How was Hank in the right here?

How was Hank in the right here?

How is throwing an autistic fit over not sitting in his preferred pew, and then extorting his minister lol female clergy into letting him have the seat there from now on a good thing?

Any other examples where Hank is objectively in the wrong?

Hank is the king, he's never in the wrong.

Coal is fucking great

can't argue with those digits.

FUCK I meant charcoal

>Charcoal is good
Fucking Thathertonposters

He wasn't. He rarely ever was.

At the very least, its the best way to cook a pizza

Nah this was actually one of the few instances where Hank was outright wrong.

Coal is objectively better than propane. Propane makes burgers taste too bland. Hank using propane is just an extension of his boring, take no risks, personality.

There are many instances where Hank (and Peggy for that matter,) would effectively be wrong in a general sense, but the very specific circumstances of the situations ended up proving them right.

In Hank's case, it was usually because he disapproved of something because he felt it was "asinine." In Peggy's case, it's just because she's a bitch with her head up her own ass.

Back to Hank, for example, the time Bobby could have pursued a career in husky modeling. It was a pretty good opportunity overall, and, while Bobby certainly tends to get his mother's big head when it comes to these things (he obviously was very uncomfortable by the Hollywood atmosphere of the backstage area,) he was only proven right when Dooley and some other kids started hucking donuts at the fat kid models.

Or like the time Bobby got interested in church because of the XTREME youth group with the pastor that had dreadlocks and played rock. Hank's traditionalist values were the main thing bothering him, but Bobby relented in the end, because it was framed as though Hank was afraid Bobby would grow out of these things, and church overall, as a fad.

While Hank is a very moral man, he's also a very ~loyal~ man, which is why he would defend, even enable, the degeneracy of Buck Strickland, or go so far as to break the law in the name of propane and eating trans fats.

Not only is charcoal better, but Hank was an autistic fuck for getting butthurt over his family preferring it over propane.

Thatherton doesn't deal in charcoal though.

>trans fats

i can't believe someone other than a straight up restaurant owner would defend that shit

trans fats are flavorless, odorless, bland and uniquely unhealthy. anything that is fried in it becomes plasticky and equally flavorless. i can honestly say that trans fats ruined junk food in the late 90s and early 2000s. literally any other kind of oil confers so much more flavor and the right kind of fried texture. transfats are fucking garbage.

It is the only way to cook a pizza.

He also eats BURGERS rare (or medium rare) which is not how you cook a burger. It's just raw in the middle that way.

"Government can't tell you what to do" mindset.

Bitch don't you go insulting the Medium Rare burger.

The later season episode where he leads a camping expedition and doesn't give ADHD meds to kids who genuinely need them

Wasn't that entirely because the parents didn't fucking tell him about the kid's medical needs

The dad told him the sons dont play video games and don't eat sugar. Hank and the dad were equally in the wrong because they both thought they knew best for other peoples kids.

Sugar is 100% bullshit in terms of hyperactivity compared to other carbohydrates.

Real men dont' have to be right.


fuck propane

>propane pizza
that exists?

Yeah, but if someone was watching your kids, you tell them about their medical needs. That guy was a prick.

Maybe if you're a dumb faggot who only eats McDonalds cheeseburgers. Go somewhere like Slaters and get a gourmet burger. Medium to Mid Rare is the standard.