I'm glad Ben the child groper Affleck is bringing down DC with him. I'm sick of all this PCSJW bullshit

I'm glad Ben the child groper Affleck is bringing down DC with him. I'm sick of all this PCSJW bullshit.

let it all burn


fighting for social justice is good, user. why would you want social injustice?

Fghting for social justice is good what modern day liberals do is not that and the comic in OP is literally anti white propaganda. Racism is wrong unless its towards whites.


cap america more like cuck america amirite?

>killing people for stealing a tv is ok
is there a sliding scale to your justice, or is anything that is stolen a killable offense? if someone steals a 5 cent candy from a bin at my gas station, should they get the chair? what price tag on the item is the right amount for death penalty for theft in your eyes?

>fights against low IQ extremists on both sides
>this makes him a cuck
need your safe space, little buddy?

>gracias adios
>thank you goodbye
what did they mean by this?

then why call them sjw if they're not fighting for social justice?

people who want to perpetuate social injustices are using sjw as an insult because they want to brainwash people into thinking that fighting for social justice is wrong.

>lecturing people about war when you have a mighty body count, have been a terrorist and are a Hydra member all along

>a dios not adios
>thank god not thanks bye

at least that's what i think.

Modern Marvel is more cucked than DC
>Captain America is black
>Spider-Man is black
>Iron Man is black
>Thor is a woman
>Wolverine is a woman
>Captain Marvel is a dyke

Indoctrinating kids this badly should be illegal.

He was making a joke you stupid fucking autistic

stopped caring about marvel anyway when they ruined ghost rider by casting ugly and hair-challeged nicholas cage as handsome and definitely-not-hair-challenged johnny blaze.

comics are gay af when they get political. stick the aliens and magic and shit please...

Well, you missed the part where an African dictator stole all the medicine that was send by US. You just wanna whine about MUH ANTI WHITE PROPAGANDA.

Marvel is a billion times worse and those massive movies let them churn out pure concentrated sjw shit on their comics.
You forgot
>hulk is now a scrawny Asian kid with complete control over the hulk right out of the gate because he's wicked smaht

Because they think they are

>Criminal sympathizer

Typical libtard.

>captain america is a radical horse shoe theory centrist