So are we going with the idea that Rose Quartz gems were specifically made to care for humans in the human zoo...

So are we going with the idea that Rose Quartz gems were specifically made to care for humans in the human zoo? That would explain her inborn love for humanity, and her healing powers. It's an easy mental image to imagine her coddling the humans the way the amethysts were.

Other urls found in this thread:

No, because they're obviously a warrior caste.

What if they were created to be a sort Combat Medic on the battlefield?
Having such a power to heal cracked gems and even humans seems like an indispensable trait.

>a warrior caste
Amethysts are too, but that doesn't stop them from taking that role.

We're obviously going back to the zoo again though sometime into the future.

>obviously a warrior caste.
But their only built in weapon is their shields and bubbles. Rose had to have her sword made for her.

>zoo keeper goes rogue and kills her boss delivering the first blow against her ancient society

That seems most likely, but i get where op is coming from.
If they are anything like CG Rose they'd be excellent caretakers

You have to remember each gem gets a different weapon or at least they can. Her sheild could just be the luck of the draw.

Rose Quartz are made for sex

Eyeball is creepy, with her little shank for silently murdering sentries and her lewd expression when imagining having her own pearl

make it faster

>Pink Diamond was in charge Earth colony developement
>She sees humans
>She likes them
>Pink Diamond makes a zoo for humans so they would have a place to live while she worked on the colony

still feel like rose is PD

Literally how

No, that's dumb. If they were zookeepers they wouldn't need the strength they have, nor healing powers, nor shields.

They're far more likely mid-level military leaders with the ability to instantly triage on the battlefield.

Pink Diamond was of the Sanguine humor and so are all her creations. Rose Quartz' in particular were made for healing and protection so they were even more empathic than the other PD-made gems. So empathic that one empathized more with humans and outcast gems than her leader.

Yellow Diamond is absolutely right from the Gem Homeworld perspective, that room full of Rose Quartz' is incredibly dangerous to their order.

There's so much evidence that that isn't the case.

The room of bubbled Roses basically confirms this false.
What is very strong however is Pearl being Pink diamonds, as in light distortion she mentioned serving someone, but paused, and then said homeworld instead, all nervous like.

And she tried to not be seen by Blue and Yellow

>Have you loved a human before?

>They say a gem came here once

What did Sugar mean by this

That you are stupid

>Combat medic

This seems more likely, though it still raises the question why rose quartz healing ability was so recognisable as belonging to her.

Maybe all the other rose quartz' got poofed the moment the cg one showed a bit of defiance?

Also, combat medic is damn underutilised in shows as a trope.

Pearl having an old sister relationship with Yellow and blue Pearl would be so sweet, I hope this is the case.

>Rose made sad humans feel better by fucking them
Wtf I love the human zoo now

Rose has been around a long time. It's clear that Greg wasn't the first human rose has been romantically interested in. Salty Pearl even mentioned it.

Well human zoo was pretty much incel heaven. just no choice or freedom

Rose was a warrior but she was a special case, she was one of PD top warriors because she alone had the healing power and she just thought differently from her fellow quartz who blindly did PD's orders

Her love for earth just came to be when she got there and she was there WAY before humans where even around

When apes started to be more humans Rose really started to take a liking to the place and thought Earth as a whole was a special place. She loved humans as if they where smart dogs up until she met Grag

Not the user but there's still the possibility that PD possessed RQ like steven did in the new lars episode. Doesn't make sense that all the other rose quartz were so easily bubbled when Stevens mom alone held off all the diamonds forces attacking earth.

I don't think that ALL Rose Quartz were made for the Zoo.

I think they were just high level soldiers for Pink Diamond's court.

But I DO think that CG Rose may have been stationed at the Zoo.
Her healing power is something unique to her according to Eyeball saying he had heard "stories" of it.
Her care and love of humans also seems very unique among gems.

Most importantly, we now have a trigger point for where she started to rebel.
>There is a story of an opening wall. A very long time ago, a gem came through a wall hole to help someone who was hurt.
This "very long time ago" could have been 5,750+ years, and that gem could have been the CG Rose.
Her seeing a hurt human and interacting with them, especially if the Zoo was very young at that time, could have given her the insight that humans are more than gems understand, while also giving her a chance to discover her healing abilities.

It was stated by Ruby in "Bubbled" that Rose Quartz healing powers were absolutely unique. Realizing Steven posses healing powers was enough to convince Ruby that Steven is THE Rose Quartz.


