Comics set in Ireland

Not stuck on the genre, just seeking comics set in modern on past Ireland.

Any exist?

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I spend every August in Ireland and have never heard of that fourth one.
Then again I've never seen a setter either, only know it's a thing because of Diotor from Robot Wars.

>never heard of that fourth one.

look in any 20-something American man's shower, you will find a bar of Irish Spring soap in it.

>tfw you use liquid Irish Spring

Can confirm. Am 20-something American man. Have Irish Spring soap in shower.

im pretty sure Anya's Ghost is set in Ireland

OP here
Have even witnessed 20-something Americans washing their dishes with it.

Thanks, for the heads up


Ah, fair enough. Not American.

>using bar soap instead of gel

>Not using both for maximum cleanliness

Forgo the manchild medium and just read Dubliners

I regret nothing...

Irish Spring is bad on my skin.

the best Irish character comes from a Japanese game kid

is this loss?

Well, there was a lot of losses...


careful now

delet this

Problem, Irishman?

He said "man's shower".

Studies show men use bar soap more, women liquid body washes more.

But the potato isn't Irish at all. They merely adopted the potato.

Seeing the ads when I was a kid made me think Irish people always carried knives around with them.

They have to, in case they run into an Englishman.

or another Irishman especially if they're catholic.

Damn Irishmen they ruined Ireland.


go fellate the queen, protty

Parts of Dredd are set in Ireland, or as it's now called, Murphyland

...I use the bodywash.

You just haven't yet learned the gentle caress of a loofa.

They weren't misleading you

wtf is he doing, shaving his soap?

>Have even witnessed 20-something Americans washing their dishes with it.

underrated post

- Troubled Souls.
- For a Few Troubles More.
- Sláine.
- The Corto Maltese story "Concerto en O mineur pour harpe et nitroglycérine".

So you want something gooey spread around your body?


Kind of Irish
>Actually feel naked without carrying my knife in my pocket.


It's not set in Ireland but I know of one show that stars the Irish's perfect specimen of sexuality.

>liquid irish

Pic related is pretty good but the art is pretty gay (in a good way if your into the whole /fit/ thing)

there's also a thriving self publishing scene in Ireland that rarely makes its way online. I remember reading a fantastically weird comic called "Knocked up Nicky" about a single mother who is pregnant with a fetus sized but otherwise fully formed Jesus Christ who fights crime and drinks cans all day

>gel soap
I use a pouf and lather that shit up, it's great.

I was going to say that's false,then I remembered that I have a box cutter in my pocket right now.

why have I been seeing a lot of pictures like this recently? Are irish people the new thing? Did Sup Forums get tired of worrying about muh jews?

they can't keep getting away with it

A new thing? Hating the Irish goes back a millennia.

They are potato nigger and is not a new thing to hate the irish in Sup Forums

because people are getting woke to the irish conspiracy, seamus

O'Brien press is the comic book publisher in Ireland.
They do some good things but it's state funded so it borders dangerously close to propaganda at times


Garth Ennis should have something, i know he wrote an arc about the punisher going to Ireland where he see people fighting in the streets with the police for a flag

>was going to chalk this up to Sup Forums being their lovable rascal selves as usual
>them remembered that the Irish historically are know associates of the Jews
How deep does the rabbit hole goes?

Exactly no one knows why he's doing that.

>He doesnt cut off the soap he needs before showering
So what you're telling me you hop in the shower, rub the whole bar of soap on your dirty balls then leave it there for someone else to use? That's disgusting, it's like sharing a toothbrush.

Ennis is incapable of writing a book longer than 10 issues that doesn't go to Ireland

Yeah it's weird, he wont shut up about it but he never has nice things to say. He talks about Ireland the way your buddy Jeff talks about his ex girlfriend that he is totally over and definitely not stalking.

Oh, I know that. My great great grandparents were irish-american. I've never seen people still hold that ideology, though. Most people I know aren't even aware that "no irish need apply" was a thing.

This. Not only do you get massive suds from a loofa, you can actually get an extra day sometimes without adding more body wash!

I prefer for the Signature Collection. Shea Butter is the shit.

>How deep does the rabbit hole goes?

Other "white" ethnic groups, especially ones like Italians,Greeks, Armenians, etc, are all in on it.

Sup Forums 'members.

>Guys. . guys listen, I'm going to sound crazy but hear me out. I think White people rule the world

it's a deodorant soap, and it will give you one hell of a rash if your allergic to it.

What is a washcloth?

>not using bar soap exclusively for your face

>that slight Irish accent

perfect voice

>the classic Irishman's dilemma: do I eat the potato now or let it ferment and drink it later

>>unscented Dove master race

Loads of african Americans have partial Irish ancestry.

Fear Gorm is the Irish for nigger


A jizzrag so your semen doesn't block the drains

Pretty much anything by Ennis is bound to have something to do with Ireland eventually.

>not using steel wool
its like you love your skin or something.


>How deep does the rabbit hole goes?
I can show you, but you might not like what you see.

Troubled Souls by Ennis and McCrea, a late-eighties comic from Crisis about the Troubles. One of Ennis' best IMHO. Also the Emerald City Dredd story--again, by Ennis. Really fucking funny.

20-something American here. I've never heard of Irish Spring before. Maybe they don't sell it where I live?

Me too.

It's only a problem if it's not the English being schemy isn't it.
Eternal perfidy.

So with Ennis, does he hate the country, I was reading one of his comics and the line 'If he was a black guy who grew up in Dublin he must be one tough motherfucker.

I've never been so pissed of a book so quickly
and by the way I find the Sup Forums post on this thread fucking hilarious

man, I wish I could read that, but never found any scans.

scan it mang

Even Better, I got Will Sliney's email (it's a small country) I'll shoot him and email and ask his permission before I upload his shit.

Grow tougher skin.

quick question, why would anyone want to smell like an Irishman?

before you ask, tell him to fuck off and stop forgetting drawing sandals on Hercules.

his secret wars 2009 was shit.

Not for long.

The Injection has plenty of Irish scenes. Pretty good, too.

The arts pretty shitty but whatever.

Also The Book of Conquests and the Silver Arm are stories of old celtic myths with like 20% comic drawn art thats really nice.

>The Injection

Thanks for both the recommendation and that image.

>using bar sap exclusively for your face

Urgh, that horrible tight skin feeling when you're dry, awful. I use face wash gel/foam/cream, agrees with my skin much more

The English are god's chosen masters of the planet, it's OK when they do it.

To attract Irishwomen. They're instinctively drawn to the smell of cheap whiskey.


If you want some indie Irish stuff (should all be available digitally on their sites);

Last Bus
Streets of Dublin
Big Jim
The Guards
The Cattle Raid of Cooley

Most of the stuff published by Stray Lines is the best comics in Ireland


qquick put a watermark on that comic before the British steal it.

Wait do you not carry a knife with you regardless? Are you by chance drinking tea right now?

W-we're not like the jews, guise. Just because we're deeply embedded in the highest echelons and are occasionally at odds with those filthy neighbours that stole our land, sure it's grand, like.

I've washed my dishs with it