When did you realize that RLM were unironically hacks

>both IT and Wonder Woman were in their “Endless Trash/Fuck You It’s January!” video even though they eventually gave both movies good reviews
>dedicated an entire video making fun of Ryan Gosling's performance in the Blade Runner trailer but Jay said that Ryan's acting in the movie was actually great
>shit on superhero movies and blame audiences for supporting them even though every Marvel movie that comes out gets positive reviews by them
>shit on the new star wars movies just because it's their "shtick" without bringing up valid criticisms (i.e. the horrible plinkett video on episode 7)


Jack, Quit spamming the boards.

>both IT and Wonder Woman were in their “Endless Trash/Fuck You It’s January!” video even though they eventually gave both movies good reviews
>dedicated an entire video making fun of Ryan Gosling's performance in the Blade Runner trailer but Jay said that Ryan's acting in the movie was actually great

But there are no contradictions here...They thought it was going to be bad, turned out ok


Around 2015 they started sliding downhill as their reviews got weaker and weaker, and Space Cop was the final nail in the coffin.

It was when they said they like Star Trek Discovery,

RLM are better than the average movie reviewers on Youtube, to be honest, but it's the best of absolute dogshit. It's not movie criticism of any kind. It's a friendship simulator for friendless, socially anxious dorks who want their friends to just talk at them --making jokes and telling them things. It's pathetic.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Red Letter Media. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Mike's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rich's existential catchphrase “I have diabettes” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a RLM tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>hen did you realize that RLM were unironically hacks
ever since they mocked the prequels like redditors

>When did you realize that RLM were unironically hacks
When you guys started to shill your channel on Sup Forums

>they were initially skeptical but changed their opinion after seeing the movie
Wow it's fucking nothing.

they treat every movie like it's a documentary of someone going through a simulation and that the person's goal is to make optimal choices. if a character makes a sub-optimal choice they think it's a failure somehow and needs to be pointed out. they do this for 30 minutes at a time

when Officer Fat Tits never came back.
She was THICC as FUCK

Who even watches these people? Is it just a friend simulator?

>literally every e-celeb
where have you fucking been newfriend.

What would the end result be if they tried to make a good movie?

RLM's garbage films are most akin to Troma, with films like Toxic Avenger --although RLM aren't as good-- and James Gunn directed Guardians of the Galaxy. With their reliance on meme humour and irony, RLM would, if they tried to make a proper effort, produce some dogshit reddit meme flick.

That was the end result.

They've catered to reddit.

You can't call him new when he's completely right.

>say Rogue One is bad because it has too much nostalgia
>like The Force Awakens

Why is it so hard to understand that people watch youtube/livestreams etc because its entertaining?

>such hacks they managed to make a worse movie than Samurai Cop 2
should unironically kill themselves

the only thing I watch them do is their Geek Crew thing or whatever and the last one was pretty bad I guess they can't find anything to riff off of

>RLM tattoo
Sad thing is they exist

Every single movie:

>What did you think jay?
>I liked it
>I liked it too
>proceed to shit on movie for 20 min

Why do autists have to ruin everything? RLM is fun. They like watching movies, bad and good, and so do I. My life is dull and I enjoy watching their videos. It's pretty much as simple as that.

>Why do autists have to ruin everything
>Posts on Sup Forums

dude, you don't have to samefag pretending to be someone else to defend yourself.

I don't think they really like force awakens though. I know Mike said "I loved it" but he says it in such an insincere way and then the Plinkett review basically admits it was a bad movie but it wasn't bad enough to be worth a full review so he talked about the nu-star wars franchise.

>everything has to be black or white and nobody can change their minds about something
Remove yourself from the gene pool

When they liked STD and force awakens. Also mikes doesnt like escape from new york and jay doesnt like blade runner.

Didn't he say Insurrection was better than First Contact?


He didn't say the contradiction was a problem, just that it's emblematic of them being bad at knowing what'll be good and yet shitting about regardless.

>mikes doesnt like escape from new york and jay doesnt like blade runner.

they're both right on that

It's just autists, RLM are great, minus Josh and jack.

Or was it Nemesis?
Either way.

I'd rather enjoy their content than be negatively obsessed with them

They're kinda depressing when I think about it. They went to film school (correct?) with the dream and intent of making movies, but never had the balls to put themselves out there and make a *real* movie: just LOL GUIZ IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S INTENTIONALLY BAD AND IRONIC!!! shit that's impossible to criticize because LOL IT'S MEANT TO BE TERRIBLE! Yet they've made a career out of shitting on people who are living their dream: that must be absolutely soul destroying.

