Why won't she name the people who raped her?

Why won't she name the people who raped her?

because it was regret rape not rape rape and she knows they have the video

one of them is Marilyn Manson

because the truth will come out that shes been a slag since the age of 12

I would watch it

>The Westworld actress, 30, posted a lengthy clip online explaining why she hasn’t named the ‘very powerful, very rich, very entitled, very narcissistic white men’ who abused her, and put it in part down to fear.

>white men

Why did she feel the need to say this? Are Americans obsessed with stating the race/ethnicity of every person they talk about?

Nah, he's probably a virgin

Women being redundant, color me surprised.. She could've just said "white men".

because they don't exist?
one of the rapists went from being a "bar owner" to a "rich white man"
"I was raped" is like being in a club for these SJW actresses

its probably (((white))) too

>"I was raped" is like being in a club for these SJW actresses
Very accurate description

>"White men!"
>Quick trip to her Wiki page
>Ding ding

>women that don't want to get raped are sjws

Are you claiming she was actually raped then

of course, she has literally no reason to make it up

no, women that don't want to get raped are all women
women who lie about being raped (by RICH! WHITE! MEN!) because they want to feel like a victim are SJWs

>evan is lying

citation needed sweetie

if a black dude is railing you is consensual?
Now I get the americuck fascination with BLACKED porn, you are all old fashion romantic guys watching a girl make love to a man.

You other than for attention or sympathy? Women make up rape claims all the time why would she be any different?

By not naming those who she claims raped her, she is denying justice and enabling those individuals to continue their with their deplorable deeds.

People have every right to demonstrate cynicism and scepticism when someone, especially someone with a celebrity profile, decides to publicly declare they are a victim of rape and yet refuses to take the matter further.

*You mean

if they were black, she would have just said men.

Sort of bad form to say an ex raped you but not to name which. Puts the ones who didn't in an awkward position.

If they were black, she'd probably be dead

to be entirely honest lads, if i was a power guy in Hollywood i'd sexually abuse Evan Rachel Wood as well

If they were black, it would still be white society's fault.

When i was 9 i had sex with a 13 year old. Was it rape?

yes 13 year olds cant consent

Top kek

lol mason is a turbo chad

isn't it funny

women who are raped don't come forward and those who were fake raped use a bullhorn and can't stop talking about it

"And crazy, by the way, is the highest compliment I pay. [Boyfriend Marilyn Manson] is definitely crazy. Hopefully I am, too." Rachel EverJew Woodkiller

She is SJW type, wasn't pleased with Zimmerman case either, too far gone.

>and she knows they have the video
so many videos we'll never will see, why even...

>Why won't she name the people who raped her?

She liked it

america is the most racist western country in the world

everything is about race there