Does Hollywood have a rape problem?

Does Hollywood have a rape problem?

It has a "bitches using their pussies to get rich and famous then complain when the 15 minutes of fame are up" problem. If I fucked a jewess for fame and money would I be a victim too? Even though it took me decades to come forward because I'm literally riding the gravy train the whole time. Was being a poor normal person NOT an option is this why they say they were raped??

I don't get it

Hollywood has a Jew problem.
And there's only one man who can solve it....

Hollywood was founded on rape my man, didn't you guys ever play LA Noire?

As long as Hollywood is run by rich old men and populated by hordes of hot young women, this will keep happening. Harvey is far from the first and far from the last, he just went about it in a really pushy, sloppy manner.

young attractive ladies, older men in powers of position.
It's set up for it.

So deep, rely makes u think

Hollywood has a hollywood problem


Are you offended by an illustration?

>1 book = ocean
>1 tablet, capable of holding thousands of books = a puddle
What the fuck

I don't even understand this one

Most people with tablets dont even read books im sure

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pawel Kuczynski


Came here to say this



The Super 8 is coming, brothers.

The dove will either lift the tv and hang him or do nothing and he’ll fall. Win-win


ive always hated this argument because those same people that are on their phones all day still wouldnt read books even if you took their phones away

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pawel Kuczynski

Hollywood has a human problem just like this board, country and earth.

I'd prefer kikes being in control of hollywood to scientologists

>Does Hollywood have a rape problem?
No, it has a jew problem.

If he did not force himself on anyone he did nothing wrong. But if he did not hire someone because they wouldn't bang him it gets murky and illegal, even if he just wants to work with his friends. If he is like jizzing in public that's sex offender tier.

I don't want to join a group of people that are just out to demonize men (feminists). But I also don't want to see places where you have to do disgusting things to get by in this world. Whatever these actresses were up to clearly wrong. Why wouldn't someone have warned them if the whole industry knows?

The whole industry is disgusting me right now, but I'm not going to join the anti-male party on twitter either.

the joke

your head

I think it's a jab at e-readers and how they aren't immersive like good old-fashion dead trees? He's only able to wet his feet in the small puddle shaped like a kindle, while he's got the whole ocean contained in a book right behind him, ready for him to dive into.

The imagery is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of social engineering most of the imagery will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Pawel’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his picture's characterisation- his artist philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these phantoms, to realise that they’re not just profound - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Pawel Kuczynski truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the Pawel’s existential artbook of “Unrestrained,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Pawel Kuczynski’s genius wit unfolds itself in their minds. What fools.. how I pity them.

>the virgin walk.jpg

>Does Hollywood have a rape problem?

no they're pretty good at it


If you waste your money on a spinner that big you deserve to get accidentally stuck in it.


People probably had this same attitude when we started using books instead of still smearing dirt on the walls.

I would much rather read video games, kthnx, grandpa!

What was the last book you read?

I know you cucked assholes will use this thread to threaten and insult women, but yes, Hollywood is enamoured with rape. It’s disgusting and thoroughly uncreative.

>extremely subtle

I'm not sure this Pawel guy would even understand what "subtle" means.

i luv playign anry birds on myy ipad

I'm pretty sure we actually have records from Ancient Greece of some old farts complaining about the lazy kids writing everything down instead of storing their knowledge in their mind.

>a childs toy fad that lasted a few months and blew over before anyone realised is indicative of [a bad thing]
>author wont name [the bad thing] as some form of implied social decay because as soon as they do people will ask 'In what way?' and the author doesn't have an answer
>ps stop doing things I don't like

Women have a getting raped problem

That sounds serious. Is it bad?

>his name is literally (Dr) Pavel Cuck

This is the correct answer. Any place you find men with wealth and power you will find beautiful women willing to do just about anything for a chance at some of that wealth and power. Incidentally, because they're beautiful women they have never needed to develop any skills or talent that have a utility greater than what they can physically provide, so it's the most obvious thing to transact with. The only reason this is such a big story is because over the past few years a lot of people have allowed their expectations of what reality should be to decouple from what reality actually is.

How else are they going to justify giving all that money to people pretending to cry on camera?

The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell

>I didn't even know what it was
Yeah I believe that current generation of entertainment obsessed girls didn't know rape and sex existed before turning 25. They are pure angels who love their partner for just being with her.

It's extremely painful

mayb the first time

since when sex for favors is rape?


woah thats deep

>reliant on electricity
>propriety software that spies on your reading habits
E-readers are nothing more than a consumerist device. Books can last centuries if stored properly, while the flash storage on your e-book will leak electrons within a couple of decades or less.

I read 5x more at least because muh ereaders are so convenient


>reliant on electricity
You need electricity to read a book at night
Unless you read by candlelight like a faggot
>muh books last centuries
People last decades. Who needs a book to last past their own life?

>emulates artstyle but not animation style


Well of course, it's all run by liberals.

legendary get