This is Lisa. Say something nice about her

This is Lisa. Say something nice about her.

Her ratty hair is cute.

She's smart I guess.

I literally can't

She's a fucking cunt

Is there any reason for this character to exist other than reminding us that Savino used to work on Dexter's Lab, despite the fact that we'd all prefer to not remember that he worked on Dexter's Lab?

your fanbase is filled with pedophiles

just sayin

She did have the most interesting/weird episode they've done to date.

Can we talk about some Louds that don't suck instead?

Lara Jill Miller

Her voice is grating as fuck.

She is more attractive than a pig. Slightly.

Her voice actress is fine.



Belongs on

That pic wasn't even that racy.

>thinking dumpy clothes/huge glasses/lisp voiced toddlers are sexy
Even pedos have some standards.

Something nice about her.

Hey Sup Forums, thith ith schientific proof that God doethent exthist becauth schience.

Lisa has a lateral lisp, not an interdental lisp, you butt munch.

Really. Like, why in the Nine Absols of Hell would we want to remember Season 2 DL?

To provide stereotype-based gags. Could probably be less over-the-top though since all the others are grounded in somewhat reality.

She has blown up the house on several occasions

Introduced radioactive elements into the house on several occasions

Violates her sibling's privacy

Probably smells

Made everybody hate snow days so they go to school

She's a cunt

she's there to serve as a basis for science themed porn.

>Probably smells
She's preschool age and shares a room with a baby. Derp.

yeah Lisa does kind of seem jarringly out of place in what's a comparatively grounded show


Stop spamming Sup Forums with this shitty show already you fucking pedophiles

>She has blown up the house on several occasions
>Introduced radioactive elements into the house on several occasions
>Violates her sibling's privacy

All in the name of scientific advancements.

And fuck you, Lisa smells good.

>1 thread

Also nobody said anything in here about wanting to fuck the characters.

Cool. We need to do a fanart version of this with Lori, who even kind of looks like the bitch on here.


Not a bad idea desu.

If they actually did some jokes about her still being a four year old girl despite how much of a genius she is, then maybe she would be funny. But as it is now she just sucks as a character.


If they manage to do that in "Making The Grade," maybe she'll seem a bit more sympathetic.

I always remember her for being in digimon

They kind of do though, like how she has a kiddie training potty in her room and she also studies poop for her experiments.