This was the best issue yet

this was the best issue yet.

i'm enjoying the book

>Maybe it will fade out eventually

That's not how that works.

He's a fucking kid. What does he know?

Did it get storytimed at all?

The issue where they fended off an Arab warlord was storytimed. It was agreed all around to be retarded.

>the sensation of going all out without worrying anything
Except all the marine life you're fucking killing, dumb mutie.

energy is coming from somewhere, its going to run out eventually. whether or not it kills him when it does is a different matter.

no one above the water gives a shit about a planet sized toilet-graveyard-allyoucaneatbuffet.

What if punch dimension resources are unlimited?


I just thought of something.
Let's say, the dimension Scott pulls the lazer from is limited, and he eventually runs out. If past Scott comes to the future, does he get a new reserve, or would he just tape into the same one that Cyclops has been using?

Tell that to Na
Yeah what he said.

Yeah I'm suprised Waid slipped on that. Like didn't at least say something about the tropical sun giving Scott extra power or something

Die, shill. Not even Gwenpool can make me buy this atrocity.

I'm pretty sure the O5 are from a different timeline, so it wouldn't affect 616 Scott.

It's concussive force that isn't enough to kill. Scott doesn't blow holes in people. And it's not like fish wouldn't move away from the disturbance

>It's concussive force that isn't enough to kill
even youngclops might be able to to do more than push people at max power. But yeah, the fishes would run away.

Namor's not going to like this.

So, do all Cyclopses from all dimension use the same laser dimension?

If Cyke's blasts are concussive physical force rather than say heat rays or lasers, does that mean they're made of matter and have a physical form? Can they be repelled or broken with a stronger physical force? Could you punch his punch beams and shatter them?

He is supposed to be 18. He and Jean are the same age and she was going to college at the start of EXM.


What part of PUNCH DIMENSION is hard?

>I like you. You like me?
So is it time to add Kamala to Scott's harem?

Other way around.

Implying Jean didn't just mind rape her way into collage as a teenage prodigy. But still, he's an 18 year old kid, what the fuck does he know? it's not like all of his memories flooded his mind when he came to the present.

Emma will take care of that

What's with the S&M aesthetic of the Hellfire club?

That does not look like an 18 yr old.

It's one of the multiple Claremont fetishes.

I wish I got paid and adored for flaunting my fetishes in the faces of kids who read comics.

>Emma implants the memories of old Scott in his younger self
Wow, I never knew how much I wanted this, it's such a perfect heel move, goddamm.

We should ask good ol' Dan for some advice.

If his optik blasts have no recoil, how is it moving the raft?



And he's not even positioned in a way that would move the whole raft.

Granted, North Atlantic solar radiation is much less than nearer th etropics.

>Scott's balls are so huge they make their own cameltoe.

He didn't slip, Cyke is just speaking out loud because he's unused to using his powers like this due to his inexperience. Obviously we know from decades of comics it doesn't work like that, but he doesn't. When exactly did Scott get his powers explained? And it's probably some youthful optimism.

Really hope there's a journalist hanging around somewhere
>Cyclops admits to finding murdering endangered fish "relaxing". Always destined to be Hitler?

There are threads about gay Bobby every months. And in Marvel's deluded mind contravercy=sales. As long as you talk about it, it stays. As long as you hate O5, they stay.
I, however, would prefer OldBobby and OldHank to die and O5 to be aged.
>YoungClops gets OldClops memories poured into his mind by Emma, now he's her teenage fuckboy.
>Young Warren gets arrested for impersonating his old self and abusing fortune that's clearly not his own. Raped to death in prison.
>Young Hank mutates to his blue self, now he's GoodHank.
>Young Jean goes to prison for assaulting Karnak.
>Young Bobby gets his own containment book about him and his Inhuman boyfirend Romeo that flops hard.

Yeah a few days back. It wasn't anything tragically awful this time around. Just the usual forgotten characterization and lack of anything good.


Die, Gwenpoolfag

It was still mediocre desu

I think for modern marvel is fine

>this was the best issue yet.
Pish. Not enough Virtue Signaling, famalam! I give it 3/5 #WOKEs.

