Rate my logo

rate my logo

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What does it mean?

I am both confused and enraged by it.

Not comics nor cartoons.



How in the hell does that say anything about Deviantart, their company? Honestly, the thing looks Edgy, just for the sake of being edgy, pun intended.

Their old logo was leagues better, at least it actually had DA incorporated within the logo.


It's silly. Like the designer spent either too short or way toooo long on this. I doubt the ladder though.

You graphic designers crack me up.

Does not equal 10/10, that's for sure

lmao at least the video looks pretty

>doubting the ladder

What did the ladder ever do to you?

You should've been there when the new logo was revealed. One of the mods tried to hype it up as some deep, artistic symbol meant to represent all things "creative". Bunch of tripe.

currently studying to be an advertising designer here
putting aside dislike of it, it however perfectly encapsulates the current spirit and community of "DA"


Didn't support me properly in my time of need

Well shit, what is the current spirit and community of DA?

>putting aside dislike of it, it however perfectly encapsulates the current spirit and community of "DA"

That's certainly one way of putting it.

Teens and their bullshit probably

based Jollyjack

Nice. So, what's your company that so clearly begins with a Z?

I'm so sad I recognized this logo instantly. I try to avoid that septic site

To give them credit, it's a simple design, and something everyone in this thread instantly identified as deviantart, stupid or not
Not many companies can say they are able to do that


This is stupid