The strange thing was you know how many people bitched and raged over the Skinny Rose on Tumblr, now that we seen a skinny Jasper do you think they be a couple of skinny Rose Quartz as well?

>speaking for other people about your ridiculous head canon

This is why we must correct the idiot

It's assuming that Pink Diamond had the ability to possess people, like Steven did with Lars.

By possessing a Rose Quartz and pulling Zamasu on her now derelict body, she keeps more Gems safe.

Rather than have Pink herself instigate a rebellion, and cause all three diamonds to personally erase all of Pink's subordinates, Pink would, now as Rose, gather a ragtag cell of rebels and fight them with less casualties.

Then how come her powers include healing, floating, growing plants, and telepathy?

That makes the most sense to me. Plus, the story of an opening wall and a gem, was probably about our Rose.

That's fucking dumb though.

I don't get why everyone thinks Steven's dream powers and empath shit is from Rose or any other gem in any regard.
In every other instance where Steven got a new power, the Gems immediately went "well yeah, Rose had a power like that"
But in Chille Tid, they don't do that. They just assume how his power works via dreaming, something very human.

It's almost certain that Steven's empath shit is something unique to him as a hybrid. It's because he's got organic and gem parts mixed together.
Same reason he was able to function while the ship was in warp drive without lagging behind it like the gems. There are things unique to him as a human/gem abomination.

I imagine Rose Quartz being defensive and siege warriors, Steven's mom was more special than other quartz in that she was capable of unlocking more of her innate capabilities, kinda like Peridot.

She's mery sue special you retard that's why Rose is able to do whatever she wants

Gems can sleep they just don't NEED to.

And humans don't have powers, humans are worthless sacks of crap controlled by Sneeple.

I still don't get why Steven was connected to Blue when he had never met her before.

With Malachite, he knew Lapis and Jasper, and he knew Lars, so what's the deal with him connecting to Blue?

How come Peridot has ferrokinesis?
How come an oracle has freezing powers?

I think the point is that gems have all kinds of unique powers that they are not aware of cause they are not usually put into a situation where those powers become brought out.
Rose's healing TEARS is clearly not something a disciplined soldier would normally discover. But if Rose was in a situation where she had to help a dying human in the Zoo, and that human somehow makes a connection with her and reaches into her heart in a way gems never did, she could be brought to tears and discover that her tears can heal things.

The floating seems like it could be a normal warrior power, and the plants could go either way.
But the healing is something CONFIRMED unique to Rose so far.

He connected to Blue because she's a HUGE presence. her emotional trauma reached his wandering mind through sheer mass.
Gems can sleep and dream, yes, but they can't go into other gems or humans dreams. Just like how they can't fuse with a human, but Steven can.
Humans do have powers as well. They have a remarkable ability for adaptation and growth, that's what Rose got so turned on by: the power to be whatever you want.
Humans also tend to have more of an ability for relating to other creatures. There's a reason they're the whores of most fantasy series that can breed with every fucking thing in sight.

With that logic Steven should be connecting with random people who get their family slaughter and raped in some hell hole country.

they're battle medics and squad morale boosters

She's a Quartz, and every Quartz we've seen has been a soldier.

Jaspers, Amethysts, Carnelians, etc.
All Quartz's, all soldiers.

What no. It was a story about a human getting injured and the amethysts performing first aid because that's their freaking job. That was the entire basis for their escape plan.

Wasn't Peridot surprised that she could Metalbend?

I think it likely that the Gem Caste System stifles Gems from using certain inborn powers.

"Be yourself, be free" = find superpowers, basically

im a little confused here, which thread is the main thread?

>Steven's mom was more special than other quartz in that she was capable of unlocking more of her innate capabilities, kinda like Peridot.
That's kind of what I figure now, given that the whole "Rose is the only Rose Quartz gem" theory is pretty well buried. She still seems way different in terms of her power set than the other gems that we've seen.

I wonder when exactly they decommissioned the others then. Was Rose fighting other Roses during the war, or were they bubbled right at the onset of the rebellion?

>You're a rebel gem on Earth fighting against loyalist forces
>Get routed by enemies and separated from your comrades
>Try to find your way back in the dead of night, in a foreign land
>Hear a shuffle in the foliage and materialize your weapon to attack it
>By the time you hit it's already scurried somewhere else
>Suddenly, a little red goblin shrieks bloody murder and hops out of the bushes with a prison shank and chips your gem in one hit before you can react
>The last thing you see before you're shattered to pieces is this face in the dim moonlight

But it was heavily implied that other Rose Quartzes were bubbled in direct response to one of them going so far off the rails, like recalling all copies of a faulty machine before it hurts someone.
It's more likely that our Rose was confirmed to be the only one left on Earth even before the war ended, and Steven was born and raised on Earth, so there isn't much room for mistaken identity.

