SOOOO...I'm watching the Simpsons show and as well all know, Season 8/9 is generally the cut off...

SOOOO...I'm watching the Simpsons show and as well all know, Season 8/9 is generally the cut off. With somewhere in season 10 being the first signs of the show becoming on the decline.

Myself...I mean holy shit man- what the hell happened?
I watched an episode at random in season 14 and it's just so fucking trite and bitter and offensive in a degree that's just totally uncharacteristic with the show.
And in earlier seasons they're being light hearted and shit. Sure they're making jokes at people and stuff but in later's like some of the jokes are taken from Family Guy or something.

What the hell happened?
I heard they did it in later seasons to compete somewhat with South Park of something.

Al Jean.


9/11 happened
it changed something in the world
It ended the cultural stream of the 70 80 90's and put the world to bed

No. Just the US.

Still better than modern Family Guy.

I concur.

Agreed. People shit on Scullysons and the show definitely became a million times stupider while he was at the helm but at least it still had actually funny jokes that made it pretty enjoyable most of the time as long as you weren't super invested in the idea of The Simpsons being some sort of sacred institution. Season 13 was the first that had (multiple, in a row) episodes where I didn't even chuckle once

No, not really.

Season 13 was where I completely dropped the show, it was irredeemably awful. I had set myself to watching the whole show but I just couldn't after that trash.

Why the fuck you stupid faggots obsess over this retarded specific decline i will never know

Nope, Family Guy has shown some improvement recently, whereas Simpsons still doesn't do a damn thing to make anyone laugh.

>Old Family>Modern Family-A Couple Years Ago Family Guy

Modern Simpsons is a much better show than modern Family Guy in almost every aspect

I once watched "Kill the Alligator and Run" out of morbid curiosity

It was the last time I watched a later Simpsons episode. These days I barely even watch season 8.

They turned shit when Futurama came out. Dunno if that's related.

Watch Bart vs Australia, it's mostly more subliminal undermining, they're really using language that makes the country seem inferior, this was one of the early if not earliest of the Simpsons visiting another country.

>"That's what happens when you introduce foreign species into an ecosystem that can't handle them
>"Give me one of those famous giant beers" "It's pretty big... I guess"
>moons the prime minister and flees back to America

And after all of it, they make the Simpsons seem like the good guys and make Australia seem unreasonable, even though Bart costed a man hundreds of dollars for a phone call, refuses to be punished through the justice system, is treated to the hospitality of the Australians via a free trip and releases a foreign species which damages their ecosystem, then makes things worse and they laugh about it on the way back

This episode was at least funny. They new eps can't even do that.
Sure most jokes are "Australia so backwards" but they made it clear that this is a parody.

Ausfag here
That episode is great

Honestly I don't know how any Australian who gets offended by that episode can get by in day-to-day life given how much we casually and in friendship insult each other in our culture.

>That's what happens when you introduce foreign species into an ecosystem that can't handle them
This is a legitimate thing that happened several times. And these were purposefully introduced species. Most notable is the Cane Toad, though rabbits, cats and other common animals have caused a fuckton of problems as well.

Fuck off matt groening, aussies aren't soft cunts and we can handle a bit of banter.

I've yet to meet a fellow Australian who disliked that episode. hell, most consider it one of their favorites

There was actually a pretty big backlash when it first aired, but it seems to have mellowed out a fuckton

Season 8 is the last good season of The Simpsons. 9 and 10 are watchable, but you can already see things about to go down hill.

The people who complained moved on to complain about something else and probably forgot all about it.

He's actually good, but Simpsons is beyond their creative limit with so many seasons, it's hard to do a new thing when the simpsons already did everything, plus I'm sure there are more constraints given that the Simpsons are a TV icon so he is never allowed to actually change or do something different with the concept. He brought the best early Simpsons episodes, I think if he had more liberty with another show he could produce even more hilarious things.