I still watch though.

Sup Forums also likes TFA and Marvel movies. You share a board with Spongebob Peter Griffin retards.

>made a career out of shitting on people who are living their dream
Not really though. Most of their reviews aren't just "shitting" on the movie they usually give good and bad comments about the film. I just get a sense they enjoy making small films where you have to make the props and everything yourself and don't have access to all the advantages of million dollar movies. I don't think they really want to make big budget movies honestly.

I'm pretty sure Jay would jump at the chance to write and direct his own thing given the chance.

I'm referring more to the "best of the worst" type reviews.

They make fun of the "weirdos" making low-budget independent movies, yet they clearly yearn to do it themselves but don't have the guts.

The laugh at shit that is rarely self-aware, there's a difference. And what's wrong with shitting on people that make bad movies?

He said it was more in line with the established style of TNG, and thus felt more like a proper Star Trek movie than First Contact did.

Not that it was technically better or more enjoyable by any stretch.

but they did do exactly that
and it was also not good
(not that i have seen it)

They only make their shitty "self-aware" parody movies because they're afraid of the kind of criticism they dish out; afraid to be real and make a real movie.

They're the equivalent of a guy who says JUST KIDDING! after every statement for fear of offending and being subject to criticism.

They made a real non-joke movie? (i.e. not some self-aware winking hipster shit)

"weirdos" making low-budget independent movies,

pretty much sums them up
yeah but i know what you are getting at and you have a point

"mummy monsters are racist" -mike, 2017

I don't know, I just think you take them too seriously.

dude wtf you forgot to fucking edit out half of the rick and morty references

sad 0/10

>They make fun of the "weirdos" making low-budget independent movies, yet they clearly yearn to do it themselves but don't have the guts.
Except for those movies they made.

Would he? Don't you think these guys could have at least been involved in the industry and maybe worked their way up? I'm pretty sure J.J. abrams watched the Plinkett review as a guide for Force Awakens. These guys could have easily gone into the industry but I think they prefer their little niche they have.

I'm pretty sure they are not laughing because they hate the people who make the bad films. If a film sucks it sucks but it doesn't mean they think the filmmakers are losers.

>if you like something, it's flawless

I'm pretty sure they made a serious horror movie that was apparently bad (they themselves said it was bad).

This response just proves him right though.
>dude they're supposed to be bad lmao you can't criticize them

I'm not a fanboy, so I'm only aware of that/thoes "spacecop" movie/movies and that slasher thing.

>they didn't like IT/WW/Blade Runner before it came out

>they see it

>they like it

uhhhh so what makes them hacks?

>These guys could have easily gone into the industry but I think they prefer their little niche they have.
Nah, Jay seems like the only one who wants more. Mike would probably do something for Adult Swim but that's it. But I think he probably knows the second he does something, his spot ot RLM is done because of egos.

I think I watched that or at least the first part ("Mr. Plinket" owned a hardware store and killed people or something). My take was that it was intentionally bad (i.e. their failure to commit)

correct me if i'm wrong only started watching their shit recently but didn't they say std was good for a stand alone movie (speaking of the extended pilot) but it was overly dramatic and didn't fit into the star terk universe.

I didn't say that. I think any ideas they have are probably above their means. And they probably do fear any low-budget serious thing being just like the schlock they review.

For me it was when they reviewed the Hobbit movies and they said they were big fans of LotR but they couldn't remember any details of the movies and they couldn't follow the simple braindead plot of the Hobbit.

>rlm is like taking the barebones style of chris stuckmann or Jermyn jahns and stretching it out over an hour so that it outstays it's welcome.
>many critics use comedy skits to distinguish their videos but for rlm the skits often come across as a way to mitigate the ridiculousness of the passive aggressive nerd rage that fuels their reviews.

autism on Sup Forums

These guys have expensive cameras and editing equipment (Patreon bux): there's nothing preventing them from making a real movie besides lack of talent and failure to commit.

Primer was made for $7000 and is a "real movie" in every way, no LOL WE HAD NO BUDGET SO WE MADE IT BAD ON PURPOSE!!! excuses.


Primer was shit, but you aren't wrong.

