Which comedian had the best race comedy material?

Which comedian had the best race comedy material?


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>you think I got 3 guns in my house cuz the media outside

>I visited a prison in Arizona, and before I thought that "Aww penitentiaries were made to keep the man down!" But let me tell you: Thank *God* we got penitentiaries! I asked a dude - I said, "Why did you kill everybody in the house?!" The guy said, "They was home!"
What'd he mean by this?


What a fucking racist bigot., jesus christ.

His "how not to get your ass kicked by police" skit seems real uncle tom-y, I think he could have got more jokes out of roasting the police as well as the blacks who get beat up by them, but the "police only beat you up if you step out of line, so know your place" angle he takes comes across as really cynical and weak

Oh maddon' it's a charcoal briquette.

I always liked how true the "How not to get your ass kicked by cops" video is. I'm not even black and my Dad showed it to me when I was a teen when making a point how to deal with cops.

The way you quote it butchers and ruins an amazing bit

Can you think of three or more examples of police headlines that didn't involve the victim doing one of those things he said not to do in the video. I mean there are some but as a general guide, the video's pretty true.

>"best race comedy material"
>non-threatening black man being self-deprecating
"I'm not racist but.." Sup Forums-lite detected

I was doing it off the top of my head, sorry.

>TYED, TYED, TYED o' niggaz


Eddie Griffin's a comedian but he's actually a documentary

My point isn't that it isn't true, my point is that it's too bootlicking to be funny. Like, if he made a "how not to get fired" video during the economic crisis, and all his tips were "arrive to work early", "volunteer for every task", "don't complain". The points would be valid, but it's a bit pathetic and doesn't suit Chris Rock's irreverent, energetic style.
Also a lot of allegedly racist police brutality cases that reach the media involve mistaken identity, so all his points are irrelevant.

I used to listen to an mp3 of Dave Chappelle's Killing Them Softly show when I was a dumb kid. I loved the jokes but it never hit me how racial it was until I was older. I got a lot of mileage out of those jokes too, I don't know how I never got in trouble for repeating 'fuck you nigger, I got kids to feed' or 'nigger don't do that, that's five to ten'.

thread should have ended here desu

Holy shit this was ridiculous. Literal we waz kangz rethoric backed by complete ignorance, it was sad to listen to.

Make sure you scroll down to the comments too. That's half the value of these videos.

Jesus Christ that’s gold



Was going to post this.

Nigger =/= Nigga, white boy

Doesn't it though?



For the life of me I can't comprehend what his thought process was here.
Even if I was racist, I think I would have the sense to not call people niggers in front of a live audience.