He's done it. This is the most confusing comic I have ever read

He's done it. This is the most confusing comic I have ever read.

It isn't particularly confusing, the point is that pop-science is bullshit.

How so?

I understand it well enough, and I'm a layman.

Great! Could you explain it in technical terms?

it's already explained in technical terms, the theoric explanation would take several volumes of neverending pages

I still don't get it.

It's a joke about the Sex Talk?

Is this the Sex Talk?

first time i bothered to read that, what a waste

I like it.

Can you summarize for us

I;ve always wondered, but I could never finish it

military sci-fi horror rpg short campaign epilogue.

dead space 1&2 fanfic

The tl;dr is basically those and If you want more details:

>guy was part of a military team tasked with guarding a secret planet with oil
>one day everything turns off, and everyone starts having nightmares and going crazy
>this goes on for months, until a one-digit group is left out of 600 people
>one day, a dude falls from the sky trying to rescue them, but his ship also went dark
>turns out he's one of the responsible people for the planet being what it is
>the planet was actually an Earth-like planet, though smaller, that got nuked and time-compressed by the galactic government to make oil from the biomass of the living beings there, and maybe the nightmares were from the ghosts of those beings haunting on the people there
>some black ops team comes down to kill everyone, but the nightmares fuck them up and the survivors kill em all
>the survivors manage to escape through contrived means and go back to Earth while the dude that came to tell them what happened went to face the ghosts
>cue last four panels

That's as best I can do to summarize the story.

>Cartoonist inserts long-winded story into comic, taking up almost half the panel space
>"I Ain't Reading" starts playing

I don't get this one.

You can't interact with dark matter.

Don't pander to the faggots who won't bother reading it. Fuck them. Plebeian scum.

Shit. I giggled.

Ah, I see.

Though I read it as being an interactive exhibit on dark matter, rather than an exhibit on interactive dark matter.

This was way more entertaining than xkcd and Subnormality, so forget you, OP

And, he couldn't draw all that because...?

it really is confusing

but the guy pumps out 7 a week every week so as far as I'm concerned he can have a weird ass one that only he finds funny every now and then

From another layman:
You get a bit that does an extra new way of computing that isn't merely exponential, but in a new different order of numbers. People who say they are making qubits are just lying, and it's not because of the size that is hard for it to isolate, but because more mass, even in well-isolated conditions, behaves differently and is subject to more interference.
Quantum physics are still hard as fuck to comprehend but at least you can ignore people bullshitting quantum computers in the close future as they are not ready yet, they can be barely used for some specific stuff now and still need lots of calculations and testing.

Is there a joke somewhere in this mess of a comic?

No, merely a humorous situation.

You lay men?

It makes things needlessly convoluted by sneaking in random techno babble. The goal is to confuse and obfuscate and/or make people feel smart by understanding what is actually a very simple concept. It discourages actually learning by making people think they're smart enough because they understood a very poorly phrased explanation.