I'e been seeing a lot of hate on Sup Forums recently, I think that sucks. Post something that makes you laugh or smile...

I'e been seeing a lot of hate on Sup Forums recently, I think that sucks. Post something that makes you laugh or smile. Good vibes thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Does happy Fronk count?

user why don't you just stay on tumblr if the Muslim bashing bothers you so much?

Why have you been bashing muslims?


Why wouldn't he bash muslims?


they can't stop capturing Jerusalem

Did they hurt him personally? Did he meet any of them? What did they do to deserve bashing?


I don't know, maybe something wrong with me but I red it like it was Alex Jones of InfoWars.


I always get a kick out of this.


I agree. We really need to do something about Sup Forumsmblrinas spreading hate.
















I agree. Hatedoms need to cool their jets. It's making things toxic across the board.



Persian descendant here. Dad's from Iran.

Muslims are fucking shit. Iran is fucking shit. The culture is fucking shit. I'm not saying this out of ignorance I'm saying this while almost being dragged into the lifestyle. Everyday you gotta pray five god damned times a day, drop whatever you're doing, and do it. Iranian men are fucking short-tempered as hell and act like snobby "rich" assholes that'll get on your case for the most inane nonsense. They are VERY unlikable people. The food most of the time is god-awful- Gorme Sabzi is fucking ass. IT EVEN LOOKS LIKE ASS. Try it, I dare you. Persian culture is even worse if you're a women. Gotta cover yourself up, everyone knows that, but you gotta do all the housework and chores too, and basically your life fucking sucks. And hey, you know that friend of your dad's? the one that has bad teeth, lives in a crappy apartment, doesn't wash himself for long periods of time and quite literally... LITERALLY... in a literal sense or manner: actually .... Smells like shit? Yeah, he gets to have your hand in marriage. Just because your dad loves him so much.

You niggers need to stop being all "das offensive" and know when another culture is just downright wrong. It reminds me of my sociology teacher and her story of how she went to africa and helped build a house for some people. When it was time to build the stairs she raised a fuss over how some guys didn't build the steps of the stairs flat. The africans just looked at her and said "why do the steps even need to be flat, lady?" and she just accepted it as their culture being "different", not "inferior"; that was a point she kept driving home. How other cultures are just DIFFERENT- just because WE can't understand them doesn't mean they're wrong... However, in the case of the Africans building slant stairs, that is just objectively inferior and she's retarded. There's a reason why stairs are built the way they are.




I really enjoyed that She-Hulk storytime.


Well-meaning but ignorant people like you are the reason for the problems. You're posting all this here instead of cheering this guy up and you're actively bumping his built-in feel good post down. You're making the board a worse place by accident. Sup Forums in a nutshell.



Sup Forums is not your private hugbox. Dude has his own thread. Go over there if it matters so much to you.

Does his shirt change color?


What world is reverse gender world? where can I read them

Useful information. Being told that you're causing the hate and being shown evidence has no effect. Impressive stuff. You don't care about cheering someone up to make it an actually better place and board. You care about feeling good about yourself for doing something you think is good.



Sup Forums is two private hugboxes, DC and Marvel.


These two threads were started within 20 minutes of each other. It's possible, even likely OP just didn't see it. I don't see the problem with more good vibes.

Also, some one started shitting on that poor guy within 10 posts, so OP's point is kind of proven too.

This makes me happy

Are you talking about the guy who lost his mom? In that case yeah, that sucks I'll admit. But there isn't any reason to have two threads doing the same thing. Especially when one of them is just a guy stroking his own ego, this OP.

But it's only going to get darker when Pence takes office.

Moral highground shitposting is still shitposting btw.

Always makes me happy

There are ways around that.

Have you not been paying attention to Europe lately? I think that's enough to deserve some mean words to be directed at them

>I'e been seeing a lot of hate on Sup Forums recently,

Theirs been a lot of hate on Sup Forums in general. It's like Sup Forums is trying to spread to every other board.

OP runs away at the slightest hint of conflict. The people who talk about making the board better and kinder don't actually want that. They want to feel good about themselves. You want to talk about being proven right? I was proven right, Doom poster.

It's Christmas break, and the edgy alt-right 13 year old are unsupervised.

>being this triggered

Impossible! Th-this has to be an edit, surely!

>Let's make wild assumptions!



And I live in muslim country.

>Muslims are fucking shit
Muslims aren't one person. Some of them are good people, some aren't. They are human beings like you who capable of making mistakes and do good too.

>Everyday you gotta pray five god damned times a day, drop whatever you're doing, and do it
Why is this a bad thing? I pretty sure you spend hours in your computer/smart phone, but you can't spare five minutes to pray?

>And hey, you know that friend of your dad's? the one that has bad teeth, lives in a crappy apartment, doesn't wash himself for long periods of time and quite literally... LITERALLY... in a literal sense or manner: actually .... Smells like shit? Yeah, he gets to have your hand in marriage. Just because your dad loves him so much
Are you muslim? Islam has given the girls the right to say no if they didn't want to marry.