I'm sure they have had many chances to get into the industry but didn't take them because they really wanted to make low budget films and do reviews. I think they just like making low budget movies a lot so they don't feel the need to go beyond that.

You can say it is intentionally bad but I think that's just their sense of humor. I haven't actually watched any of their movies except the 48 hour films but I don't think their goals were the same as the goals of the movies in their reviews. You could compare them to the best of the worst films I guess but I'm sure their movies are at worst on par with those movies. I doubt their movies are much worse than BotW movies because many of them are awful but I still enjoy seeing them review those movies.

>there's nothing preventing them from making a real movie besides lack of talent and failure to commit
I would think lack of interest may be a factor in that too. But I guess your weird obsessive projecting is more important.

Don't you know opinions on movies should be formed BEFORE seeing them and you should never change your mind? It's just like politics, you take a stance and then keep it no matter what evidence you see or else you are cuck.

They have a huge audience, a lot of whom bought Space Cop which looked like complete shit before release and turned out to be exactly that. They'd easily gather interest for another movie just by marketing it on their channel like they did for Space Cop.

Stuff like the Room is funny only because it's not self aware at all, and they surely know that. They can't possibly think they're going to capture that "good bad movie" magic intentionally; they're doing it because they don't have the imagination or the balls to do anything else.

I disagree with them on a lot of shit on HitB and the Plinkett reviews but still find them entertaining, particularly the best/wheel of the worst

Why isnt that chubby bitch with the annoying laugh on anymore?

When I first discovered them around 2009. They've always been unfunny hacks.

Again, what does that have to do with them making what you consider a "real" movie?

>don't have the imagination
I don't know man, I saw the behind the scenes footage of some of their stuff and they had to be creative with their props. Maybe even more creative than when you have a team of artists and CGI people that will just do it all for you. Anyways I really think these guys would have been in the industry by now if that's what they wanted to do but I don't think they do. Would they have made good big budget movies? Maybe not, but I'm sure they would have already tried if that's what they wanted to do.

You said they wouldn't make one because there wouldn't be interest, when quite the opposite is true.

You get to make big budget movies by first making good low budget movies. They've never even tried.

Who has ever made a good "ironically bad" movie ever?

I said THEY don't have an interest.

>Who has ever made a good "ironically bad" movie ever?
Have they talked about Chillerama on their channel?

You never specified that, the way your sentence was structured made it seem like there wasn't enough interest in the audience for a release to gain much attention.
Anyway, they don't have interest because they lack the talent and skills to make a decent film, so you are right there.

Chillerama is fucking horrible.

>Who has ever made a good "ironically bad" movie ever?
I don't know. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I think they like making low budget films and their sense of humor is ironic and self-deprecating so these movies are the result. You don't have to like their movies but so many people act like they are failed hollywood people or something but really I think they are just low budget film makers that like being that kind of film maker. In fact that's probably why they shit on hollywood so much because they despise it and prefer their niche.

I really need to see this if you're proposing it as an intentionally-made "good-bad" movie. Seems like an impossible feat, but I'm open to being proven wrong.

It's literally the best bad-good movie.

>it as an intentionally-made "good-bad" movie.
The first story is titled "wadzilla".
And the hitler story and the biggest joke of that is RIGHT up RLM's humor.

No it's just fucking horrible.

Do *they* want to see or think *anyone* wants to see an ironically-bad movie?

They wouldn't even put such a movie on their BotW show since they know it's a REPULSIVE concept. It's beyond cringe; it's dad's-gasp-of-existential-dissapointment-in-you DEPRESSING.

Many of their fans do, but no I don't think they make their movies expecting lots of people to love them.

Atleast tell me you enjoyed the hitler story.

The whole thing was horrible. You have shitty taste. Sorry.

He admitted it was mediocre in his plinkett review months later but initially fell for the hype and loved it.

I still think the plan was early on after the reaction to the HitB episode was to do a plinkett review like the one for Star Trek 09 to show the film's merits but the reason it took so long to make then was largely about irrelevant fan theories and more prequel bashing was he realised the film actually was pretty shit and had to put together something which didn't make him out to be a dimwit for liking it in the first place.

>You have shitty taste.
tell me your favorite bad-good movie then.

>bad-good movie
Are you somehow under the impression that the people that made Chillerama didn't realize they were making something campy? That garbage is a classic example of someone making a bad movie on purpose.

Does this count as an intentionally-made good-bad movie that was actually good?