Best movies about main street meteors??

best movies about main street meteors??

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Kill yourself.


Pawl Yoseff Wodson???

Deep Impact

this guy is such a mong

>tfw I have a map on my wall

The accent the guy used needed to be even more common.


emajin maye shjog

PJW is probably the dumbest cunt on YouTube

stefan molyneux is giving him a run for his money

Provide an argument.

he's spouting the same shit as Watson but more of it

That's not an argument.

t. triggered young turd viewers

please be meming

I wonder how much money he makes from Infowars

Why do you support the turks user?
Why do you hate Armenians


The PJW vid shitting on celebs like J.K. Rowling over the refugee crisis is fucking gold

Unironically "Meteor"

What's taking you so long?

they look smelly
I like Mkhitaryan

>if you criticize charlatans you must be triggered

Yet you're the one replying to people giving opinions

Gone Girl. Abolish the mainstream meteor.

>become famous because of your appearance of honesty, strong beliefs and integrity (and their humorous crash with mainstream views)
>hand over your channel to some limp-wristed post-ironic meme-spouting twerp

molyneux is a halfway intelligent ideologue and narcissist exploiting autists and fools occasionally making a good video while PJW is a janitor turned alex jones 2.0 obnoxious UK edition

Not an argument

molyneux is a legitimate white supremacist, too

molyneux changed the last year. is appeasing the dotard followers too much jumping into this culture war bollocks


Lauren Southern has got to be pretty high up there aswell. Bunch of vapid nonsense appealing to horny 12 year olds having a wank to Racist Barbie spouting regurgitated propaganda.

I particulary hate Yiannopoulos too. At least with Molyneux and Watson I kinda buy that at least they believe what they're saying. Whenever I watch Milo all I hear is "You know I'm lying, I know I'm lying but guess what? I've still got this retards eating out of my hands.

milo was enjoyable a few years ago when he didn't become a permanent irl shitposter

Pretty much this. He officially earned that title when he outed himself as a Hopsin fan and managed to get completely BTFO by Fantano.

I will never take an unironic Sup Forumstt seriously.

subject changed but method didnt, silly ancap