>to stop being all "das offensive" and know when another culture is just downright wrong
The culture is bad, but it has nothing to do with Islam which why I find it offensive when someone bash Islam. Islam doesn’t force girls to marry if she didn't want to. Islam said the best men are the best to their wives. Islam said that BOTH men and women should be modest in their clothes. Islam said that fathers should be good to their daughters and treat them well. Islam protect women's rights, but unfortunately a lot of culture don't whether they were western or eastern.

Oh yes user you sure did convince me with those hot opinions of yours. now I'll never hate again. Go fuck yourself. Islam doesn't do anything better than anyone. It's trash and will forever stay trash in my eyes. The fact that you're trying to defend it makes me feel pity for you.

it's a wordplay user, there's no political agenda in it, just stop.

dubs of truth. do we have to bash muslims now?


Islam is a path, not a person. We humans are blessed with a brain and a choice. God has shown us the way and it's up to us to make the choice and bare the consequences.

And I don't need your pity because my heart is not filled with haterd and I'm proud to be a Muslim woman. My religion protected my rights and didn't make me in need for the feminist agenda that poisoned a lot of young girls minds and made them hate mens.

>The culture is bad, but it has nothing to do with Islam which why I find it offensive when someone bash Islam. Islam doesn’t force girls to marry if she didn't want to. Islam said the best men are the best to their wives. Islam said that BOTH men and women should be modest in their clothes. Islam said that fathers should be good to their daughters and treat them well. Islam protect women's rights, but unfortunately a lot of culture don't whether they were western or eastern.

It still centrally promotes a culture and lifestyle of men owning women like property. And pedophilia.

Hulk holding a tiny gun is the funniest thing I've seen all day

>muslim woman
>using Sup Forums or allowed to use Sup Forums
Prove you are either muslim or a woman with time stamp, thank you.

Remembered that myth.

Seriously, Loki should've seen the long-term consequences.

I don't even doubt her. Sup Forums has a lot of women posters.

Muslim women aren't a men's "property". The woman keeps her own last name, and her own identity. If the woman has any earnings during her marital life, by way of investments of her property or as a result of work, she doesn't have to spend one penny of that income on the household, it is entirely hers. The full maintenance and support of a married woman is the entire responsibility of her husband, even though she might be richer than he is. She doesn't have to spend a penny. At the time of divorce, there are certain guarantees during the waiting period and even beyond for a woman's support. If the widow or divorcee has children, she's entitled to child support.

And I dare you to show me a verse from Quran where it promote pedophilia.

Victorian England was pedophilic.
Ancient Greece was pedophilic.
We are maybe a century out of "Owning women like property" being the status quo.

Culture evolves, but not evenly across the world. Please go back to talking about comics, and trying to be a good person to one another.


As if I give a shit about any of that crap.

I'm not gonna reply anymore. I have things I have to do. Live your life. So long as I'm not living it, I don't care.

>And I dare you to show me a verse from Quran where it promote pedophilia.
And I dare you to show me a verse from Quran where it promote pedophilia.
Your prophet married and fucked a little girl. They might not do it anymore, but it's still fucked.

sorry meant to post this link

Btw what are your guys favorite iterations of your favorite character? Who do you think wrote for your favorite character the best? I like any of Filonis clone troopers



How come all you shitskin muslims keep coming here defending your pedophile religion?
This was always a whites only site.

Newfag here. I've seen Hope Corgi a couple of times, but what's his story?

Aisha’s exact birthday is unknown, but she was born *before* 610 CE when Islam was revealed.

Aisha is recorded as accepting Islam shortly after it was revealed. She could not have done so as an infant or toddler. The youngest she could have accepted Islam would be 7 y/o, but that’s a guess.

She was married in 622 CE 12 years after she accepted Islam. (7 + 12 =19 years).

Further, Aisha fought in the Battles of Badr and Uhud (624/5 respectively). No one *under* 15 fought in those battles, let alone be a leader of them.

Also, Asma, Aisha’s eldest sister (by ten years) died at age 100, 72 years after Aisha’s marriage.

Process of elimination and mathematics, Aisha could not have been married before she was 14 and the consummation before she was almost 20.

By mathematical reasoning:
622 + 72 = 694 -100= 594 year of Asma’s birth.
622-594= 28 yr of Asma at Aisha’s wedding
Asma is recorded as ten years older than Aisha. Therefore:
28-10= 18 Aisha’s age at wedding.



Do you also think it's okay that those refugees are trying to set up Sharia laws in European countries that didn't even have to take them in the first place?


Why would we want to encourage the OP of that thread to drown his problems with alcoholism? We're not shitty people like Nuperman.





If a country allows people inside their borders to ignore the laws and create their own, then it deserves what happens.

Don't be mad at people who take advantage and get away with it, be mad at the authorities for being complete pussies and not stopping them.

