Damn if she wasn't my momma

>damn if she wasn't my momma

When did American Dad become the best cartoon comedy on TV?

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>best TV comedy
That is not Rick & Morty.

Not even worth posting baitfish

When I was younger, "bait" actually meant something.

Better than American Dad at the very least, fucking MacFarlane apologist.

Seth MacFarlane's name on a show doesn't automatically make it irredeemable. Try watching the show instead of memeing you mongoloid

American dad has it's moments. But you're fucking delusional if you think it's better than rick and morty.

Honestly 75% of R&M Season 2 was shit

in your opinion

Say what you want about MacFarlane, There have been some very funny American Dad segments. R&M was not always that good

>I think American Dad is funnier than R&M
>>you fucking retard R&M is better factually!!!!

>I think part of R&M was shit

Justin Roiland hates your ilk. Spend less time trying to suck his dick.

I find R&M really hit and miss. If it has a good episode it's a damn good episode but the weaker ones can be just awful and I have a hard time sitting through them. Like Get Schwifty. That whole episode felt like it was trying to force a meme and it just came off as cringeworthy and self indulgent the entire time.

We could have had an awesome AD thread until had to come along.


Name me one Cartoon, I'll even take anime, that has better music than American Dad


Love this song.

>I'm B8 I've got the penis of a man

>A show where 99% of the jokes are burping and stuttering

It's almost like they don't need to come up with actual jokes if they just do that.

Has a voice that makes even men wet yet his running joke is that he's a virgin.

Jesus, why is Steve the only character in this show who can sing?

Francine sounds awful.


Wow I seriously forgot alot of American dad's songs are fucking good. God damn steve.

His voice actor is an actual singer.
He has three albums.

Hailey sounds pretty good as well and Seth can sing really good in his roles which is nearly impossible for most VAs so I give him credit for that.

We give seth so much shit but he really is one of the most talented voice actors alive.

It never was. It's hit or miss with alot more misses than hits.

All of season 2 and 5, most of season 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. Parts of 9 and 10 is a lot more hit than miss.

Even the good episodes are lazily written. They don't hurt too watch and have a few laughs but in the end you foget them.

>didn't realize Scott Grimes plays Steve Smith
>Malarkey from Band of Brothers plays Steve
>Malarkey from Band of Brothers can sing like a champ
>and those fucking quints

wait something feels off...

B12 is a girl, isnt he?

If you have poor memory sure.

Isn't Steve like 14, though?

Most teens lose their virginity at 16-19, not 14.

Well, I guess in the exaggerated perspective of a virgin, everyone has already had sex.

early 2017 quints

Girl you're gonna feel a little prick

I think it's time to admit that Roger carries the show alone.


Roger's great, but saying he carries the show is overselling him.

I really like all the characters in their own way.

Thats wrong. He's great, but to be honest, the show wouldn't be nearly as good, if Stan himself weren't such a fun character.

so does seth have an incest fetish or something?

The running joke now is that the whole universe is against Steve having sex, it got to the point were a girl could be crushed to death several times when she's about to have sex with Steve or the only thing that could save the universe is him doing other stuff instead of sex

remove glasses and you're done

bait nowadays means that someone disagree with you


remember that episode of Rugrats where Stu gets hit on the head and starts acting like a baby? That like instilled something in me at a young age where grown people acting like babies makes me really uncomfortable. That episode of Cowboy Bebop with that jester guy who starts crying like a baby after he gets punched does the same thing

I'm not gonna lie, something about that episode was weirdly off.

made worse by the fact that tommy technically made his friend kill himself so he can get his dad back.

I think what really makes this for me is Francines "They?" right as the song starts

>Justin Roiland hates anyone who likes R&M
I don't think I believe that, senpai.

I'm pretty amazed at how much better AD is than all of McFarlane's other cartoons. Even the current season. Is it because he has less of a hand in it? They have the best "santa is actually evil" holiday eps.

Seth macfarlane has like three or four albums

What is it with Seth and incest jokes?

I think they are all pretty great.