That's absurd. There's no way a treasonous Rose Quartz is better at keeping anyone safer than a Diamond.

>Oh yes of course we still love her, and we're always thinking of her..

D-dam ;_;

It's still a kid's show user.

not to mention, her appearance is very human

peridots ferrokineses might be a side effect of her technical prowess

she might have discovered some way to channel whatever makes her innately good with machines into some way to physically move them

Hey my sweeties does anyone have a working link to the leaked episodes?

>her lewd expression when imagining having her own pearl

And what expression do you make when you imagine having your own Pearl?

Blupoil > Poil > Yelpoil


I wonder if the current zoo set up is new, like they were just thrown in there haphazardly and then slowly became more of a paradise. I would assume the matting ritual was there to begin with, but then all the control and shit was added later. this would give a reason why the cg don't like the sound of the zoo and think it would have been shut down for being too difficult to deal with a bunch of rowdy humans fighting each other. this would also give a reason why rose would understand them more when she came in to help a hurt human.

give me your honest opinion /sug/. normally I don't ask for thoughts before posting, but I'm so tired of writing Pink Diamond theories and I don't want to have to remake this from scratch because the evidence is weak

Is Rose the George Washington of the gem race?

>give me your honest opinion /sug/
It sounds stupid. Rose couldn't body swap, that's some weird power Steven has from being a hybrid. Rose could grow plants but she couldn't make sentient watermelons in her own image. Steven has powers she doesn't.

I like it but it doesn't explain why Pearl and Garnet would call her Rose all these years later.

and your source for this is what exactly?

Mind you, being an empath is vital to Rose functioning, since she needs to cry to both heal/repair beings and objects, and to grow sapient plants

because she's rose now. she's left her past as pink diamond behind

>mfw I realize she is saying "what is the use of feeling, blue?" and not what is the use of feeling blue?"

Hated the song the first time I heard it but now when you relisten the lyrics make more sense and the oddball way of singing is very gem like.

It's cringe worthy to be honest. It sounds like a pre teen's fanfic.

>sing, make her feel better
>YD starts feeling

Think paladin/cleric with the healing

As for the shield, Garnet's Ruby's weapon is a gauntlet and Punished Ruby's weapon was a dagger.

So weapons aren't necessarily set in stone.

I personally think its because it would mean the gems are rallying of their own cause seeking independence, as opposed to being ordered by a diamond to rebel. Gives more meaning to it

YD/Wojak edit when?

I love how dissonant and alien it sounds.

I think it sounds really jazzy, imagine the song with more traditional percussion and the Pearls replaced with trumpets/sax

That bit right at the beginning and end, where it sounds are distorted, have we heard that before?

I want to say it's related to corruption but I can't remember.

It sounds so much better to me now

It's similar to the diamonds themes.

I loved that the song was done in a unique key. It's alien music.

Indeed. Put YD in a saucy evening gown and put her on stage with one of those old-timey microphones and you've got one classy fucking musical number.

Ferb Thurries and Ford Pern came up with it, what do you expect?

>dont you know I miss her...TOOOOOOOO

the crystal gems thought the humans were heavily mistreated at the zoo long ago.

Yeah it does sound jazzy

Unless that rose was an outlier the same way that literally all the other Crystal Gems were.

Ask you wish

I love you, user.

>tfw when blue

>homeworld gems fear whips

YD would make success in the 40's/50's

What did she mean by this?

So does everyone

Fuck off dumb buttposter

also makes sense that only Amethyst chose a whip for a weapon, since she didn't know how stuff was on Homeworld

pretty good tune tho

>tfw no pink

Maybe letting the newbie handle their first planet and a rebellion by herself was a bad idea?

The fucking rebellion went on for a thousand years. The gems are cartoonishly inept and slow when it comes to doing shit.

If this was a more grimdark show, I'd love to see humans effortlessly catching up and surpassing gems and exploding over the galaxy only to see only crystalline life everywhere we are the quickly evolving bio-xenomorph swarm

I think the summon weapons are a genetic thing.

>tfw you win

Are the Diamonds sisters or was Blue in lesbians with Pink?

>tfw gempire 2: human boogaloo, Now with capitalism, uncontrollable growth and jingoism!

they're all lesbians for each other and make white diamond