What is this Juggalo thing and why do Americans do it?

What is this Juggalo thing and why do Americans do it?



We don't. It's like a couple thousand degenerate hillbilly inbreds.

You a German bitch
i bet you a snitch
Tell you bit this little itch that I got to pop clips
In your nugget, bang bang
Cuz im fuckin insane
Clown with a Wang
Clown bang bang

Why you give a fuck?
I bet you fucking suck
Worse than the clan
You a fucking nazi, man
So shit your fat lip
Before you get hit
By a wicked clown wicked clown
Take your ass down

Stupid kraut

To fuck fat chicks

>american males dress like clowns while their women get fertilized by the BBC

a degenerate, kosher approved white identity movement

So what? Most people aren't worth reproducing on their own, and yes, that includes most of the fuck wits n this board.
>Implying I wouldn't fuck a black chick brown chick Chicky chick ho

Damn those Swedes speak English well.

Well said my good xir

Fun fact: The place they used to hold the Gathering Of The Juggalos told them to fuck off in favor of an underground metal festival.

They would rather have Waco Jesus, Sexual Atrocities, and Belphegor than those faggots.

You're alright, ozzie.

A bunch of /emo fucks that got diddle by uncle-daddy that deny they have any problems from that or being a meth baby so in denial they do a shit ton of drugs to hide their pain with a bunch of other fucks that got molested even worse from their catholic priest so their way to cope is even more drugs, drinking, and in the process find underage kids in the group to molest and fuck them up while they've already started on their drugs...

"I'm not like this because of what daddy did to me" - BS

"I'm like this because I'm a normally adjusted adult and am making intelligent choices" = raped

Then ya got yer average american douchebag that just stand there sharting the fuck out of himself.

So ya, while I understand the why these fucks are fucked up... Can we just send them all to Texas and let them deal with these shits?

That's a pretty gay poem, famalamajiggalo.

Never heard of it.

aint nothing wrong with gettin your clown on once in a while

not that germany would know about fun

What is a juggalo?
Let me think for a second
Oh, he gets butt-naked
And then he walks through the streets
Winking at the freaks
With a two-liter stuck in his butt-cheeks

Later today I might try to put a weave in my nut hair.


Well, juggalos are scientists (I know, surprising right?) Undergoing rigorous studies, mental, physical, AND spiritual in nature, to discover the exact reason that magnetics and magnets in general function on earth. Deeper than beyond copping out with a reply based on outdated science of "the earth's crust and gravity" pfff. Old shit. Juggalos are the forefront, man. It's just a matter of time before they discover levitation and then we're all fucked.

Idiots not Americans