White Diamond is probably a fusion

In color theory, the additive secondary colors Cyan (blue) Magenta (pink) and Yellow combined equals White. And the additive color spectrum is used with light instead of pigementation (Film/video VS Painting). Considering how gems are manifestations of light, by this logic, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Diamond, if fused, should come out white.

Here's the color wheel as proof

That might explain why we've never seen or heard anyone speak of her yet...

nah man, carbonado is endgame...

Wouldn't that require Pink Diamond to be...ya know... not dead?

What are you talking about... Pink diamond is safely bubbled in the treasure chest in Lion's mane.


white diamonds are the name for clear diamonds, and so white diamond might simply represent flawless diamonds, perfectly clear like glass

this might make her the strongest diamond, since flawless white diamonds are the archetypal diamond

Literally what else do you expect to be in that chest?

The Map to the treasure of course!


Anyone care to speculate on this orb?

I kinda hope not desu.
I'm more a fan of the theory all the diamonds + WD would make black diamond.

It's probably circular in shape. Also very smooth... lickibly smooth

depleted engine core

Also, when is this geode gonna blow? Duct tape doesn't last forever ya know.

That's why you periodically go back and slap on more duct tape.



Why hasn't Steven bothered coming back to fix that yet?

Gem polish and a buffing wheel...

One Piece

This could be why homeworld dislikes fusion among dissimilar gems, as its only acceptable within same classes

or maybe they're all a bunch of heterophobes

Pink Diamond's shards

A gun that shoots knives.


>Fixing what isn't broken.
Never done any house work user?

Didn't it move in the tube though?

I think this this needs more speculation.

The Crystal Temple wasn't just designed after the 5-Gem fusion, it was originally their body. All the Crystal Gems fused to fight some massive monster or something and tanked a massive magical attack, which petrified their body. They detached their gems from the statue and regenerated to their normal forms, but they still had that giant statue lying around so they decided to live in it.

The Crystal Gems have humanlike internal organs because Rose Quartz decided to use shapeshifting to imitate them in the hope of making humans more comfortable around them. That's why the temple has a giant heart in it.

Rare pepes

go back to Sup Forums

>White Diamonds are diamonds that are clear
>Theres no green or red diamond
>Pink and Yellow are Fusions

The Crew hinted Diamonds can't be poofed

You're only saying it's impossible because no one's ever done it!

The proof can only be in the pudding.
The crew has lied and misled us before. We cannot take what they say seriously until it's backed up by the show.

Which kind of explains why Rose didn't have a choice in the matter and Pink Diamond needed to be shattered.

BUT there has been zero mention of home world shattering gems recently so I feel like they might be going easy on gems for some unknown reason a good example of this is peridot just getting reassigned also the rubies just trying to retrieve jasper and losing interest in peridot. Also peridot's quality being lesser then gen 1 peridots is interesting too. This might be hinting at a resource problem on Home world. So maybe given an all out war is inevitable with how steven wants to heal the shattered and corrupted on earth maybe some kind of negotiation will take place and Peace could be reached with home world once the crystal gems gets its fighting force's strength back.

All these ultra-high tech shit and season 1 stuff like that time travel tool and multiplier are just beyond puzzling. Why the CGs never went around collecting and refurbishing them in 5000 years? Or use any of them when they would be wildly useful.

Also I miss the little adventures and fighting gem monsters of S1 so much

During season one the gems were magic. Now they're just aliens.

They still are magic to some extent. Sugar isn't going to sit down and explain specifically how everything works thats gem related.

You guys just sound bitter because you finally got some answers to questions and you would have rather left it a mystery but a series like this that actually bothers to give details tends to not do this. You don't want to leave your audience in the dark or else you risk alienating your audience all together. I mean the hints at scifi have been there almost since early season 1 so don't worry about it. Solving a few mysterys doesn't ruin a series especially when there are loads more in tow.