Wtf is wrong with white women?

Wtf is wrong with white women?

Other urls found in this thread:'_Revolt

Id say lets stop niggers and mudslims breeding like cockroaches and the problem will be fixed.

>mfw I have 3 brothers and a sister
>I will have at least 4 White kids of my own
Feels good.

the entire world population is trending towards decline except for niggers

in other words all the smarter races have stopped breeding while the dumbest race is breeding more than ever

and the worse part is that Africa used to at least regulate the nigger population with disease and famine, but white people invented vaccines and fertilizer to help crops resulting in an exploding population of retarded niggers in Africa.

All the while whites keep helping the niggers create more and more niggers who inevitably just keep committing crime and fucking and doing nothing else.

This tbqh.

We fucked lad

That fucking graph mate.
>whites will spend the next 70 years continuing to feed niggers until there's 4 billion of those retards
It's bullshit; funny bullshit.

we honestly should of just let africa burn to hell , but atleast save the damn animals in process somehow ( not the niggers they dont even count as animals )

>ideal population is 2billion
what is this bullshit even supposed to mean

yeah but how will you account for the declining population in western countries then?
Constant immigration is very expensive and it has a lot of unwanted side effects.

it means depopulating the southern hemisphere and the middle east and india and china and every one else cuts their current population to 1/4 its current

for the sake of water purity and oxygen levels. not global warming. this is about getting more time out of this planet for humanity since we dont have a colony on europa

>remove as many third worlders as possible
>welfare for first child only

fpbp, from a Jew nonetheless.

Seriously just genocide all the niggers and take their land from them.

Why do our billionaires fund and ensure this shit happens? Seriously. Fuck billionaires that "help" Africa. Fuck the UN. Fuck them all.

>put a cap on the number of humans that are allowed to exist on this planet
>liberals think that this will end well for their agenda

If such a cap existed, the number 1 cause of war would be to wipe out every other nation and ethnicity and secure the full amount for the white race.

Oy vey fpbp

We have a moral obligation to stop having kids...But a moral obligation to provide money, food, military security and ultimately transportation, housing within our own already stable populations, plus welfare and medical care to brown people so that they can have multiple children per family that they otherwise couldn't afford, and frankly wouldn't have because they'd be dead due to stupidity or self harm.

It really does make you think.

Every time a leftist tells me we need to bring Africa up to a first world level, or encourage Africans to be fruitful and multiply and move to the West....Then tell me Man Mad Global Warming Is Killing The Earth, I just scratch my head and wonder if they have any capacity for rational thought at all.

>let's stop

We don't even need to intervene.

Africa was set to essentially wipe itself off the map until whitey intervened. Now they they have the fastest growing population on the planet.

to be honest this problem just solves itself

>those who want to have kids do it
>those who don't want don't
>population goes down
>more space
>more opportunities for our generations
>more jobs
>people have more kids because life's good
>rinse and repeat

>I just scratch my head and wonder if they have any capacity for rational thought at all.

Not if doesn't feel good.

Can I have my foreskin back please?


>(((our billionaires)))

We allowed them out the kitchen and into the workforce.

No, fuck you. If the world is going to shit anyway, I'm gonna make sure that the people that survive and thrive in that shit will be more like me than your preferred kind.

>save the damn animals
sell them to the animal conservationists. Ya know, to recoup the costs incurred to capture them, and to ward off cheapskate shitlibs who wont properly care for the animals.
>water purity and oxygen levels. not global warming.

Basically this whole problem is created by bleeding heart leftists and greedy boomers.

they are the worst people to work with in a corporate setting except maybe niggers and indians

>Why do our billionaires fund and ensure this shit happens?
Oy vey goy this is the result of a capitalist system gotta get more workers out there to staff my factories and buy all these luxurious goods with govt welfare money!

Delete This

that is forbidden holocaust footage

you know how in post-apocalyptic movies it's always some tribes of brown people walking around, because whites became too dumb to procreate
whites are like Dodo birds, too dumb for the new world

It's not rocket science.

>You have a big plot of land
>You have far more peasants than you can fit
>peasants who won't work the land for the wages you offer can be kicked off, and you have fifty more willing to take their place
>you can charge a fortune in rental prices on mud huts, because there is always a peasant who will pay whatever it takes to get in from out of the rain


>Black plague hits
>Oh shit, there are like 10 peasants to do the job that used to require 15
>These ten peasants are like, cool, we'll work the land and pull overtime...Course, we want to talk about our wages
>Even worse, the peasants are like, dude, your mud huts are SHIT, I'm not paying for this crap. Lord Koch said he's desperate for peasants since the plague hit him even harder. He'll offer me twice the pay and a motherfucking brick shed for half the rent you're charging

If you want to know what's happening now with mass migration...Have a look at what led to the peasants revolt in the 1300's, and how it could be resolved not with men at arms, but with offshoring work and importing workers.'_Revolt

Also have the lego version

Yes Yes I'm going to make this post when my country has below the replacement rate already.

