Huff post isn't reach at the bottom of the barrel... no

huff post isn't reach at the bottom of the barrel... no

Other urls found in this thread:

An alien god octopus monster is worse than a frog, right?

cthulhu is a normie meme
pepe is (in msnbc words) a white nationalist symbol

There's that rebbitor word again.
Get the fuck off my board, normalfag.

did you see that word used on reddit?
do you know where it came from newfag?
why were you on reddit?

>Resorting to shit tier rejected Daily Show jokes that wouldn't even get upbaoted on reddit

I love the absolute desperation.

Oh, boy.

Call a redditor a frog fucker and it rolls right off him but call him a redditor and he panics... I've been found out.

>The Great Old One objects to being compared to the GOP presidential candidate
HAHAHA! Hilarious!

>ed mazza
>mfw those are the mexican intellectuals everybodys been talking about

>trying to insult someone by comparing them to a god whose power is beyond human comprehension
Yeah you sure showed Trump there, didn't ya

I wonder how Lovecraft would feel seeing his dark creation turn into a normie shit-tier meme

It really is almost poetic though, because Cthulu is meant to represent horror, abstract terror. It's no wonder the leftist faggots have turned it into some kind of joke, because it represents everything that they hide from in this thing called "reality"

That's why they've turned it into a cutesy lil meme for noobs

Boy o Boy did they just fuck up big time.

wtf I actually hate Stephen King now

i never really liked him in the first place

autism knows no bounds it seems

>1 off
I've failed the old gods. I feel so ashamed.

so according to the screenshot, at least 65 thousand people found that entertaining enough to share? that's fucking sad.

the talisman is one of my favorites.

post-addiction King has been getting worse and worse, both in writing and as a personality.

Cthulhu is weak quitter! He went back to sleep after being rammed by a boat. Sad!

What a faggot
>implying based Lovecraft wouldn't support Trump

Normie has been used by faggot liberals for decades

Why are those people still allowed to be "journalist"?

God help them if they actually knew anything about the man.
They might find him to be 'promlematic', with his cat called Niggerman amongst other things.

dont you know huffingtonpost only writes fiction

No but do you know where Pepe is even MORE than on Sup Forums? Reddit.

The only thing lovecraftian about that headline is the level of autism. It's absolutely beyond human comprehension.

They're no more journalists than mcdonalds employees are chefs.

lel, but shit's crazy! 65K people shared this garbage!

the mist is the only movie from his books i like

How are these worn out wannabe jezebels still a thing? How many stupid housewives still read this shit?

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>tfw liberals think H.P. Lovecraft is their friend

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

-H.P. Lovecraft

Why are these people so fucking lame.

>this is considered journalism

people think sharing a "funny' trump article will make them popular on shitbook

we're reaching levels of cringe that shouldn't even be possible

Why is it always Cthulhu. He's not even that far up there in Lovecraftian monsters, he's a high priest not a God and yet people treat it as the be all end all of Lovecraft.

Because it's the popular image, fuckers don't know anything about Lovecraft and just tack it on because hey everyone knows it. See the poem people posted here

Well they use Cthulu because he is known in normie culture.
It would make much more sense that they link Trump to Tsathoggua.

Cthulhu is normalfag as fuck and normie isn't especially reddit, or even associated with a website.

It's more like the Onion on a slow week.

Was Lovecraft even politically active?