Riley has been stunned, dragged into a dark alley and tied to a lamppost

Riley has been stunned, dragged into a dark alley and tied to a lamppost.

i wish i were a woman. the though of being raped excites me

I think prisons have visiting hours

this is whats called a delusion. this user isn't excited about the idea of being raped. user is excited about the idea of having sex...any sex at all. user would probably be excited about sucking off a giant squid or getting reamed by a dick shaped rock. we should feel pity for this user. let us pray that user has sex in the near future so this ...and possibly rock and squid focused delusions... will subside soon.

> Dark Alley
>LAMP post

Immersion ruined

the lamp post could be broken

Goldberg shows up, hits a rib-crushing spear on the kidnapper, then Jackhammer piledrives them on the pavement before untying Riley, putting a towel over her, and asking if she's okay.

Does she have to eat all the eggs?

And I was summoned to free her and find whoever beat her up to battle them with a sword.

The enemy will die by my blade.

Then finally, break the fourth wall and tell OP to delete this.

But Goldberg is one of the kidnappers.

Killer Queen has already touched that Riley

No,but she has to have all the seggs.

I aready touched that Killer queen.

Is Vince Russo booking this or something?

No, Riley is on a lamppost not a poll

I'm not saying he is, but David Arquette just became world champion....

Where's the full image?

Maybe David Arquette is the kidnapper.

> not being excited about sucking off a giant squid
Where do you think you are?

user, everything is about sex except sex.

Sex is about power.

he has a change of heart

Go on.

Well that's just fucked