It's niggers who are the fucking problem.

We need to hurry up and start using tech like CRISPR to create high-IQ Africans or we are all doomed.

i hope


that Trump stops foreign aid completely

Oh, and even fucking better...Now you tax the peasants and strip their wages, then use those taxes to breed even dumber and more pliable peasants in the next country over. You tell the peasants when they complain not to be selfish, that it's charity, otherwise those foreign peasants would starve.

Then when your peasants start to slacken, start to breed less, you open up the field gates and invite your new crop of peasants in. You didn't even have to look for them or pay a penny for 'em. Your own peasants did the hard lifting for you. Shit, some of them are even so fucking stupid and gullible that they VOLUNTARILY sent their money to the competition to help them breed replacements.

This isn't even all that abstract tbqh. This is what the entire White Australia Policy was established for and we only scrapped it 40 years ago.

>"Experts say ideal global population is 2 billion"
>"Experts say"

holy shit leaf, fuck off.

We really DO have an overpopulation problem in this planet. Political organization, resources, society, space... it all gets fucked. We need to nuke africa, india and china to halve their populations, at the very least.

you could also nuke spain but that only solves about 30 million problems kek what a waste of a nuke.

This is the fault of Niggers/Muslims (literally).

So I don't see what you want me to do. Jesus Russia please Nuke the Niggers.

Based countries such as Slovenia have already reached the perfect number (2 million in our case) and we're keeping it the same. It never goes up or down. It's homeostatic.

It's the fault of Africa, India and China, not our fault, we are keeping population at the perfect level.


All we need is for China to go to war with Africa

Problem solved

That place looks so comfy.

fuck I laughed way too hard at this

That's why we got the WHO going around controlling the plague by "accidentally" sterilizing africans with vaccines. They have long realized that those animals are beyond saving and are actively moving back in time. Whith all the projects of education, building wells and housing and what not, one should think that they would have quite a decent state of living by now, but those things shit and piss in their own wells, still drink from them, get fucking sick from drinking their own feces and blame it on demons inside the wells so they clog them up by shoveling dirt and stones into them. Whenever a white nation gives them something, they destroy it due to sheer inability to use it correctly, even the most basic tasks are too much for them. They are shitting up 15 kids because they are still so close to animals thetat they know only 3 of those will survive.

wtf is wrong with you?

We should put embargo on sending food help to Africa and let them die out naturally

My Mrs has a kid and i'm not having any, chances are it would kill her, only hope i have is that in my younger years one of my one night stands ended up getting pregnant and had it, I wonder.

You mean like the Eithiopian Jews Isreal injects with contraceptives without consent ?
pls tell us master conspirator how do we get away with this ?

Aren't those fairly advanced huts for most of Africa? Most African tribes never figured out how to build such nice huts.

>My Mrs has a kid

>(((Taylor-Marie Wood)))
Still, woodberry muhdik in her kikette catfish-wide maw.

These are remnants of we wuz space travelerz and sheit

>Wtf is wrong with white women?
They are smart, and write articles that stupid women accept as true. Less competition for the smart white woman's children.

They(sluts) just want to have unlimited, no consequence orgasms until they die. Men are just a tool for that.

Not much more to it than that

Its liberals in general not just the women. If these cunts are worried about population growth they should ease bthe burden by killing themselves.

Slovenia is a fucking great country. Looks like Austria but without most of the mudslimes. It is 50% covered with forests, has plains and mountains and even sea access.
A really cute country.

So we need to encourage a land war between China and India?

>TFT this is our future
start fucking and pumping out whites en masse

Why? She's making a good point! An excellent one, even! Now what is the best approach? I'd say we look at all the countries and groups of people who produce the most children. Stopping them from having more children will be the most effective way to fight overpopulation!

Correction: shitskins need to stop having kids.

The biggest problem we have is the "cradle-to-grave welfare state" pyramid scheme problem, which gets worse and worse as life expectancies increase continuously. It requires constant population growth to sustain it.

We need to adopt the mindset that old people, once they reach a certain age, must either be able to support themselves with their savings and investments, or they must die.


>6 billion too many

They're brainwashed into not being racially aware so they'll only think about us as "the human race" and they'll base their decisions by that meanwhile the muds will breed like rabits to further their people

Literally half the world is gonna be dindu or Pajeet.
God help us all.

A couple of pollacks should just travel Africa for a few months poisoning wells

"Pst, hey chinky...i heard Mutombongo checking out your women and talking shit about you. 'Oh me ruv my licey licey'."

