Is it socialism?

My brother is a Glenn "tax deductions are socialism" Beck fan. The socialism argument is so emotional and convoluted that I'm not sure I understand it. Honestly the extreme verbal acrobatics they have to perform to justify the claim of socialism makes it seem like bullshit to me.

Other urls found in this thread:

>lowering taxes is now Socialism
slavery is freedom senpai

>tax deductions for women for a 6 week period after having a child is socialism

>my brother is a Glenn "tax deductions are socialism" Beck fan.

my condolence. A lot of the mentally retarded live a fulfilling happy life.

Also a lot of people don't realize that this means that only women who are working will paying jobs will benefit (women who make enough money to take substantial tax deductions), so this basically means white women. I was very surprised when liberals didn't go the "this benefits mostly white women route", I think they just aren't smart enough to form their own opinions.

>Sup Forums will literally just suck trumps cock no matter what he does

Christ this board is pathetic

If Clinton had proposed this exact same plan at the exact time you'd have the posters here calling it anti male feminist garbage.

No. Stay at home moms can take the tax deduction at the end of the year (paid after). Working moms can dip into their unemployment benefits (paid during). Child are is tax deductable, so working moms benefit more, but stay at home moms aren't penalized.

But why post a child tho?

I'd like to see it extended to fathers and allow paternity leave, but as it stands it is an incentive for the whole family is is more workable than Clinton's bullshit b

because she's sexy

She looks hot.

No, we wouldn't. This plan secures a future for working families, and not gibmedats.

Honestly that's MY biggest problem with it. It only benefits the female which continues the line of policy that caused the government to replace the father in the nuclear family. But socialism?

The maternity leave part, I meant. Obviously the tax deduction benefits the entire family.

Socialism isn't the word id use, but it's just like how "liberal is used these days".

When someone says socialist like that they just mean the government exerting more control over the market, or at least I assume because it's always used in that context.

And that, this most definitely is. More government control over business and the market.

When this hits negotiations we can take the campaign to them to demand paternity leave. Allow it to be concurrent or congruent. So both parents could be home for the first six weeks or they could double up for twelve weeks.

Hillary Clinton's plan has the same benefits for women and men. Just, fyi...

Hillary's plan is unworkable though.

In retard amerifat land it is, where everything with state involvement is socialism.

It feels like Glenn Beck is getting his marching orders from the Clinton campaign. Obviously she can't wield "socialism" as a criticism because she needs the sellou- I mean bernout vote, so she asks Glenn Beck to take that angle for her. And we all know his boy Cruz got caught red handed begging the Clinton campaign for money to defeat trump. They are so butthurt about Cruz being exposed as a traitor they will say anything to get Clinton elected


Pedos will be the first to go when trump's elected.

Go buy a TV license Nigel

You're surprised Sup Forums is for someone trying to stop white genocide? Are you retarded?

I think Beck is religiously motivated against Trump. His talking points all make it sound like he believes that Trump is the anti-christ and that the end is near.

He is completely paranoid and delusional.

Raising babies is the woman's job though...

>he thinks trump gives a fuck about muh white genocide

>he thinks trump will initiate some kind of day of the rope

Childcare plan > welfare plan

One pays working white families, the other pays broken home black families

They dont care about policy
Thats the problem of hero worship

Apparently he does since he's going through with this policy which hinders white genocide.

Why do we have a problem with socialism?

Yeah, this will have negative economic consequences, but so what? If it boosts the birthrate, isn't it worth it in the long run?
There are all kinds of laws which hurt the economy but which lead to social good. For example, preventing an oil company from tearing up pristine coastline might hurt economic efficiency, but 50 years from now you children will thank you.

If maximizing the economy becomes the sole and only aim of our society, we just have to accept a transhumanist future where humans are phased out for 2000 IQ cyborgs and intelligent AI. Why would that be a good thing for us?

You have to go back Ole-Ahmed

Just because the Drudge Report tells you something won't work doesn't mean it actually won't work, Cuj.

Why'd you color in your stars, Straya?


Because red represents the blood of the workers, bourgeois scum.

Only if they have a husband who makes money it doesn't help the gibs crowd who have most of the children

I don't really feel like going back through it point by point, but it's not workable.

The main effect of this and intention is not that, it may or may not be a side effect of it.

Having some very minor and reasonable regulation is fine, but you always have to be weary of too much market intervention.

It is wise to remember that for many, me included. Freedom is its own goal. We do not like to see government constantly over stepping its bounds, although in the realm of things in which government has overstepped said bounds this is fairly far behind I would say.

>white male

Great arguments , im sure you always Dreamed of being on the level of tumblr

Let me guess.
>Muh debt.
The democrats don't give a flying fuck about your debt mate. They'll just keep on printing money like they have for the last 8 years. So will the republicans.

>if I just keep repeating it, it'll become true

Sure, keep voting for the sexist plan over the one that cares about you.

No. The bureaucracy it would create. It would be as workable as Obamacare.

What's with all the anons posting pics of little girls today?

>It feels like Glenn Beck is getting his marching orders from the Clinton campaign.

Glenn Beck went all-in on the Never Trump bullshit and will soon lose everything. His "tv network" is 90% a simulcast of radio shows from his network. Nobody wants that shit. Cable companies have already begun dropping him. He's fired a huge portion of his staff. His previous CEO wasted $20+ million according to Beck. Beck's radio show is mostly on shitty AM stations and most stations dump his show in bad time slots like after 6pm (no one listens to the radio after 6pm). His web site has lost 2/3 of its traffic from its peak. He just lost a very important story writer that contributed a huge portion of's traffic and content.

The end is near for Beck.


SHUT UP! he can win the election if he swings some democrats in pennsylvania and virginia!

jesus christ. there are NOT enough conservatives to win the election, he has to be appealing to liberals somehow, and that's very difficult thanks to the media.
>Maybe he's not perfect but he's not clinton
>he's against mass immigration
>he's not a democrat
this is why you should vote and inform liberals about his childcare act

>american education
Do you even understand what socialism is?


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