Blade Runner 2049 is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi...

Blade Runner 2049 is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent Arrival, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.

If you didn't already know the twist in Blade Runner by the time he was visiting Leto's factory AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.

Granted, there is a difference between BR2049 and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, 2049 has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.

Completely disappointing movie.

>this isn't a quote from Arrival

you're wrong, BR2049 was full of stupid plot holes and dumb coincidences, yes it's a visual feast, but really not a brilliantly crafted story, there is no brain what so ever
Interstellar is has legitimate grounds as a masterpiece

This pasta got stale real fast.

One of the worst 2017 movies I've seen this year
(in no order)
get out
baby driver
blade runner 2049
the big sick
beauty and the beast
atomic blonde
power rangers
the bad batch

You unironically watched all that trash?

it's pasta from last November, newfriend


>at least we know what end of the dunning-kruger spectrum you landed on

the problem i had with the new blade runner was that it misses the point completely. whether replicants can reproduce or not is irrelevant to whether they should value their own conscious experience enough to demand independence. whether you exist for 4 years or 40, the answer is still the same - we all want to be fulfilled in our experience and not exploited. you don't need to have kids to know that, and you certainly don't need some "children of men" anthropomorphic 'replicant jesus' as a symbol of that desire.

i also really hate the interconnectedness they felt the need to create with the original blade runner story (bringing back harrison ford, etc.) just tell your own story without having a 75 y/o audience nod as part of the experience.

How can you bunch together creative films like Get Out and Baby Driver with studio garbage like GITS and Power Rangers?

Forced sequels that dispel the charming mystery of the original by saying more than what was needed. Typical.

People make replicants to be exactly like them except live shorter, be better at things and not procreate. If they can procreate then basically humans become emotionally blackmailed into admitting they are just creating a slave race that suffer. It makes a fair amount of sense, and is sort of explained in the film by his superior officer's rants.

Didn't need it to be Ford and Rachel though, that's just unnecessary.

I don't know if this is pasta or not, but i agree with this.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Blade Runner 2049. The dialogue is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of AI research most of the exposition will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also K’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his lines, to realise that they’re not just thoughtful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Blade Runner 2049 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in K's existential catchphrase “cells, interlinked,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Denis Villeneuve’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Blade Runner 2049 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

That's not what Dunning Kruger means


i'm still missing something in your explanation:

>If they can procreate then basically humans become emotionally blackmailed into admitting they are just creating a slave race that suffer.

how does that fact hinge on whether they can procreate or not? they've created a slave race to suffer either way as far as i can tell.

>People will respond seriously to this thread

The worst part is that there are 16 years olds from Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r/movies here that actually think about it like this

>they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower)
best new meme of 2017

kino post lad

shut up nigger

For practical purposes it doesn't, but it changes the perception people have of it. They even had K state this for everyone at the start.

top 5 best movies of the year for me

Wow you're so smart and above everyone wow you're really cool, you must love the tree of life, you are soooo smart, come to my party user i'm sure everyone wants to hear your interesting talking points, just shut the fuck up and bang me already, i can tell you're super hot too.

2049 feels like an interminable 3-hour cutscene from some mediocre cyberpunk video game, with all the slick graphics and portentous dialogue that suggests

Please go watch BvS for the 34th time.

>creative films like Get Out and Baby Driver

Why does every post hating on this movie feel so artificial and forced?

so, when do you plan to see the movie? when the blu ray torrent is released?

dumb autist

because these imbeciles haven't seen the movie
they're just pissed as hell they can't get a theatre due to personal psychological issues

First everyone praised the movie. Then they stared to analyze it. Now I see haters. How long until it's forgotten?

>who are you quoting?

Disney shills

Which twist is this dumbass OP talking about, there are multiple ones in 2049


Because you're too closed minded to listen to reason.

>Copy-pasta shitposters

>calls someone close minded while saying the movie is garbage

Literal retard

>calls someone retarded because he assumes not liking the movie also somehow equates to closed-mindedness
The irony

Can you read? Saying the movie is trash is not the same as saying you don't like it.

It should be assumed that if someone thinks something is trash then they don't like it.

You must have the brain of a lima bean.

Saying something is rubbish is beyond saying you don't like it.

This film will be discussed here for years and years user. Even a sub par film like Interstellar is still discussed three years later after it's release, while this is an actually great film.

They are closely related. You really should not have to have this explained to you.
Please stick to the movie itself, you're getting off track.

>If you didn't already know the twist in Blade Runner by the time he was visiting Leto's factory AT LEAST
What twist? The only twist in the film is the audience realizing that there isn't one, and K was mistaken all along

Decker and Rachel were the last generation of Tyrell's transhumanist shit. There's nothing wrong in using them.

What is too convenient is that their kid is the dream maker. How would K know it was her specifically the one who had that memory? It was a painful memory, anyone could have it and would be regarded as a true memory. Or why did K specifically have that memory and not other replicants?

This is the process every movie goes through on Sup Forums. There isn't a single universally beloved movie on this board

>mentioning Power Rangers on the same list of a bunch of Reddit Meme Trash
you wouldn't understand true CINEMÁ if it hit you over the head

>First everyone praised the movie
Like tfa
>Then they stared to analyze it.
Like tfa
>Now I see haters
Real Sup Forums posters
>How long until it's forgotten
Until the next flavor of the month movie comes out

Imagine citing the Dunning-Kruger effect when critiquing something subjective. Imagine citing it while complaining about the work's plot - the least interesting aspect of any narrative. Imagine being so much of a philistine that the sensory and emotional experience of a film is less important to you than judging it based on some arbitrary criterion like whether or not it's "smart"

You were the pleb this whole time, OP

See you in a BR 2049 thread three years from now user

See you in the fat ogre shit thread where Interstellar is quote unquote "Even a sub par film like Interstellar is still discussed three years later after it's release"

>p-please stop exposing m-my stupidity!

The Tree of Life


I love that movie, but it has an intense hatebase ever on Sup Forums. Lot of people here think it's pretentious.

The Iron Giant

>There isn't a single universally beloved movie on this board
The Hunt
Master & Commander
No Country for Old Men
Das Boot
The Thing
Wake in Fright
American Psycho

Stay in your Blade Runner general
>This is the process every movie goes through
But it didn't. I watched it 2012(even though it came out 11) simply because people kept saying it was good. Drive is the only one I can think of that the other way

I've seen people rag on most of those movies at least once on Sup Forums

Every living entity on Sup Forums loves Space Jam

The "cells interlinked" thing is actually from Pale Fire by Nabokov, please update copypasta.

>Assuming Deckard is a replicant