Can we take a second to appreciate that the American Constitution is the most well written document to preserve the...

Can we take a second to appreciate that the American Constitution is the most well written document to preserve the freedom of an individual ever written.



It's amazing really, and it astounds me that the Bill of Rights was initially not considered necessary. But when you put the two of them together... It's one of the most amazing inventions the world has ever seen.

Do you think the Founding Fathers ever envisioned a world where non-Whites would seen as being equal to Whites, that women would be given the vote, that a nigger would be President, etc?

Such things had no precedence at the time, whereas inhibiting free speech and seizing arms were most definitely observed throughout history. I imagine if the Founding Fathers could witness the current state of the US, the Constitution would be quite different and far clearer. Including the line "except niggers" and changing the second amendment to something like "fuck off, gungrabbers" would be a good start.

Can confirm.

Hopefully we can stop the liberals from changing our language to bend it to their will.

Yeah, it's too bad your Zionist right wing hero Bush Jr. Signed the Patriot Act into effect nullifying the constitution if you're considered a "combatant" and don't forget neocon Muslim Obama signed the NDAA into effect nullifying any requirements of the news to to report actual news, they can now legally lie and spread propaganda.

Oh and don't forget you can be called an enemy combatant on domestic soil, be stripped of any constitutional rights, be killed, and the news can legally report you as committing suicide, getting sick, car accident, etc.

Good luck living in mystery Babylon

>Zionist right wing hero Bush Jr.

Does anyone here actually like him?

Yes, the founding fathers were firmly "blank-slate" liberals. They believed that all men were created equal, and all races would be able to cooperate in peace. The reason why they didn't give blacks rights or free the slaves was because of how unpopular the idea was at the time, but they did put the movement to free the slaves in place by illegalizing the slave trade soon after the United States was established.

This. You, sir, are a true patriot.

I've only encountered one unironic neocon on this website but that was on Sup Forums.

>300 year old meme scroll

The Naturalization Act 1790 made it pretty clear that only whites could be citizens.

>That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen

I have to say I'm blown away by the wisdom and insight of the founding fathers with the creation of this document. I just pray it isn't stripped away by the liberals slow incremental attacks, viewing it as a living document. MAGA ameribros. The rest of the worlds fate is directly tied to this at this point and we can slide into darkness or enjoy the light of freedom


Such Wisdom..,

I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a religious document in a few hundred years, considering it's better written than the Torah, Bible, Koran, Etc.

>the most well written document to preserve the freedom of an individual ever written.
No it isn't
It was missing a few things

But it already is a religion user
America is itself a religion and all true Americans follow it over any kike diety without hesitation

I wonder what font they used to type it

Looks so nice

>Can we take a second

I dare you to try, fucking communist faggot

oh lord my sides... are in the 12th dimension...

Kek Americans actually believe this. No I take it back, only zealots could believe such drivel.

Fuck off leaf. You are Americas dandruff.

So sick of these (((politicians))) shitting all over our government agencies and constitution

It is better written than your birth certifficate,which should not exist, you fedora asshole.Your mother should have aborted you.

>common law
Whoops there go your guns. Too many commas

FUCK OFF. We need 2.0

>remove all mentions of "equality," replace with justice
>Shall never be infringed, EVER, NO EXCEPTIONS, H&K NO COMPROMISE
>All private central banks B&ed. The people shall have the right to issue money for the people

Just a start, disregarding the problems with jews, blacks and women for a second.

Even better. Go back to the gold standard. All bullshit banking goes away after that.

Didn't mean to hurt your feeling so much, was just pointing out that the writers were better than whatever goatfucker God had write the bible.


How's that constitution working out for you these days?

Pretty good. How's that freedom of speech working out for you, leaf? Oh wait.

Your post is evidently false and shows a stereotypical level of self delusion associated with Americans worldwide. It was laughable. We laughed.

It was considered necessary by many of the framers, but there was a lot of debate over where those restrictions on the government should be placed in the constitution, in what order, and with what wording. The compromise is what we ended up with.

Me :)

He would have been fantastic but 9/11 happened. Any other president would have performed just as questionably after that.

Bush bore our sins.

What you don't see is that he made it happen.

JFK was the last president of the united states.

>the most well written document to preserve the freedom of an individual ever written.
>the candidate with the most votes doesn't get elected
surely the best constitute

It's literally not and any legal fag will tell you the same, including your own SC judges.
It's a progressive improvement on English law and revolutionary, but it really isn't written that well, as the ongoing debate on 2nd Amendment and various other amendments that were introduced show.
Even though it's not a constitutional document, for example French Code Civil is a masterpiece of law in terms of scope and style, USC not really. There's a reason why CC is used as a base or even complete with minor additions in many countries (including Louisiana), while USC didn't really inspire any constitutional documents elsewhere.

Whenever society collapses and has to be rebuilt from the ashes of the old one, they should learn a lesson and write the new constitution in very simple fucking terms that a baby can understand.


>le gold standard meme

Should ban fractional reserve banking first. Ban interest.

Fiat money is fine. Central banks are fine. Just not private and with usury.

Oy vey.

Fractional reserve banking isn't possible with the gold standard. If money is made of gold, how does the bank grant loans without the gold to grant it?

Interest isn't a problem, on the other hand, since it doesn't create currency.

I'm talking about coins that are actually made out of the metal, not paper "I owe you some gold" money.

>I'm talking about coins that are actually made out of the metal, not paper "I owe you some gold" money.

What's to stop someone from writing "i owe you gold" on paper?

>I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a religious document in a few hundred years

But it already is. The religion just happens to be a cargo cult, where people praise a piece of paper thinking it'll give them magic powers while the world around them comes crashing down.
You can find this in threads like these, but in conversations with Americans generally too.

Nothing. You can give a loan to someone without guarantees and without a payment date right now if you like, for a promissory note of "i owe you x amount".

Other than the fact that freedom of association should have also been added, yeah it's pretty nice.

So, I can give someone a loan in exchange for the note.

Can I give the note to somebody else? in exchange for a loaf of bread?

Depends, if it is a non-nominal promissory note, yes.

What you are missing is that the right for citizens to enter a voluntary contract does not translate to fiscal policy.

I can give my money away, doesn't mean its law that money will be given away.

The one backing these promissory notes is the government, and the government should be forbidden from acquiring debt.


God bless.


> no direct democracy
> freedom of individual

Burger pls.

>implying direct democracy values the freedom of the individual

You still have a mob rule in a direct democracy. What you'd need is having unanonymous and responsible voting, with your voting splitering the function of the state in however many options there has been voted on, which would create a huge clusterfuck - but that's the price of individuality and freedom.

It failed to preserve anything => its shit.
Should've been much more explicit in banning "big government" and attempts to encroach freedoms with mmuh security and torerance.

>lets you have guns
pick one

There is no God but God and the founding fathers are his prophets.

lol ctr can't handle the constitution

It doesn't "let you" have guns. It protects your natural right to use the standard method of self defense.

There's some bad people in this world, kiddo. They make sure to stay dangerous with or without the government's blessing.

People forgot papers don't have enforcement, and (((Republicans))) won't enforce it because they're still government.

Seeing as the Constitution enshrines slavery based on birth, I'm going to say that it's only three fifths of a great document.