What did you think of Storks?

What did you think of Storks?

surprisingly fun. I wan't expecting anything from it, but it made me laugh, so there's that.

I don't.

cute protag

How is a bird voiced by Andy Samberg 'cute'?

It was a pretty cute and charming movie.

Best comedy of the year.

I couldn't get past the baby-making. So letters make babies? But people make the babies the old fashioned way? So the little kid made a baby, but the baby was actually his parents? I'm assuming the baby was DNA-related to his parents?

The whole thing raised a bunch of questions which there are no good answers to. If I wanted to secretly have a baby with my girlfriend, could I just write a letter to the storks?

i like that studios are making the most out of shitty ideas for movies, trolls looks surprisingly funny, storks seems to have a likeable main character, and even the trailer for the emoji movie got a chuckle out of me tb-h

however it's really sad that we HAVE to use shitty ideas for movies

haven't watched it yet

looks pretty bland from that screenshot alone desu


this movie is alot of things, but bland isn't one

how about 'uninspired'

How about you actually watch it, chump

I tagged it as a mediocre movie, but I've got to admit I was mistaken, though there are cliche's in the movie it's enjoyable, you bond with the characters, and though there are generic things (the use of capitalism as an enemy) I liked how it developed. Obviously it can't be compared with bigger productions but indeed a good movie. And the animation was pretty decent, even good.

how about I did and was as unmemorable as hotel transylvania 2 boi

The Babies could be made via fucking, but the Letter Babies were made to order.

Pretty standard big-name animation, but well-done and cute.

Very underappreciated. Loved this movie a lot and I wish it had more success.

was funnier than expected , did not expected it to be,
good movie

Good animation, but insanely paced and weak story.

Haven't seen it, but it looks okay.

Bothered as fuck about the pink hair as if it were a biological hair color though.

Wolves transforming into stuff cracked me up that I became what I hate most when watching a movie. It was probably my comedy pick of the year. But that's mostly because 2016 sucked in terms of movies.

>you will never marry a enthusiastic cute redhead girl