I miss good Avengers and Justice League stories

I miss good Avengers and Justice League stories.

When are Hickman and Johns returning?

>good Avengers
Lady, you're really on a roll tonight.

>Not Busiek

user please.

Geoff"lol what do you mean plot threads need answers"johns justice was good

>even the failed filmmaker agrees

Johns was pure shit, his league was terrible. The Darkseid war threads at the end usually died really fast, he did everything wrong, not even the 5 Johnsfags here could defend it anymore

>good Avengers
I wouldn't call it outright bad but it was still vastly underwhelming every single time I jumped in. Feels like the man buckled under the weight of his own ego.
What said. Much better character development, much better continuity usage.

Hickman's Illuminati book was his better book

But I will forever remember him as a hack for settling the BP/Namor beef off panel

>the 5 Johnsfags here
Obviously, a 95% of Johns fans are too intelligent to come to this board.

Please be bait

Geoff Johns' run on Justice League was so baffling that i couldn't understand how he could write such a good Hal Jordan in the Green Lantern solo while turning Hal into a joke character in the JL.

No they stay at reddit to circle jerk his cool one page moments"those were for charity,Beware my power,A god dies etc" while ignoring his bad retcons,weak endings,poor use of supporting casts and dropping plot bombs he' ll never answer (what was the job Capt cold was on,What happened to the metal men,Was death/flash literally just there to job,where is plastic man etc).Johns green lantern was good cause he answered questions his league was terrible

But Johns is a dumb writer.

>visits reddit and Sup Forums
Nice no-life, bro.


Hickman was good but I don't think Johns followed through on enough of his concepts. Rebirth was more enjoyable than any of his justice league.

Do. You understand that by always posting the same accusation, thinking everyone that post against Johns is the DC bendis guy you replaced him as the DC bendis guy in this board?

Fucking Johnsfags, you guys are retarded.


Some of that run was ghost written. Johns had a byline but nothing about the fist couple of arcs felt like they were written by him.

There's literally no proof of that, and given how shitty the rest of the run was and how terrible Darkseid war was there's absolutely no reason to believe that lie/excuse that some Johnsfag in this board come out with to free Johns from guilt.

>ghost written
By who?

Why so scared of Johns fans? Did they laugh at your tastes or something?

> settling the BP/Namor beef off panel
are you stupid

he stabs namor on the life raft and strands him between earth and ultimate-earth

How new are you in this board?

>still visiting Sup Forums

worst comment off all time right here

Nice grammar. As expected of a Hackmanfag.

Just answer, how can't you not know why Johnsfags are hated?
If something it's good it's thanks to Johns, if something is bad they will blame others, the very same question you were asking was one of those things, no one ghost wrote JL, one Johnsfag in this board tried to spam that, there's no rumors of Lee doing it outside Sup Forums, literally no reason to think someone did it.

go read squirrel girl fagoot

>why aren't you spending your whole life in Sup Forums like me?
I won't answer; I want you to have insomnia tonight.

Eww no.

i really don't remember anything from John' JL except for all the great tie-ins it had, and Cold working for Luthor that never panned out to anything

>good at at writing Justice League stories

>Good JL stories
>Not Morrison
>Not Giffin
>Not Waid

The hell is wrong with people.

>no Kelly listed

What the hell is wrong with you

I enjoyed the hell out of his GL run and I've only read about the first 3 trade of his Justice League run. Does it get that bad?

That's because hardly anything happens in his JL stories. He draws everything out to an excruciating degree. The first issue of New 52 Justice League has seven heroes on the cover, but it's all just Batman and Green Lantern bickering at each other for 20 pages.

>Mention one good Justice League writer
>That means the rest of them are shit
fuck sake, mongo

fuck you hickman's avengers was good fun and exciting. i liked the overarching plot, altough he missed a few points here and there and forgot to explain some shit along the way but it was solid. plus he was kind of coerced by marvel to do the finale like this because marvel wanted their all new nower marvel reboot for the nth time and wanted a battle royale with all popular characters from across the universe to boost sales. not hickman's fault for how it all turned out but he steered the ship right as long as he could
johns did write some bad shit but overall he was kinda good as well. an example would be rebirth #1 but also some arcs in green lantern and in the new52 JL

>hickman's avengers was good fun and exciting


Yeah, no.


>not including Gerard Jones, who has the same tastes as us

>what did he mean by this ?

>good Justice League writer
Tripfags, when will they learn?

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

did you stop reading there?

It actually gets better after that point. Around Forever Evil.

Protip: every time Johns start a run, his first arc is usually the weakest; then he starts improving. The same happened in his GL. So start reading from #7 onwards.

Fuck off John's JL was garbage. Didn't read Hickman's Avengers so I can't comment on that.

I enjoyed Hickman's Avengers as well. Buisick's run has too many itty bitty panels, and too much text, even compared to Stan Lee, and is far to focused on repairing all the shit done by previous writers. And Triathlete... Lol.
Stern's Avengers is the best.

Pro tip, his JL was garbage outside of some forever evil issues and Atlantis.

Everything I read by Johns seems to share the "danger from within the ranks if the heroes" plot element. It pervades his JSA run; it's the backbone of of IC and even Forever Evil is just alternate versions of the Heroes.

Thor looks so lame with his helmet on.

>Stern's Avengers is the best.
Yeah Roger Stern was the best writer at Marvel when it came to trying to match Lee's tone but update the writing

Great runs on Avengers, Captain America, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. Also a good Superman writer

Make me, bitch.

No Johns is just bland garbage for continuity and character fags. His greatest accomplishment was competency

and don't try so hard; you might break.

I just finished his Spider-Man omni. I need to check out his Cap run next.

I said it was bad, not that you can't like bad comics. Johns JL is a bad run. It was a waste of almost 5 years and not only limitated other writers, but also didn't pay off. You can like it, but you can't pretend or argue that it's good.

Nah, I like to see you cry. John's JL is objectively good.

Don't forget Iron Man too

People only give Busiek credit for that run for some reason

Hickman hat great promise, but dragged on to long and never delivered, IMHO. Take a look at Busiek for something older and the last run on New Avengers for something related to Hickmans run, but, more fun.

>I miss good Avengers and Justice League stories.

>When are Hickman and Johns returning?

Wow, two completely unrelated sentences.

>he stabs namor on the life raft and strands him between earth and ultimate-earth

and then they meet on battleworld off panel and are totally cool.

>replying to a tripfag
>calling him an user

They had a job to do with everything they've ever fought for being wiped from existence

This fucking thread whining about Hickman as if he isn't the greatest avengers writer since busiek and the greatest FF writer of all time

Shitman pls

Now you're just trying too hard.