Pic related
>Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.
>Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.
>Rebuilds Athens and ushers in its golden age.
>Under his governance the Parthenon is built, the greatest building in history.
>Literally the first citizen of the birthplace of civilization.
>Master orator and a patriot who loved his city.
>Unlike all the other Athenian politicians and heroes (e.g Themistocles and Miltiades) Pericles is never betrayed by the people who fear him becoming a demagogue.

Post your favorite politicians and why lads.

I don't like Pericles.

Not necessarily my favorite, but definitely up there. The quote itself is epic.

pic related


I love him so much

Excellent, finally a man with taste.

>Sikh nationalist
>Saw the tricks lf the Hindpoojew
>Tried remove hindpoojew
>Hindpoojew won


Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!

I love American99% and the U.S.

China, Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's, Japan's and China's monetary policies now!
China, Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's, Japan's and China's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!

Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Allahu Akbar!

But why anons?

Because they are newfags trying to fit in.

>tfw with a bullet you set fire to the whole world


>Killed five people
>still not caught

>With 1 single bullet, became responsible for the death of over 500 000 Serbians


Not Serbians

Learn English, Lu Wei

>Canada - 75% white

>Serbia - 100% gypsy Turk rapebabby

USA only airstrikes niggers, lets face it.


>100% gypsy Turk rapebabby

actually that's a myth
there are almost no turkish genes in serbs
for fuck's sake, average turk is 5'8" while the average serb is 6'2"

that should tell you enough

fucking pleb

Gotta hand it to you, Serbs are pretty tall on average.

My man
Also why? :(
>Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighbouring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Its administration favours the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if no social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition.
The man is literally everything great about western civilization.

>bullying other states to stay in the Delian League using military force
>"taxes" the shit out of them to build Athens
Democracy was shit from the beginning

>Ensinai aos vossos filhos o trabalho, ensinai às vossas filhas a modéstia, ensinai a todos a virtude da economia. E se não poderdes fazer deles santos, fazei ao menos deles cristãos.


Shadilay, shadilay

Dante Alighieri, the author of the Divine comedy.

I'm getting a little teary eyed thinking about these great heroes of humanity. We are so lacking in today's world, with heroes like this or so it seems.

Maybe we have just the same amount as there were back then, people like this are too few and far between.

If we were half as decent and righteous as the heroes of history, surely we would be able to take back our countries.

Absolute mad man, also their argument was that a strong navy is required to defend the Delian League and thus the island states around Asia minor should have to pay their fair share in order for protection from Persians and other Asian threats, its like Trump and NATO (although admittedly towards the end of his life the Delian League lost focus as Athens wanted a big navy to fight Sparta not defend from alien threats like Persia so it really is like modern NATO with no USSR). He didn't want nations to leave as it denys defense all round as less combined money for defense. Plus with all that money he built the Parthenon which was beautiful. But I take your point Athens had many flaws, Aristotle viewed democracy as mob rule, but Pericles is just a masterful orator and embodied so many western values.
Epic poems are fucking amazing, they are the best form of literature imo. Gilgamesh, Odyssey, Divine comedy, and Beowulf among others are great because they capture the essence of the time period and reflect a lot about humanity.
It's a shame, Hitler is the worst example of Fascism out of himself, Mussolini, and Franco and is the reason why its looked down upon today.
You two anons should look into Giovanni Gentile, he's like the creator of Fascism as a coherent, unified Ideology and it's pretty decent.

Teddy Roosevelt....the man was a beast, yet kind and intelligent....not many like him in any time

Whoever wrote this.