.

Healthy food here is insanely expensive. But that's compared to junk food. If you stop buying 6 cans of Pringle for the price of a container of strawberries

What part of

>Urban Institute

did you miss? you think this study is about White people?

Something like 1 in 7 people here go hungry every day.

Oyy veyyy be sure to buy your igoys now with 100% less headphones

then why are we discussing niggers starving? this is old news. theyre not even smart enough to sign up for free food.

But some how they afford smart phones.

>be me
>find qt 16 yr old loli (aoc is 16 in this state)
>give her foods
>she gives me sex

I want this to be true. Please tell me I can do this.

That's a regional brand.

the Philippines.

if it was true would they be so fucking fat?

Something tells me they're buying fast food, not cooking at home.

Same here, man.

Healthy food is fucking cheap. You just have to know what to buy and when to buy it. Strawberries are expensive but when they are in season you can get them for very cheap. Maybe instead of strewberries you buy apple, orange and bananas. Orange are only $0.99 a pound and you can get them for cheaper with coupons.

If healthy food is costing you too much it is because A) you are buying out of season, B) you are buying organic, C) you are retarded.

>Nobody can cook
>Everybody eats fast food or eats out for every meal
Guarantee this is what happened.

I don't see the problem.


Exactly its also because many people eat vegetables fucking raw instead of cooking and seasoning it like every mentally functioning person would.

Maybe niggers shouldn't sell their food stamps to their drug dealers if they're worried about being hungry.

I can buy chicken for less per lb than oranges and its got like 3x the calories per lb. And its not just sugars like in oranges its protein. On a related note, I am proteen.

you really did your homework...

lmao wtf.

its not even possible to starve in america, you would have to be mentally ill in order to starve and not eat at the local soup kitchen.

chicken will also give you a very painful death in your later years due to cancer or cardiovascular problems, try whole grains, beans/legumes instead.

It does, but nogs and other assorted scum will let people "borrow" their EBT cards and buy groceries in exchange for drugs or cash. My pill junkie sister used to do that to get Percocets from her dealer.

Lets make america great again by eliminating age of consent and marriage age laws.

If a kid can consent to getting hormone replacement therapy (chemical sex change) then they can consent to sex itself.

I'm 100% anti rape, if someone rapes a kid then deep fry them on public tv but there is nothing wrong with a teenager getting sweet sweet loveings with an older person. I'm even fine with keeping laws against incest and sex with persons who have positions of authority. But its just asinine to illegalize acts between consenting intelligent informed persons.

Raw veggies are great. I fucking love raw carrots and cucumber and both are cheap as fuck.
I just picked oranges because he said strawberries and oranges are always available for cheap where strawberries are seasonal. Oranges are even cheaper if you buy them in bags or boxes.

I buy boneless skinless for $1.69/lb because I am too lazy to debone and deskin (unless making soup then the bones are cash).

The issue is that too many people do not know how to cook so they are spending $10+ a meal on take out for every meal.

>Is this actually true or are they blowing smoke up our asses?
It's utter bullshit. The criteria they use to determine "at risk status" is pants-on-head.

Study flaws:
>Participants were paid to participate.
>Participants selected were already "at-risk", biasing the results, and then data was extrapolated to a national scale, further skewing the conclusion.
>Minuscule sample size. (193 total participants)
>Results were primarily based off teenager's stories, anecdotes, and conversations, not empirical data such as shopping habits, spending habits, and food availability within the home.

The study is utter horseshit. The primary goal is to generate large scale sympathy to support lobbying efforts for greater federal welfare spending, not to objectively determine food availability within urban communities.

Yeah I like them two at times but many people only think eating raw is the only applicable way and get turned off by it.

That's exactly what it is.

I can't either, I literally only eat brown rice and tuna, nothing else
sometimes I can actually afford sauce like sriracha

Well I go to class in the morning at 7 am then after classes have 40 minutes to drive half across town to get to my job at 1pm where I stay till 7pm before going home and doing my assignments. I'm in college, no debt not on any government assistance and I eat fast food at lunch almost every day usually (sometimes I pack leftovers) And yes for what I get with the fast food you could eat much better if you had time to prepare a proper meal but I get paid $25/hr (and that's part time) and to me I would rather work those hours and pay some leftist minimum wage slave to make my food for me at lunch then reduce my workload and spend the time cooking.


>go to store
>get box of ramen noodles for $3, pack of 10
>loaf of bread, $2 at most
>jar of peanut butter, $3-4
>enough to eat for two weeks easily
>~$10 spent
>literally only need hot water to make them
>"wah I'm poor I can't eat I'm gonna buy this $7 12-pack of beer to drown my sorrows of why I'm so poor"

Was the deep fry child rapists on live tv line triggering to you? Because there's some really sick shit happening out there and it needs to stop. I'd also suggest doing it to parents who neglect or beat there kids to death.
You don't know what you're missing, our food culture is 5/5

here junk food is expensive but healthy foods arent

a can of pringle cost 4tl, you can buy 4kg of tomatoes for that price

>cooking video
>puts rice into stove
>picks up neon light
>kokokokoko kokookooko
>drops it somewhere
>someone comes up with food
>picks up computer
>brings it home
>its disgusting everywhere
>a dog appears

what am i watching

ITT the privileged dismiss truths too hard for them to handle.

