The Timeless Titan; the Big O

I'm sure this show affected a lot of you as well, it is time to have an appreciation thread for the old classic.

How many of you know of the audio drama where Dorothy 'cried' and cracked? (it has a pdf translation too)
How many of you have read the novel that I've been desperately searching for?

Forget what you are doing and enjoy the show one time more.

>audio drama
I have previously been unaware of those two things.

It really felt timeless every time I watched it.. And I understood an aspect I had rejected initially or not even associated with the series.

I feel like this is one of those series one can actually handle with genuine intelligence.

Which aspect?

'On the yellow brick road' was its name, iirc. It's a fun little thing with lots of character interactions and little else. Some insight on how Dorothy perceives herself.

Mostly the metaphysical themes and aspects. I usually cringe and ignore Japanese taking foreign names and concepts ('King Arthur' is just a title guise!! 1) and shoehorning it over the respective toy of the series.
Leviathan etc. Were actually relevant, and so was western theology. Congrats on the writer for that one- our own tend to fail.


It was a great series.

Are you just another one of the tomatoes?

Not yet. I'm one of the ones being cultivated.

Actually, it is kind of funny. Both Dorothy and Roger share this Christ-like destiny. Roger is the fully grown tomato; the negotiator who is the real thing. He is going to fix the world that is deeply flawed.
Dorothy? Her father (the Emperor/designer at the party where she was her real self) was murdered. She has access to many of the things that are restricted for most, be they ghosts of the past or Big O or even Roger.. She is also growing to be more like a human rather than an imitation - this is the deeper meaning of Christianity, to become a son of God from a mere image.

>the church is also destined to be wed to Christ

This and Giant Robo are just the fucking coolest.



can someone fucking explain this show to me.


Originally, the people of Paradigm City faked amnesia because they were hiding from the truth, but then it turned out that they all had artificial memories.

The Original Gordon Rosewater tried to play god and rebuild Paradigm City by creating artificial humans and artificial memories, but failed to genuinely replicate the experience of having a memory so he called it quits and retired, leaving his artificial son Alex Rosewater in charge. Despite being rebuilt, new Paradigm City felt artificial like everyone was living under a bubble, Schwartzwald figured out the truth and had to be silenced before he can tell the public.

anybody got a torrent?

cant seem to find one

id fuckin love to watch this gem again, havent seen it since toonami

(or maybe it was AS--that makes more sense but i dont remember, i was little)

Most of its allusions were pretty hefty but never pointed out explicitly and it used mecha in a thematic way that something like Gundam or Code Geass just uses for window dressing.
It pulled from Metropolis, batman and theology pretty deftly. RD was a personal favorite bitP

was there anything outside of the bubble?

As far as I know
>world is deeply flawed by an event
>a solution is made, and a number of survivors enter this construct to seek out its fulfillment (they enter the paradigm)
>however, it isn't as easy as thought, and they have to restart over and over again so that they play their cards right (the Big O / tomato ripening) and fix the problem
>some actors go Rogue ; Alex Rosewater, Angel, Michael Seebach, Beck
>however it is necessary to make the harvest/test the tomato quality
We just saw Roger Smith ripened and harvested, fixing Angel (Lucifer/Venus) and Dorothy(Key/Church).

>Sometimes an actor makes a call to things long gone - the ghosts of the past. Dorothy, Seebach.. Awaken remnants of the previous runs of paradigm
>if the run is successful, the book gets updated, and a new paradigm is made with a new goal; the old target becoming the new author and the program moves onwards.
>eventually the world will be fixed and all tomatoes will be harvested
>when this Happens, they either already live in the real world or they get out of the paradigm

Proof of their past mistakes.
The megadei were allusions for mechanical industrialization, both the good (giving great power to single just individuals) the bad (WW1 level of industrial warfare) and the ugly (displacement of workers and the movement of wealth to the richest, i.e. The Union)
It's honestly a brilliant series

I'm assuming Gordon isn't truly the head of the paradigm, but rather the Emperor. Eventually we get the world we see in one of those runs, Roger is a mayor (continues military career - no corruption), Beck is a banker..

RD is a ghost of a failed run. Instead of helping the ripening she attempts to halt the process entirely by killing the tomatoes - or she is the partner/key/Church of Alex Rosewater(antichrist). Making her essentially Judaism to Christianity.

Emperors don't exist in Paradigm city, despite Alex having grand delusions of being one with divine right.

I meant the Emperor being the true leader/owner of paradigm, Dorothy's father, Wayneright.

bampin for this