Under the current and *relied upon* non-design that societies worldwide live in the global population is not sustainable. I don't feel like taking the time to type up a litany of proofs, anyways: the world has room for many more humans to live on it, the problem is the incompetence of human design. Or it could be said another way, that most humans living on this planet are simply not educated; I mean upwards of 90% of humans alive. (Yes this includes you little STEM™ majors and Business Pros™.)

That's stupid. The urge to secure a situation where you'll be provided for when you can't provide for yourself is the main reason for civilization.

What we need is intelligent ideas such as bumping the retirement age way up and tying it to your date of birth. I.e. a person who is 50 right now can retire at 65 or something (idk what your retirement age is), but a person who is 18 right now will only be able to retire at 75. This is just an example, idk how the actual ages and such will be.

We also need to make sure children are taught the value of their parents and have to support them in their old age. But that's a different subject.

Easily misguided into believing overpopulation is due to whites and not chinks, poojeets, beaners, goatfuckers and niggers

And because they were given power to vote and cry sexism the, white man is powerless to stop her from ruining their civilization


sauce for sterilizing africa, I might donate to that.


>save the damn animals

Fuck off we're full


There are tons of articles on it, searching for "world health organisation sterilizing vaccines" should bring up a lot.
I don't know how biased some of the websites are, but this one seems kinda fine at first glance

I'd advice you to research a little yourself tho, the world is a shitty place and you never know who or what you can trust.

>implying I'm not moving to Slovenia in the future

Make room :^)

Their privilege and pc immunity have brought them to think they're invincible and can afford to do such things.

That's really the problem with you first worlder's normies, the things that are ideal and have become their truth thanks to stupid ones being many in numbers.

Some people like to take a "holier than thou" position on issues they don't know the extent of, saying "we should do this because this article says it will benefit us, I'm just trying to help" despite not having a clue. The purpose of this is to boost their ego, this has been plaguing social media for some time. Their hearts are in the right place, however their minds are not.


Fuck that nigga, I'm going to go found Brawndo

Yes goyim, stop having kids.

This jew knows.

Wasn't IQ invented so the median was always 100?

holy shit that pic

>4 billion Africans
The cunts can't even grow enough food to feed themselves now, how the fuck are they gonna manage with 4 times as many people?

Oh yeah, leftist hand-outs

>White people stop.
>The rest start pumping out kids faster and faster to compensate.
>Countries lower population which is good things.

>Wasn't IQ invented so the median was always 100?
Yes but probably IQ tests are easier.

>implying earth isn't overpopulated as fuck
there should be max. 3bil people on earth for it to not be overly fucked by pollution and raping of resources..

Nah m8 there's just an underdamped response to the introduction of vaccines, agriculture, and aid

Technology has raised the long-term steady-state population capacity, but it's still a capacity. People will die and populations will shrink to fit the available resources

white men

you let your bitches own the place. embarrassing. they look at you like cuckold doormats. just look at the people arrested for dong the Black Lives Matter protest at that airport in London... that is what all your "men" look like, imagine what Churchill would think

A cull of 4.5bn people would be a big war.
For you.

why aren't they more effective with the programme tho?

>implying war and starvation wont cap the africa numbers

we just need cucks to not bring them all here as "refugees"... that goes for europe as well

>"experts say..."

Oh, well, if "experts" say it then it must be true. We should be scared then.

Fuck off with the "experts" bullshit. That's like the toothpaste commercials, "4 out 5 dentists surveyed say...". Let me guess, the dentists all think we should use toothpaste, and not just any toothpaste but the toothpaste in that commercial. Amazing how that works out.

So let's continue with that nonsensical position and apply it to OP's pic. The population "experts" are rolled out. They are used to "say" something to us. Their "message" is that the earth is way too populated, in fact there are 6 billion more people on the earth than the earth can handle. The "experts" are being used to "say" that 4 out of 5 humans currently on the planet need to go. Do the "experts" say we should kill 4 out of 5 humans? No.

So, the "experts" are being used as a device to present a problem to us — a problem that has been contrived for a reason. What is the reason? Can't you guess? The "experts" contrived problem is a literary device used to present "the solution". That's what this "population scare mongering" is all about, same as "global warming scare mongering". The solution, of course, is not to kill humans but to fix the "problem" by scaring you into voting for bigger, stronger, and more expensive government.

They are caring, dumb as sin but caring

Yes blacks and chinks/curryniggers need to stop having kids but White people need to start having more

Well but Africans are good at civil wars. All we need to do is convince western societies that humanitarian aid actually doesn't help at all but fund corruption, which is true, and step back and let them fight it out amongst themselves

In their effort to be "better" than everyone, they seek the moral high-ground in all things. And the fact they're very, very stupid allows for people to program in any idea which will, ostensibly, give them that 'high ground'.

If enough celebrities and TV shows said "BEHEAD KITTENS! IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO!" You'd better believe white women would be out in the streets with sickles before the night was out.