ITT: characters who are literally you

ITT: characters who are literally you.

For me it's Rick - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

for me, its sheev
intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
also dubs


HOLY SHIT AHAHA I'm flying high as a kite right now, holy shit man! Hahahaha fucking drugs dude SMOKE SOME FUCKING WEED ALREADY ya dingus, ya wippersnapper, get high and jack OFF!

damn, I'd also say im rick haha.

Main guy in Taxi Driver.



For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

As a red blooded English man I fell upon the duty to fix your mayo infested sandwich, thank me later savage

For me it's Sup Forumstard - dumb, shit-poster, racist, LARPING, HATES WOMEN, NEET and with a REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NORMIES

I heard Moon Man likes to suck balls.

For me, it's Ray: intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

For me, it's Alt-Right: REEEEEEEE, SJW, SJW, KEK, REEEE, SUCK, SJW, TENDIES, Sup Forums, NAZI-LARP, and MAGA

You heard wrong

Whatever this is. This character is me in a nutshell. I'm just too quirky!

I call them Vladposters now that we know Russia is actually shilling. Some dumb Vlad is living the dream. Getting rubles to shitpost on Sup Forums, drink vodka, and buy russian prostitutes that he gets AIDs from. Do they have tendies in Russia?

For me it's comrade Cody 24/7 shitposter extraordinaire. Setup in his state funded command centre, surrounded by left wing literature and ready to drop his kekistani folder at a moments notice.

That looks like a guy who sucks balls

>Do they have tendies in Russia?
Da, they are called grblyzek and they are basically onions in your peanut butter, except made with horse chestnuts. Is delicious.

For me, it's Ainsley
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor


image being this much of an autist


>kekistan = left wing



>onions in horse chestnut butter
No wonder they shit-post for money on Sup Forums

>Ron Paul Picture
>Hitler picture

lmao, this nazi LARPER thinks he is a libertarian. Real nazis would have banned memes, and taken away your guns, moron

For me it's Boyega - intelligent, rich, fucks all the white women, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

For me it's Cheetara. Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

Intelligent, Central and with a wicked sense of Agency

>le evil nazis would take away your memes


it's a mirror lol

For me, it's Skeet. A hard working man who believes hard work by the rules, is what earns reward

Fuck off, Justin.


A disturbed soul


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

For me, it's Pennywise: intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

what is it about shoulder straps that look so cool?

You're evil

I hate that I have to hide the fact that I watch the show now

If Peter Capaldi isn't cast as Rick for the Movie version, I refuse to watch it.

Good post
