Judge Dredd Storytime - Origins

>Mommy, where do judges come from?

This is it, Sup Forums! Everything you ever wanted to ask about the birth of the judicial system and the big man himself, Judge Dredd, but never dared to ask! This is...

And let's hope this goes better than my last Dredd storytime...
First off, a small prologue by John Wagner and Kev Walker.











this reminds me of mike mignola


But judge user, you are not my mom and i didnt ask for this.

Yep, there's a fair bit of Mignola in this era of Walker. You can also see it in Mandroid and Sin City.

Walker is currently drawing the Star Wars Doctor Aphra book, and before that he did the Elsa Bloodstone Secret Wars mini. And before THAT he did Thunderbolts. Sup Forumsmrades with good long-term memory might remember TWIST THE KNIFE.

Too late kid, now siddown!





also it remind me of Eduardo Risso too.


Man, I would love to see Risso draw Dredd. Hell, his Borderline with Trillo is already pretty Cursed Earth-y.


it might be interesting.









Alright, and that's that for the prologue. If you need to go to the bathroom or grab a few snacks, do it now, Sup Forums...

Kinda interested in what you yourself thought of this storyline Judge

Because here we go!

I love it. Love it to bits. There are a couple of art hiccups that don't sit well with me, since Ezquerra wasn't yet out of his early digital coloring phase, but the story is very compelling and interesting, and the last few pages are, in their own way, more devastating than anything that has ever happened to Dredd.



traditional Carlos Ezquerra coloring is best Ezquerra.


Siiigh... she's so perfect.

Oh yes, absolutely. Late 80s/Necropolis crazy neon acid fever dream Ezquerra is peak Ezquerra to me. Golden standard. Light years away.

Feel free to start with the Metal Gear Solid jokes, folks.




also he draws an interesting Anderson.


Dem lips.


















Well, now we know where the chin comes from.





Keep a close eye on the judges' uniforms through this story.
















this coloring by Ezquerra was made after or before The Pit?

Here we go.
Here come the worms.

Almost ten years after.


What ever happens to Logan? And other notable Dreddfriends? I only read in trades so I miss out on the supporting characters fates normally. I read Chaos Day and Trifecta.
Like, I think Renga and Guthrie are dead?


Logan had a nasty run in with Judge Mortis, but I'm pretty sure he's still alive. Guthrie and Renga I'm not sure, but I do know Garcia died off-panel.

And speaking of death...

huh, he got a lot better.


Too bad about Eustace. Couldn't handle a slip-up, and the one he made was fairly blatant. Didn't have the benefit of the Academy. Judge Beany, or whatever Americas kid was named will turn out well, probably, but with more quips than necessary.

Definitely. There are still a few shortcuts in this story here and there, especially on backgrounds, but it's still a looot better than those days.