I'm just sticking around for that hawt Viv on Gwen action!

She's yet another Marvel female genius user.

You first, Championsfag

>>Emma gets Rightclops back and gets to fuck him in his barely legal young body


>lgtb representation
>more important than good writing
Fuck all of you.

Dubs confirm, praise kek

I want to see him use it to fly.

>shooting at the top
>icebergs are bigger hidden under the sealine
>ship will crush in te deadlier underwater part

I know its just comic logic or lack of artist to draw it better.
But this logic triggers me.

Icebergs being massive underneath probably wasn't well known by the general populace when that was written. It says it suddenly drifted into the path, like icebergs aren't relatively slow

Probably it wasnt.
But even considering that. It triggers me.
At least im not triggered that much that i start a facebook rant or making a tumblr post.

Good representation and good writing do go hand in hand. It's a matter of good character writing.

Representation does not result in good writing. It actually shoves you out of the story. You lose immersion. Unless that's the goal, I do not see why you would shoehorn a character into a story just for her sexual orientation.

I'm going to save this and post it when Waid puts his "right" version in. It probably will be hilariously bad and will ruin one or few characters.

Will Laura show up in Champions? and will Tyke finally get that booty?

No they're from the same timeline which is evident by teenage Scott temporarily dying and Adult Scott disappearing from existence.

Can't stop the punch dimension!

It was the least worst issue. Still not that good. Just get ready for lesbo Viv!

>forced interracial bullshit
>they don't even try to hide it

the energy heats the water, which flashes to steam and expands

>ooh yes Tyrone tear my butthole in half with your horse dong


>Will Laura show up in Champions?

Sure, why the fuck not, might as well throw her to the sjwolves and forget she ever existed at this point.

Haven't read comics in years.
What the fuck is an inhuman? Why are they against Mutants? Is that Scott? If yes, why is he a kid? Is every X-men a child now? I'm so confused.

>Haven't read comics in years.
>What the fuck is an inhuman?

What? Pls give summary. Don't wanna look up and read paragraphs of their introduction, lore, alignment, goals, and open up 30 tabs of characters I've never heard of.

Dude the Inhumans were introduced in like the 60s

A human-Kree hybrid race that sprang from an ancient weapons program.
They have formed a stable eugenics-obsessed monarchy and were introduced decades ago, but seldomly interacted much with Earth.
In the light of the recent struggle over Mutants movie rights they were pitched against the Mutants in order to downplay the X-Men because company wars.
This is now culminating in a giant fight between them that makes little sense and is written like shit because they started with a premise but then spent years writing shit that just does not amount to the fixed outcome.
The X-Men we see as teens have been displaced in time because comics.
Really, don't even ask.
Also the ice guy is gay now. Because Jean said so.

I'm old
I'm just retarded then and never heard of them. How are they not Mutants?

Mutants abilities randomly pop up.

Inhumans have to be exposed to Terrigen crap. Inhumans also used to have a high chance of becoming a horrifying monstrosity but that seems to have been forgotten or purposely ignored.

They are just normal people until they come in contact with Terrigen mist. The substance triggers their transformation which does something you can never really foresee, much like Mutants. But they built a religion around it.
Also Terrigen gives Mutants space aids cancer and Black Bolt, wise king that he is, unleashed a global cloud of the stuff, basically genociding the Mutants.
And now Cyclops is bad because he saved the Mutants by ending the cloud's stranglehold on the globe...
Also all of humanity is laced with people who have Inhuman genes in them, but if the factor is weak or they are sick they often don't survive the transformation process.
And few people find it easy to accept the more obvious gifts of the mist.
Unless you are Auran. Because Auran is totes hot.

Inhumans are dumb

You've never heard of Black Bolt?

I haven't read comics in a year butCylcops is never trulyinc haracter unless he is getting cucked or killing inhumans.

This isn't my Cyclops.

>i'm enjoying the book
how much does marvel pay you?

What's his name again?