The most beautiful man in the world has been a vegan for decades

>the most beautiful man in the world has been a vegan for decades
Why are you still a retarded meat eating savage? This is why you're so ugly and girls hate you


Angelina Jolie picked her Asian son over Brad Pitt
His biological children are transgender

>Angelina Jolie picked her Asian son over Brad Pitt
Well bon fucking voyage for her, she's old and titless

If the most beautiful man would jump off the roof, I wouldn't follow him in that either.

>not eating meat is like suicide!

Tom Cruise is a vegan?

james franco is a vegan?

It literally is scientifically proven to be unhealthy as fuck. Enjoy your decaying teeth, brittle bones and myatrophy. Also, newborn children will literally die or grow severely ill if their mother who breastfeeds them is a vegan. That should tell you all about the validity of your diet.

If God wanted people to be vegan, why did he make meat taste so good?

those fucking humans, just want to eat what they are biologically programmed to eat
fucking disgusting


*tips fedora*

being an hedonist in 2017

>crying like a bitch if some dog gets hurt but not giving a single fuck about chicken, pigs and cows being tortured every day of their lives and slaughtered so you can be an overweight piece of shit
Hypocrisy is disgusting, it's nigger-tier degeneracy, you're lower than a nigger

Vegans monitor theit diet unlike most people. It's actually more beneficial to be a meat and dairy consumer who also watches their diet

>all animals are equal
>when you think you're an edgy nazi but you're actually a libcuck

>all animals are equal
Yes. Good, this is the first step towards being something other than a literally retarded neckbearded faggot

boy you sure do love your meme words huh

if you think all animals are equal shouldn't you be against veganism? You'd kill a lot more insects/rodents using land to grow & harvest plants than with domesticated animals.

James Franco being considered handsome will forever mystify me.

BBQ is just too good mang.

So I watched this short video of Steve O showing how animals are treated on farms, a little piglet got his tail cut off and the sounds he made will haunt me for days. Shit, I was almost crying, but I like eating meat. How do we reconcile this bros?

not to mention all the rodents and snakes that get torn to pieces by tractors and harvesters.

Buy your meat from a local butchery that gets it from local farmers. Also, do you seriously believe it is the standard that farm workers are all sociopaths torturing animals for fun during their lunch break? Those are the shocking exceptions. 99% of the time, it's all a straight, procedural workflow according to animal cruelty guidelines and everything and any employee found wasting time doing shit like that would be fired instantly.

>Those are the shocking exceptions. 99% of the time, it's all a straight, procedural workflow according to animal cruelty guidelines and everything and any employee found wasting time doing shit like that would be fired instantly.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me

but thats outright lies. Why do you lie on internet? To justify growing your man tits by eating hormone boosted shitmeat?

>the vegan managed to type with his remaining strength. After a power-nap and a healthy dose of tofu, he will deal with the remaining vile meat-eaters left in the thread.

Seconding getting your meat from a local butcher though. The difference in quality is amazing.

Not an American, but I do love meat. I also eat vegetables, so I do believe in mixed diet, but if you don't have some underlying medical reason that prevents you eating something, I see no reason to sway into totalitarianism in eating habits.

I'm not the retard you're responding to, but you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You need to feed an animal for their entire lives WITH CROPS in order to eat it later. Meat is just about the most ineffective method of getting food, and takes MUCH more land than agriculture.

By developing a defined moral guideline instead of basing your actions on whatever you happen to feel at the moment.
Dedicate time into thinking what's right and wrong and then decide whether you should eat animals

I thought bitch-tits are the stereotype of the vegan due to all the estrogen they consume from soy and beans and stuff? Meat is actually by far the food item that boosts your testosterone the most, especially red meat.

I don't give a fuck about eating meat, since we're meant to do that and it tastes great. But do we have to be so cruel with animals? It's downright psycophathic, why be such fucking assholes? Because we can?

It's an industry like any other. On the clock animal torture sessions don't make the owner who runs the place any money so why would they be tolerated, let alone a normal occurence?

>ou need to feed an animal for their entire lives WITH CROPS in order to eat it later.

So what would those cows and pigs you're so concerned with eat in your perfect vegan world? You'd just let them starve to death?

MFW I havent eaten meat for 15 years and I'm still getting I.Ded (In the UK where you need to be 18 to buy alcohol) at the age of 31.
I'm not a preachy vegetarian but I do think its done me some good because I'm doing fuck all else to look after this beautiful wrinkle free skin.

That's probably just baby face genetics. I'm 20 but everyone thinks I'm 16

huh brad pit always looked like shit and its all due to his drug abuse.

you aren't supposed to be wrinkly at 31 to begin with. anyone who is either has shit genes, had a hard life, or did a lot of drugs/alcohol/smoking in the prior decades.

veganism is autistic, just eat a balanced diet like a normal human bean