Was anyone else shocked by the amount of casual racism in this show?

Was anyone else shocked by the amount of casual racism in this show?

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I really like leslie knope.

the most shocking thing from that show is how aziz ansari kept his job for the entire run of the show. who the fuck found him funny? seriously?

Care to give any examples?

Yeah he's a pretty terrible actor. He's not even that great in his own show Master of None,although that's still a massive improvement from how bad he was in this.

i really don't understand why anyone would give him millions of dollars to make a show. he's fucking awful

The way they portray native Americans as savages and brutal murderers. Hopefully this is just a season 1 thing.

>>Sup Forums

nice try rasheed

>Criticize and actor for their acting, and nothing else.
>Actor happens to be brown.


Fuck off idiot. People like you only serve to legitimize Sup Forums tier rhetoric.

You literally only hate him because he hates trump

they do both sides though. the town mural is an indian being tied to a cannon.
>implying they weren't savage and brutal murderers


he introduced jean ralphio so all is well

also i enjoyed how pathetic he was, it was like looking in a mirror but the mirror is covered with shit

jean ralphio is based, should have just got rid of aziz and gave him aziz job

That would have been too much Jean ralphio, don't get me wrong I love him and his sister but they would have gotten cringey real quick if they had that much screen time.

gib jean ralphio sister gf

couldn't agree more

The fuck are you talking about? One of the biggest running gags is how the town of Pawnee has completely brutalized the shit out of the indians for their whole history there.

There's no racism

bitch, stop being upset and grow up

claiming my parkfu


He is a character I hate that only exists in comedies. The vain selfish bitch that everyone tolerates or even sometimes praises when in real life no one would tolerate a person like this.

Another example of this is Jack from Will and Grace.

They don't do that at all. They are portrayed as being murdered though.

I want to FUCK Amy Poehler and be Ron Swanson.

Not Nick Offerman, but Ron Swanson.


Just started the show. Leslie is cute when does she get crushed by life?

It's set in a small, rural city in Indiana. If anything, there should be more racism.

Never. She wins in the end. That's the point of her character. She doesn't give up like you clearly have.

The show is odd in that it always has a happy/upbeat/optimistic tone, even when the jokes are being mean to other (often undeserving) characters.
So Leslie never loses hope.

the fat fuck deserves all the bullying as do all fat """people"""

That just makes her cuter

This show dipped sharply in quality after the first season, it's pretty shocking on second viewing

Put the poo in the loo aziz.

the blonde is a jew they hate white people, look at they use the media to destroy brainwash people into that diversity BS but ONLY in white countries.

No wonder the holocaust was faked so they could get away with this but I think its time to make their dream a reality.

It's antiracist

Imma bite on this here bait, but did you happen to mean the opposite of what you wrote?

Nick Offerman IS Ron Swanson

Bahahahaha grow up you blithering man child

First season is awful, almost as bad as the final season. Seasons 2-6 of Parks and Rec are maximum comfy viewing though, an episode always puts me in a good mood

Seasons 1-4 are Sup Forums, everything after is reddit, the series finale should have ended with a as leak explosion

After the first season the characters became parodies of themselves
The show was no longer good natured; it became standard NBC-style comedy with rushed romance plotlines and forced running gags
I've watched the series through twice and the first time it didn't stand out as much, but watching it a second time really makes the show's flaws apparent

You're right in principle, but a good writer can spin that. Think of Kramer in Seinfeld, it's a pretty similar case and they managed to control that and the show wouldn't have been the same without him around so much.

*,Seasons 1-3

I'm a liberal but Aziz sucks