Literally how the fuck did these two get under lake Laogai

literally how the fuck did these two get under lake Laogai

Iroh, who knows

but we very clearly see Zuko kidnap a Dai Li agent, so probably from interrogating that guy

I imagine Iroh just stalked Zuko.

The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai

Zuko is basically a ninja

Iroh can do basically anything due to his role in the story as the wise old master

How come the earth king knew the council of 5 well and trusted them even though he was unaware of the war?

Kingdoms still have generals in times of peace.

They were men of, shall we say.....exceptionally large stature.

I think his top generals would act as a sort of de facto privy council, even without a war going on.

I am honored to accept his invitation.

But werent the council of five aware of the war? Surely they wouldn't be tasked with the single largest earth nation offensive of the war after only learning about the war a day earlier?

Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah it doesn't really make sense for him to trust them when only a day earlier he could trust Long Feng just as much.

How was the war not lost after both the fall of Ba Sing Se and the failed invasion of the fire nation? Even with the Firelord out of power and Ba Sing Se liberated the fire nation would have still held the single largest army in the world and at worst, would have fractured into individual armies, likely location based (the occupying forces in the republic city area may have become its own nation, for instance). Am I supposed to believe that the fire nation happily gave back all the annexed land and made peace?

literally how the fuck did Aang beat the Fire Nation, I understand the Avatar is like some great protector or some bullshit but do you have any fucking idea how hard it is for one person to FIGHT AN ENTIRE CIVILIZATION?
Fire Nation already won but Ozai ws just a nut.

I kind of assume that they were in on the fact that the King didn't know

or maybe they didn't know the King was ignorant but had been willing to report to Long Feng instead because they sort of know that the King is a figure head anyway

They basically launched a coup: Aang and Zuko defeats the leaders, while the White Lotus deal with the greatest concentration of troops likely to be loyal to Ozai at Ba Sing Se. Zuko takes the throne and orders the troops to stop.

Its still bullshit how the Fire Nation didnt win before Zuko went moralfag.

they did

they even had a parade about it, although the hesitated to call it total victory since there were still rebelling pockets despite their conquest of all major cities

I can believe the defeat of Ozai, Azula, and even the defeat of the fire nation armada, but the rest is bull. There's no way that the gaang invaded the capital themselves or that any form of earth kingdom offensive took place. What's likely to have happened is that a new resistance would have taken place in ba sing se, likely lead by a coalition lead by the white lotus, earth kingdom generals (possibly even long feng) and fire nation generals in offence to the new fire nation leadership, which would have likely been the second in command to Ozai/Azula, though I suspect would have cause a power struggle within the fire nation.

>fire nation generals in offence to the new fire nation leadership, which would have likely been the second in command to Ozai/Azula, though I suspect would have cause a power struggle within the fire nation.
Potentially, but that's not important to the overall story. Aang deposed the Phoenix King and reinstalled order, and Zuko succeeded the throne. Azula forfeited the Agni Kai the moment she attacked an outsider (yes Katara shouldn't have been that close but it's a moral victory. Zuko shouldn't have overpowered her, that defeats the point of his character arc)

It definitely makes sense in terms of the story, but it's always irked me that everything was seemingly resolved after Ozai lost. It just doesn't seem plausible from a diplomatic view.