idk if millions isn't inflated but I've got friends that eat ramen every day, throwing in veggies when they can. I was homeless until I enlisted at 17, I used to steal peanut butter and eat it with my fingers. I'm sure people saw me take it but I was starving a lot. Still only weigh about 120 pounds. I just can't eat enough I get so full I feel sick after just a bit of food

americans gotta take some food wisdom from ol juanita on this one- beans and rice are like 80% of what you need

throw in some eggs, frozen veggies and you got yourself a fat happy little gringo

culinary, tasty food that everyone eats here

Probably the hardest time for 16-25 year olds to find jobs. When you have 25-40 year olds working ENTRY level fast food jobs. Remember the black bitch with 3 kids or something who worked mcdonalds for 9 years and still making close to min wage? Fuck if you work a place for 9 fucking years and aren't supervisor at the fast food restaurant, there is seriously something wrong with you. You're probably so lazy that they want to fire you but can't since you do barely enough and that you're barely better than someone who needs to be trained. Fast food usually in the past 20 years has had relatively high turn over. You work there 1-3 years and either you move up the ladder or you leave for another opportunity. Now there are morons working there for 3-9 years and cry about a living wage.

Real unemployment is around 30% and probably 50% for teens and early 20's. Most people today cannot find a decent stable job unless they "know" someone because all the entry level jobs get 300-500 applications per job listing.

They recently opened an Aldi's near me. It ain't cheap. Can usually get every thing cheaper at these hispanic markets.

If I ever end up penniless I would make a beeline to the nearest public library. The nearest church would probably work as well.

Public libraries server food? Never heard of that. Churches do have food for homeless/needy but it's more like once a month and you have to go there at a specific time and day. Even then there are always usually long lines from poor people. The worst the world economy gets, the more people line up for those canned foods and they will run out.

Maybe if they bought a used android instead of a brand new iphone 7.43, they'd be able to not suck cocks.
I mean, for money. Of course they'll suck cocks regardless.

Public libraries have free internet access. Get you numbers/addresses/names you can use to survive.

can confirm I can't afford food, but it's only because I'm cheap

I invest on the side and do well for myself in that department, but I pathologically neglect my food health in cycles.

Mexican food is my staple.

I seriously don't understand how somebody can starve in the modern west, and I say that as somebody who has spent time being broke as shit. Beans, rice, lentils, and ramen are cheap as fuck. As in, you can EASILY get your daily calories in for under $3/day. A little more money will buy you some meat, fruit, and leafy vegetables for a balanced diet, still easily under $5/day, as long as you're smart and buy on sale. That price point is easily achievable for anybody with a full-time job. And even if you don't have a job, you can easily fill the gaps with EBT and/or panhandling.

The only way anybody starves in the west is through some combination of mental illness and/or gibsmedat. Spending $9/meal for fast food is fucking retarded. If you take your own survival seriously, it's easy as shit to make ends meet.

t. Somebody who has actually been poor and had to make these calls. I'm doing much better now, lower-middle class and hoping to move up again soon.

Yeeeeesssss!!! America is officially full!!! Now they can't make us take nigger Muslims and they'll have to go to Canada.

Bottom tier gib-me-dats and those who are to prideful to ask for help. Empathize with one group and feel disdain for the other. On the same hand, we've reached a point at which its almost foolish not to readily take offerings from the rotting husk of what used to be. I think the only thing stopping the second aforementioned group is the knowledge that they'd be eating off of money stolen from the common man.

>luckily were smart enough
>were smart enough
>smart enough

Clearly you aren't.

go away vegan jew

Fast food and take out, the young idiots can't cook. Let them fail or learn, survival of those who truly learn and adapt.

"Dollar" menu at McDuck means you can spend that $5 on a single meal and meet your caloric intake for the day. You'll also feel so shitty that your appetite will be suppressed until the next day. It's a win-win.

Reviewbrah, is that you?

>I can't afford food
>I have plenty of money
>I'm just a kike
>eat minimal amounts of povertymeal just to save those shekels
>only time I eat fancy is when it's on somebody else's dime
gotta jew fast

Yeah but that shit is so fucking bad for you. When I quit sugar and fast food I literally felt like I was getting high every day. Sugar causes a real haze.

>Others would pull fire alarms or commit other petty crimes to end up in prison.

You don't go to prison for petty crimes. That's why they are called petty.

McCuck's is okay for meeting calorie needs, but in my experiences, it just doesn't fill you up the way that real food does. $5 probably does buy you over 2,000 calories, but you'll probably want a second meal that day.

It's a decent option if you're homeless and panhandling for food daily, but it's less than ideal if you have a place and a stove.

You should hope it's true. It'll make the Happening happen faster.

Hungry people are dangerous people, user.

>but you'll probably want a second meal that day
I don't know about you but if I even eat two McDouble's I feel so shitty that I don't eat again that day.

Guess your stomach is weak and/or you've never eaten on a strict budget while doing manual labor. I've definitely been in situations where 2 McDoubles wasn't a full day worth of food for me. That alone, you'll just feel weak when you exert yourself.

mcdonalds and burger king and shit generally make you feel like trash if you're not used to them.
I have no fucking clue why.

>or you've never eaten on a strict budget while doing manual labor
I'm an electrician actually. It's super easy to not eat shit even if you're on the road. Crockpots, Foreman grills, etc. I just don't eat shit all the fucking time because I know better.